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Kerri 4 - CMMorridin/Observer (~BBW, Eating, Romance, Intrigue. ~SWG )

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Oct 9, 2005
~BBW, Eating, Romance, Intrigue, ~SWG – Kerri is in an ocean that she thought was only a pond, but manages to keep swimming


Initial concept By CMMiroddin
Amplification and Continuation by The Observer

[Click here for prior chapter]

CHAPTER FOUR – An identity exposed

Jamie wasn’t a feeder. Nor was he after Kerri’s money. As heir to an eight figure fortune and in line to eventually run the firm his great-grandfather started, he had no time for fetishes and no need to be a gold digger. But he did have a taste for women who were both larger, intelligent and a tad independent.

Jan was right in saying Kerri at 160 was not his usual taste. But her thirty pound freshman gain, with apparently no concern or intent of stopping, told him that she wasn’t going to stay just mildly plump. His job, if he could get past his own emotional loss, was to win her trust.

On the appointed Saturday Jamie picked her up in an understated late model two door Buick. In Kerri’s circle this generally meant “this guy’s family has resources but doesn’t want to flaunt them."

They went as planned to the Black Angus, a moderately priced restaurant for him but one of the most elegant Kerri had ever been to. She let him take the lead on the appetizer. He suggested as an appetizer their grilled garlic flat bread, a dish brushed with garlic butter and topped with char-grilled fillet mignon, caramelized onions, and a blend of jack, cheddar, and bleu cheeses.

They ate this leisurely, then moved to selections from the salad bar and a bowl of baked potato soup while waiting for the main course. Ordering the steakhouse dinner for two they got to split both a fillet Mignon and a top sirloin cut plus a vegetable medley and a baked potato apiece. By stretching this over the better part of two hours he hoped room would room remain for a jointly shared apple cobbler and cream dessert.

It was a rare evening when Kerri, even with her expanded stomach capacity, felt truly stuffed. She in fact had to use a serving box for some of her meal. But the good thing from her view was that for nearly two hours she’d been treated sensitively and royally by someone who wanted to hear what she had to say. Jamie had challenged some of her ideas, but was obviously interested in her, not who her parents were. In fact, she realized, unlike Max he hadn’t even asked. It was she who had noted the strain caused by their fatophobia.

Jamie went home ecstatic. He had touched on culture, foreign events, music, history and religion in the course of the evening and not once had Kerri been dense. To be sure her politics seemed a little populist for his tastes, but she’d never had to deal with unions or meeting a 2000 person payroll. She was, after all, a Freshman with experience in retail sales, not a business major with a chemistry minor.

Jamie was concerned about the fatophobic streak of Kerri’s parents, which had strained relations between them and her sister. He knew he’d be risking things a bit for getting involved with someone outside his economic class, but he thought that could be handled. She was, after all, bright and not some exotic bimbo belly dancer. His parents already knew and had accepted his taste in women of size. In line with his spiritual training he began meditating and picturing harmony in Kerri’s family – parents and daughters respecting one another.

Kerri made a point of talking to Jan the next day.

”You were right ,” she said, ”Jamie was a total gentleman with the interest breadth of Da Vinci. And he paid a sixty dollar bill with cash and left a generous tip. But why would someone as intelligent and with resources such as him focus on me?”

Jan laughed. “You’re neither dumb or ugly, Kerri. And you were a damsel in distress when you caught his interest. Just be yourself and see how it plays out.”

Kerri nodded at this obvious wisdom. But what did it mean to ”be herself?” Talking and eating up a storm were easy things, but they didn’t really reflect the essence of Kerri – just her rebellion against fatphobic domination by her parents. It was fine that she hadn’t blown the evening and he’d suggested sharing some lunches this next week, but what other than that? They needed, she realized, to share some activities and interests. But what?

Jamie was thinking along similar lines. He made up a list of 40 some potential activities, from balloon rides to museums to folk dances to movies. This he separated into groups of five. Monday at noon, as Kerri devoured a pastrami combo with a piece of apple pie, he told her that for the next eight weeks she would be asked to select one event from the five for that week., If she had any preferences of her own he’d spread them over the lists as well.

Kerri agreed to this proposal and over the next eight weeks the two had a great time. But as she prepared in mid June to fly home for the Independence Day weekend she started fretting about what was now her 38 pound gain since September.

