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Knee Replacement - Help Please

Dimensions Magazine

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New Member
Oct 22, 2005
Good morning everyone. Longtime lurker, infrequent poster seeks health-related assistance from the fat community.

I'm only 45, but due to genetics/osteoarthritis and lifelong obesity, both knees are just destroyed and must be replaced. In the meantime, I'm in a wheelchair - my knees can't open/flex all the way due to advancing arthritis, so when I stand up, my knees are bent and I'm in a semi-crouching position. I plan to stay at a rehab hospital after knee-replacement surgery, to take advantage of the frequent P.T. services available there. My goal, obviously, is to walk again!!!!

Anyway, my current surgeon won't do both knees at the same time, saying "that would be too difficult for you." When I ask "but how will I be able to rehab with one straight knee and the other knee still crooked and half-flexed? How can I walk that way?" I get non-answers. My right knee is already twisted sideways due to kyoptic deformity from the arthritis, so it will be done first....I just can't imagine how I'll be able to get out of the wheelchair and walk/rehab/exercise with a surgically straightened right leg and a still-crooked/bent left leg. As a result of his non-answers and generally pessimistic statements and outlook, I've lost confidence in him and am going to find another surgeon.

But first I would like to know if anyone here can offer advice...Is there anyone who's had both knees replaced? Separately or at the same time? How did that work- do you recommend doing it separately or together? How much did you weigh at surgery and what was rehab like at that weight? Were you in a wheelchair before surgery? What did you need assistance with post-surgery, as you recovered? What kind of physical therapy regime did you have? How long was it before you could walk unassisted? Any tips/suggestions/advice on preparing for surgery or rehab? What can/can't you do now, post-surgery, in terms of activity affecting the knees?

Thank you so very, very much! (If you want to share privately rather than on the board, feel free to email me personally at [email protected]).


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