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Nice to meet you beanbag.
Oct 16, 2006
i'm starting this because i don't really have confessions, and don't dare start a blog, but i need to vent. i often do this in my head, but now i'll bore you folks with it.

dear nathan, the ex from another world,

it truly fries my ass to find out that you have a girlfriend. jealousy is what you would say immediately, but it isn't that. we were together for a long time, we were even fucking engaged at one point, i want nothing but happiness for you. it fries me because you still call me DAILY, though i haven't answered in months, and you leave me messages like we're still together. how your day was, what's going on at work, what your buddies are up to, and you never fail to end it with 'love you panda', just like when we were together. i want so bad to be one of your best friends, because i love you and you know me better than almost everyone, but i just don't love you like THAT, it would never work, and you still act like you won't accept that. i've tried talking to you about this numerous times, and it always ends in a screaming match. this poor girl probably has no idea that you keep doing this too. that kills me. i know that you have the potential to be an amazing boyfriend, best friend, and lover, but you've already killed any chances with this girl by still acting this way with me. i hate that you do that. it's been YEARS since it was ended nate, YEARS. she is going to find out, just like the last one, and you will just start the cycle over. grow up, please, even if it's just for the sake of the next girl you get involved with. i'm getting my number changed, because i think it will help.



dear mama,

pay attention to me. talk to me. tell me you love me like you do the boys. don't act like i'm invisible like you have been for the past few weeks. i've done nothing but love you, try to take care of the house as best i can, and i've never asked you for anything, i always provide for myself. yet nothing is ever good enough. this cycle sucks. get along great for a week, tolerate me for a month, act like i don't exist for a month, lather, rinse, repeat. i've never had my heart broken like this. i don't think you realize that besides the boys, YOU ARE ALL I HAVE.

every day i wish harder and harder to float away on the next warm breeze,


dear upper management,

i hope you learned your lesson today. i am but a wee bug at the bottom of the totem pole, i know this, but i will never stand for someone disrespecting me like that. my name is AMANDA, not MIRANDA, i've been doing this for years now, i'm able to run any and every department in the store, and from now on, in order to get respect FROM me, you need to give respect TO me. yelling at me for not being able to see through walls and read minds was but the last straw for me today.



dear flip flops,

i have to wear you to work since my toe is all wrapped up and bandaged, and won't fit in any other shoes. would you kindly not make this sickly farting sound every so often when i step? it's really rather shitty. haha....shitty. but yes, quit it. i've looked everywhere for new ones that won't do this, but every store in this town has shitty flip flops that i refuse to wear.

irritatedly yours,

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