“I’m at least borderline fat by now – my parents are going to have a cow.”

“Didn’t you think about that months ago?”

“A little – but maybe not enough. I just wish now that you could be there!” she complained. “But I realize that’s totally impractical.”

“Oh I don’t know. If you really mean it, I probably could be, ” he volunteered.

“Oh sure, like you’re made of money and can just bang half way across the country on a whim.”

Jamie thought of the company private jet, fully capable of doing just that, and his own pilot’s license, a holdover from his stint in the Air Force, but held his peace. His family wouldn’t abuse its resources like that even though they freely could, so why brag and blow his cover? He would fly commercial carrier if he did this at all.

“Its only about $500 including the rental car – don’t worry. I can handle it without running up my credit card. Exactly where do your parents live?”

“Palos Verde Peninsula”

“Nice area - terrific view of the ocean” he replied. “If I come will you take me to the Petersen Museum?"

”I could, but my Dad would be more impressed by the Autry”

“The western museum? OK – what does he do?”

“He’s a research doctor - but western regalia is a hobby.”

Jamie nodded, but suddenly realized a danger. If her Dad was a physician dealing with research he might associate Jamie's name with one of the family companies, a little matter of lineage he’d managed to keep away from Kerri. His cover could be blown! But he plunged ahead.

“OK, tell your Dad you have a college friend who’ll be in town and may be coming to call. Maybe we should take them out to dinner?”

“Maybe – or invite you to our house, or both. I’ve got to go for now.”

Kerri got up and walked away to her next summer class – richly displaying her growing thunder thighs and broadening hips. Jamie smiled appreciatively but realized her parents wouldn’t share the feeling.

Jamie did some quick research through company channels on Kerri’s parents and whistled lowly. It was worse than risky. Her father was not only a medical researcher, he was serving on several non-profit boards, including one partially funded by one of his family's companies. They had a pending application prepared by Kerri's dad which Jamie found interesting on its merits but difficult personally.

Jamie realized that it could take tremendous pressure off of Kerri if her Dad knew who Jamie really was, but it would mean blowing his cover. He decided to take the risk but do it first himself.

“Kerri,” he told her the next day between classes. We need to talk – can I take you out tonight to a quiet place where you can think. I need to better strategize this thing with your parents.”

“Uh – why?”

“You’ll understand, but I need some time; more than we have right now – what about La Tasca Tapas?”

“The Spanish place in Arlington Heights? Are you trying to add another five pounds for us to deal with?”

“OK- your choice then. I just thought you’d like it”

“Oh I do – I’ve heard of it. Its elegant – and I’ll go. But you take the blame!”

La Tasca Tapas lived up to its name - and Jamie had arranged for them to have a small private room.

“There’s a reason for the privacy,” he assured her. "But let’s eat first.”

Now tapas, in case you’re not familiar with it, is not a cuisine type but a dining style. It is comprised of mini-portions of a variety of dishes, each priced and served individually. Typically a diner will have 2-3 small entrees in a single meal. In this case Jamie and Kerri shared four –

Tortilla Espanola, which is a Spanish omelet with sautéed onions and potatoes,

Canalon Frio de Azun, which is a pasta salad filled with tuna and veggies and topped by a sauce,
patatas bravas, potatoes with rich cayenne sauce,

Pincho de Solomillo con champinones y Cebollitas – which is a grilled brochette of beef tenderloin, mushrooms and pearl onions,drizzled with a Spanish sour cream sauce and served over shoestring potatoe“with bread crumbs and Manchego cheese

Queso de Cabra al Horno– which is herbed goat cheese baked in a tomato basil sauce,served with tomato baguette​

It was this kind of dining extravaganza that had endeared Jamie to Kelli. It was topped off by a dessert of Platanos al Caramelo, which is sautéed banana and homemade ice cream topped with caramel and pistachios.

Kelli enjoyed it all, but knew the private room had a purpose and was filled with curiosity. After the last dish had been taken away Jamie got serious.

“Kerri, you’re a wonderful and beautiful girl. But before we meet your parents there is something you need to know about me. I’ve just learned this week that your Dad may find something out about me –so you need to as well if it comes up. Are you ready for a shocking surprise? One that will almost guarantee their not hassling you about anything”

“What’s that?”

“Part of the funding for your Dad’s work comes from a company my family controls. In a sense, I’m one of his bosses!”

