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Last Year's Bikini

Dimensions Magazine

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In Remembrance
Feb 6, 2007
I'm sitting here with my heart pounding, my forehead sweating, and my
hands trembling as I write my fantasy for a "Most Lovely Flower"!!!

It's mid-May, the weather's getting warm, and the time all women
fearfully dread has arrived. Your husband of 10 months is in the basement
working on his latest electronic project and he won't see you go to "That
drawer in the dresser" and get last year's bikini. You've gained 65 pounds
since you married him and while the bikini is tight, you managed to get into
it without too much trouble. As you look at yourself in the full-length bedroom
mirror you see new rolls of fat on your bulging thighs, your belly overflows the
bikini bottom and generously spills over on to your thighs, and your previously
ample breasts overflow the bikini bra by two cup-sizes!!!
Such a sight would stop most women's hearts.......but you've been set
free!!! Tingles and warmth flood your whole body as you caress your thighs,
fondle your lush belly, and caress your errect nipples. With a playful giggle in
your voice you call out to your husband "Honey, I've got something for you
to see!!!"
As you bounce down the basement steps, your eyes meet his and his
face turns red :blush: as he becomes breathless. You can't see it, but his shakey,
stammering voice is audible testimony to the massive errection in his pants!
He assures you that he'll order you a bigger bikini and that you can wear a modest one-piece in public as he casesses your mid-section..........
.........further explicit details deleted!!!
Wickedly Creative,

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