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Life Story - by Dale71395 (~BBW, ~SWG)

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Nov 11, 2006
~BBW, ~SWG - Greg chronicles the weight gain of his wife and her sisters over the years.

Life Story

by Dale71395

My name is Greg. Today is my birthday. I was was born between Christmas and New Years. I turned 68 years old and am retiring this year finally. I lived in Southern California all my life. I was thinking back on my life and thought it might make an interesting story, so here it goes.

I was born into a family of five children, me being the oldest, three boys and two girls. Like all boys when I was growing up I didn’t like girls. Then my opinion changed, like all boys. The boys my friends were always taking about the skinny girls. Not that they were bad looking and I went along with their feelings. But my inner desires were for the chubby girls. I would think of them at night.

I was always very shy around girls and could never get the nerve to ask them out. I filially graduated from high school not ever having a girl friend. I got a job working in an industry not women friendly.

So I still had little time around women. I worked in that industry for about 4 years. When I asked a supervisor for a promotion he said no. So I changed jobs and started driving big rigs across country, not a job where you meet lots of girls. It was tiring work; I drove for an independent truck driver. We drove five hours on and five hours off. When I got home I sleep most of the time to catch up.

Anyway I was working in that industry for about four months when my sister. My youngest sister was still in high school. She had a friend that had a sister that had graduated high school a couple of years ago and had no boy friend. So they set us up on a blind date for us. I was so nervous. I walked to the door and knocked a young girl opened the door. She was my height, about six feet, not a real knockout but was pretty at least in my eyes. She was very skinny but had very big bones. I would say around 150 pounds, thinking back. Her bones probably weight a hundred pounds alone. For me it was love at first sight. She took my breath away when I saw her.

I introduced myself and she said her name was Cathy. So we went out to dinner then the movies. She didn’t say much and neither did I. I did find out that she was the second oldest of four girls. Her parent’s names were Fred and June. Her sister names were Joy the oldest, Grace a seinor in high school and Ann just started the 9th grade. I took her home first giving her my number and I got hers.

The next morning I was up at 4 am to drive the big rig. The owner of the truck got a route from LA to Phoenix and back to La. I drove that route and got home early Friday morning. I was trying to make up my mind to call her when the phone rang. It was her we made arraignments to have dinner again. After hanging up I thought I must have made a better impression than I figured. We went out and had dinner. I told her that next Saturday was my grandpa’s sixtieth-birthday party and I wanted her to go. She said to call her when I got back into town.

When I got into town it was raining. It was around 11:00 am Friday. Cathy said she had school. I gave her a ride she said to pick her up at 10:00 P.M. I went home and fell asleep. The phone rang at 10:15pm waking me up. I looked at the clock and said oh ======. I picked up the phone and said I’m leaving now. She said please hurry. I got there in about 15 minutes she was soaked to the bone and shivering. I apologized at least six times while I drove her home. She said good night and ran for the door. I knew that was that I probably would never see her again.

I was getting ready to go to the party when the phone rang. Cathy asked when she should be ready for the party. I said it started in a couple of hours. She said come over early and meet my folks. I hung up stared at the phone and said wow. I drove to her house and got there early to meet her folks. They were nice people. They ribbed me some for making Cathy wait at school in the rain, so did Grace and Ann I apologized one more time. One thing made me excited was Cathy's mom; she must have weighed 300 plus pounds and right at six feet tall. Grace was very chubby. I thought what potential Cathy had to be my dream girl. When we were talking June said Cathy was the smallest she has ever been.

The party was a big. I was born and raised in Southern California, so were my parents and their parents. You could imagine how many people, there a huge crowd. My mom and we all started taking pictures of family groups made sure Cathy was involved in the pictures.

The first time I kissed her she was washing dishes in the kitchen. I walk by and kissed her on the neck. Later she said that she had goose bumps on her whole body and she knew that I was her man. We started spending all our time together over the weekends. She would stay the night but we had no sex; looking back I am glad we waited. I was thinking of her all the time. Driving a big rig at three in the morning not much else to do.

I got home from driving still stinking not having a shower I asked her to marry me. She said no. I drove home we had to leave early the next day. So I was thinking it was all over between us. When I got home I was thinking about calling and thought no. The phone rang it was Cathy she said how come you didn’t call. I said I thought it was over between us. She said no I’m not ready, ask me later and we will see.

In the meantime I had a falling out with the truck driver. I got my old job back. So we were spending a lot more tome together.

It was getting close to Christmas so Cathy agreed to come to Christmas with my very large family before hers. We stayed there and opened presents. On the way to her house she told me she felt like she was part of the family. When we got to her house I finally got a chance to meet; Joy she was as tall as the rest of the girls. Her legs were very thick and she wore shorts. It was hard not staring at her what a beautiful girl she was.

After a couple of months I asked Cathy to marry me again; she said yes. We were marred in a big church with the huge ceremony and reception. We went on our honeymoon an apartment right on the beach. We had already moved into an apartment we went there after.

She started taking the pill and we had sex whenever we wanted, which was all the time. One day she went to get her hair done and the paper they were using on the curlers was changing color. She said Cathy must be on the pill. When she got back she threw away the rest and said no more sex until she was fitted for a diaphram. We waited until she was fitted then we started having sex again. Two months later she told me she was pregnant. We were both excited.

She never had morning sickness. After she went to the doctor he said she was made more having babies nice wide hips with big bones. She went through the nine months with no problems and the child was born. Our first was a boy we named him Joseph.

She had put on thirty pounds. She was able to lose most of it to stay just as she was before we got married.