Kerri sat dumbfounded.

“Whaaat,” she stammered.

“I’m not kidding. Schaffer Enterprises last year funded $340,000 of research at your Dad’s medical school, and is up for $400,000 this year – and your Dad is one of the grant committee directors applying for the money. If I wanted to request the favor I could arrange with a simple phone call to sit in on the evaluation meeting. If I did every one of the check signers would be looking at me for a nod or shake of the head.

"Now don't worry. In the name of good business ethics I’m not going to do that, so don’t worry. The project is a good one and will likely be approved – and I’ve no intention of trying to stop it. Still, I think if your Dad knows who his little girl is hanging with you’ll be safe from verbal abuse. That is, if you'll allow me to erect the protective shield.”

“This is serious – for real, you can do this?”

Jamie silently reached inside his coat pocket and pulled out a document.

“There’s a photocopy of the signature page of the application your Dad signed off on – well written I might add, and as I said likely to be approved, or so I’m told.”

Kerri immediately recognized her father’s signature. She’d seen her Dad working on such proposals at home and knew how nervous he sometimes got. Funding that subsidized people’s jobs depended on the way he wrote such things she knew.

“Wow – talk about a shot across the bow! How long have you known this?”

“Since the day after you told me he was in medical research. I had a hunch and called my Uncle. He recognized his name immediately and told me where to review the application; it’s a matter of public record anyway. I’ve asked him not to say anything until I've talked to you first.”

“Yikes – this is an incredible coincidence.”

“And a way of hopefully getting your parents off both you and your sister’s back over your sizes I hope.”

"You sound like they’re potential in-laws or something . . . I’m sorry, that just came out”

Jamie went briefly quiet, a big grin on his face. “I agree its premature, but its nice to know you’re thinking that way. I’ve had the same thought myself before any of this came up. We do make a good team. But you’ve not met my family or they me. And neither of us has finished school.”

“So I’m not just fantasizing to have played with the idea?”

“Its not impossible, not at all - but every statistic says we both need a few years seasoning for best results I hope you agree its best not to rush anything.”

“Realistically, yes – but I never expected anything like this!”

“I think you should just tell them you have a friend who'll be in town when you are and wants to treat them to dinner - I’ll handle the surprise element from this end. Fair enough?’

“Really! I wouldn’t know where to start!”


Two days later Jamie’s Uncle, Bill Schaffer, made a call to Dr. Fielding’s office.

“Good proposal JIm – I think its going to get approved with no problem – but I need to clarify a couple of minor things.’

Dr. Fielding easily supplied the requested information. Then Bill dropped the bombshell. “By the way Jim, do you have a daughter Kerri?

“Yes, why?”

“I have information that she and her boy friend are coming out to LA this Independence day weekend. They are likely going to take you and your wife out to dinner. Please, as a favor, treat him nicely – he’s my nephew, very smart, and someday twenty years down the line likely will be running this outfit. But I doubt your daughter knows that, and for right now doesn’t need to. Its also entirely possible the entire relationship could blow over by graduation.”

“They’re both going to the same school?”

“Yep – and Jamie recognized your name and asked me about you. Kerri sounds like a very smart and wonderful girl. She’s helped Jamie get his sea legs back after his former interest got killed in an accident. You should be proud of her for that – I know I am! I’m sure the whole family will be when they hear of it.”

“Yes, well, thanks for the information. I’ll be nice to them on their visit,” Dr Fielding replied.

Dr. Fielding stood dazed as Bill Schaeffer departed. His fat daughter involved with the heir apparent of Schaeffer Industries – and considered a heroine? He was shaking with emotion, realizing that he and his wife needed to change some of the things they’d been thinking of saying to Kerri over the upcoming holiday. Angering her boyfriend could be devastating to everything he was working on.

Kerri flew in a few hours ahead of Jamie. Neither wanted to give the impression of an overly intense commitment. She simply told her parents a college friend would be in LA on other matters, which was true, and wanted to treat her parents to dinner. But when she got off the plane wearing an attractive size 18 outfit she was pleased when they bit their lips and simply gave her a hug without remarking on her added weight.

That evening over supper they quizzed their daughter about Jamie. She could tell they had been briefed but she played dumb, just discussing his personality and the things they’d shared that year, including the discussion of not getting too involved too soon – even though she hoped it would work out.

“She’s in love – no question about it,” her Mom said afterwards.

“Yes, and now we need to meet this scion who apparently likes fat girls. Because Ann, she is becoming a tub!” Dr Fielding grumbled.

Jamie did not disappoint He took them to a restaurant atop one of the taller skyscrapers in the civic center. There he used his college training to quiz and draw out Dr. Fielding extensively about his Department’s work, while avoiding the specifics of the contract or his own heritage. No familial relationship yet existed, yet both men were anticipating that it someday could be and were sounding each other out.

Dr. Fielding tried snowing Jamie with advanced medical terminology, only to find that Jamie stayed right with him, citing applicable studies from memory and raising questions about unresolved issues. It became apparent the rich kid was no slouch; the other thing that was obvious was the energy and bond between Jamie and Kerri.

“Like it or not, I think we may have just met our future son-in-law,” said Mrs. Fielding when the evening was over.

“Yes, and a smart kid at that. The Schaeffer heritage will likely be in good hands if he runs it. He was asking all the right questions and kept up with me – and I was probing.”

“He seemed to be inviting and enjoying it.”

“Not intimidated at all – a total showoff to prove himself, but he had the kahones to back up his brashness, that’s what impressed me. He actually understood our technology and what we’re trying to do – and how far we have to go. I wouldn’t mind hiring someone that knowledgeable for my staff!”

“Really? So you liked him?”

“He had the class not to even touch on the area his uncle is giving us the money for – even though I’m sure he very much knows about it. He was very much playing me to gain respect for himself as an individual, not for his purse strings. And he succeeded.”

“Well, here's more brash news. Kerri wants us to take him out along with her sister and her husband to meet him. I think the fatties are ganging up on us. Can you handle it?”

“Humph – it appears we may need to. Maybe the prospect of a 300 pound sister-in-law will scare him off, but refusing to accept would be a PR disaster. You’ve been talking to her anyway – so go ahead and make the reservations.”

Kerri had told her sister to expect the invitation – the first since her marriage. At first she’d been reluctant to accept, but after Jamie got on the line she believed it could be done without any major issues and agreed to honor the invitation if it came.

Jamie dominated the evening, getting to know Kerri’s brother-in-law while systematically including everyone else in the conversation. He also brought in Dr Fielding's interest in western lore and wrangled an invitation to the Autry museum. Except for Kerri’s obvious expansion and her sister’s supersize figure it was like any normal evening out. Both sisters were grateful to Jamie as the Dr and his wife drove off.

“A beginning - hopefully it builds,” Jamie observed.

“I can tell you’re not a fatophobe” said Kerri’s brother in law.

“Not in any manner - FA all the way” replied Jamie with a smile, picking up on the obvious nuance of the question.

“But be understanding. They can’t help their ignorance,” he continued. With that Jamie escorted Kerri to his car.

“FA all the way?” she asked once they were alone.

“Code language between men who appreciate larger women” he replied. “It rhymes.”

"And FA means what? Fat admirer?”

“As opposed to fatophobic ignoramus, yes,” he said. “Your parents may learn from our example someday. Until then, they’ll hopefully play nice from now on. I think at least your Mom appreciated the joy in you and your sister.”

Kerri relaxed, “I hope so. Until then, I'll enjoy my days with you while they’re as elsewhere as possible.”

A few days after Jamie and Kerri returned to Chicago Dr. Fielding received a phone call.

“Thanks for taking care of Jamie,” his Uncle said, “By the way, what’s this I hear about an MRI unit in your facility on the fritz?"

“We have a 1996 model that needs about $20,000 in work – did Jamie tell you that?”

“Actually his Dad, my brother, did – and he thinks we can do better than just fund repairs. How about a used 2004 Magna 5 in perfect operating condition?”

“Of course that would be wonderful, but we don’t have any funding even for a used...”

“Delivered and installed as a donation, including any incidental costs. Orders from the top and don’t you dare give me any static.”

Dr. Fielding could only say thank you – the donated unit he knew was worth over a quarter million.

Bill Schaeffer explained that Jamie’s father (the CEO and President of the firm) had told his brother “the equipment is being replaced and is going to be donated to someone somewhere anyway - if Jamie thinks it could be useful there. do it!”

Dr Fielding knew the largesse was payback for his daughter’s beneficial impact on Jamie. And he bowed his head in thanks to the Lord for His mysterious ways.

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