We had the normal wait after childbirth before we had sex again. She was using the diaphram again and we were timing our lovemaking so she would not get pregnant again. After nine months she had the good news again. I’m pregnant. She stopped nursing Joseph then. He was eating solid food anyway. At that time we new something was wrong with Joseph after many doctor visits he was diagnosed with autism.

The same routine she had no problems during pregnancy except her cravings were unusual. I had to go find strange food requests at three am in the morning. Most was some oddball ice cream. Her back was bothering her more. She came home from a check up and the doctor said she was putting on to much weight. It gave me some rest at night not having to run for cravings any more. Our first daughter was born we named her Mary.

While we were very busy with our quick family,we spent a lot of time at her mothers where I could watch the other girls in the family. Grace had graduated from high school and had lost some weight. Ann was a skinny as a rail. Ann had met a boyfriend, Jack and was spending all her time with him. Joy was out of the country working.

Mary was the best baby you could ask for. Started sleeping through the night after 1 week. With little crying, Cathy was heavy after the delivery and was trying to lose the weight she had gained. It took a lot longer this time. After a year she was complaining about not losing more weight. I keep reassuring she would look fabulous no matter what her weight was.

When it came when we could have sex again she said no. She wanted me to get a vasectomy. I was slow in getting it going but she held true to the no sex thing for a couple of months. Then she started giving in once a month. Then it happened again. She was pregnant she said I must have magic sperm or she was very fertile. This time she made the appointments and I had the procedure done. This time it was another girl, Beth.

In the mean time Ann got married to Jack and they moved to Texas because of his job, and her family was going through crises. Grace was using crystal meth. Her mother through her out of the house and we didn’t see her for some time.

Needless to say Cathy and I were busy. For while we had three kids in diapers at the same time. My job had changed and I had to work very long hours. I would come home sometimes and Cathy would be asleep and I would go to work before she woke up. Things started leveling out and I got to come home earlier and got some time off. Cathy had kept all the weight she had gained and was putting on more and more. After Beth was born Cathy weighed about 170 pounds. It was a slow process. Every month she would put on a couple of pounds. By the time Beth had began kindergarten she was at about 210 pounds nice and soft.

Meantime Ann moved back to Southern California with Jack because of his job and she was still skinny as a rail. Joy would appear once in awhile during the holidays. She didn’t change much. Grace was still by herself; last I had heard she was living in her car.

Time went by. Mary had become very headstrong. Cathy and her would be going at all the time. One day she just left without taking anything. After Beth finished junior high Cathy weighed about 290 pounds. Big hips and butt and her tummy stuck out in front she walked like she was trying to get out of its way a different waddle. She started losing weight and drop down to 250 pounds. The she would be at 290 again. She complained that if was more supported about her losing weight she could get skinny again. I smiled inside and thought no way, you are perfect just the way you are.

When I turned fifty Beth was just starting college. Ann was having her first child. Grace was still nowhere to be found. Mary was still in town. We would see her once in awhile. Her and Cathy made up. Joy's job became based in Southern California.

Bad news was Fred had developed cancer and died. June had a small stroke she was still able to function but was handicapped because of the stroke

Cathy and I moved a block from June to help her out. She had bad knees and could hardly walk. Ann and Jack moved close by June to help keep an eye on her. I would be over at June's house having dinner and Ann would eat a dessert meal and have dessert. Sometimes when at June’s house I would see Ann eating some cookies.

Things changed again Grace straightened herself out - no more drugs. She still smoked but kept that under control. Ann and Jack had a falling out and were getting a divorce. Ann would not get a job to help support them. I later learned that Jack was always putting pressure on Amy to stay very thin. So Ann moved into June's house with Beth. Beth moved out and was staying with some friends.

It started slowly; Ann would always be home with no job. She was getting some alimony from Jack but not much because he had the kids. June has always been one of those people pushing food on you. Do you want more ice cream, how about another piece of cake. She always had a candy tray by the hallway full. She didn’t eat it anymore because of her stroke. Ann was sitting around the house not doing much at all. I kept having to go over and fix things and we would eat dinner once a week. Ann slowly grew fatter I could tell she was having trouble zipping up her dresses.

We had a family get together and Grace was very proud of herself; she had quit smoking. The next thing she said was she had put on weight because of it.

I thought it would be fun to try to make Ann get fatter quicker. I asked June to show me how to bake; she was a master. She couldn’t eat it anymore but she was happy to have somebody to teach her way of baking. I would come over on a Monday, June and I would make a pie. She asked if I wanted to take it home with me. I would say no. I would come over and eat some later. I would have one piece then come over on Wednesday and the pie would be gone. So we would make a cake Wednesday and on Friday it would be gone. So on Monday we would do it over again. I was watching Amy grow. Her behind was first to show signs, then her hips.

When there would be a birthday and all the girls would get together, Ann would have put on the most weight followed by Grace. Cathy was going up and down every time she would go up was a little heavier than before.

It was my birthday; I am sixty-eight years young. My Cathy and me are still in love like we were just married. June was cooking in the kitchen; Grace, Ann & Cathy are in there snacking. I would say Grace weighs 250 pounds mostly in her hips and thighs. Cathy is hovering around 300 pounds right now. She is planning on going on a diet after the holidays. She has a nice big tummy along with big ass. Having sex with her is incredible; she likes it on top. I like all the fat squishing all around me. I get as much as I can before she starts thinning down again. Ann is huge, around 350 pounds; what an ass. She is still eating like no tomorrow.

The End

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