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Lizzy and Dr Brown by Bloomingbelly (~BBW, Romance, ~Sex, ~SWG)

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Oct 9, 2005
~BBW, Romance, ~Sex, ~SWG - Back from University Lizzy goes to the doctor for her annual check up, only to find she has put on a few lbs

Lizzy and Dr Brown
by Bloomingbelly
(adapted from a story originally on FantasyFeeder.com)

Part 1

Lizzy was excited. It was the first day of her summer holidays, the sun was shining, the weather warm and the beach was beckoning. She had arrived home from her first year of University the night before. Lizzy had barely had time to say hello to her parents before she flopped into bed. But now she was awake and raring to go.

Jumping out of bed in her tight little bed shorts and vest she went over to the mirror. She had not had a full length one while she had been away, so it was time for a quick appraisal. She gasped a bit as she looked. She figured she had put on a couple of pounds since last summer, but she was shocked to see what starred back at her. Full round breasts, and a very rounded tummy.

Lizzy touched her belly. It didn’t just protrude a little, it stuck right out. Goodness! She had gone and got a pot belly! Like some kind of pig! Just at that moment her bed shorts gave up the battle to contain her stomach, the elastic waistband panged and her tummy fell out over the top. Lizzy looked on with a shocked expression. Her belly had spilled out and covered most of the top of the shorts. What was left of the fabric was being pushed out of view by her chubby thighs and large bottom.

Lizzy tried to suck in her belly, but try as she might it would not go away. She poked at it and noticed how deep her finger went in. She then started to jiggle it a little, and realized how… well … nice it felt!

Lizzy could not believe her own thoughts. ”How can this feel nice. I’m fat! Not just chubby or ‘rounded’, but fat!”

And yet as she continued to look she realized that there was something strangely sexy about it. Womanly.

So, deciding to get dressed she walked over to her old wardrobe with slight trepidation. Would anything fit her? She had bought some new clothes over the last year at Uni, all of them larger, but they were still all in her dorm room awaiting her return. Lizzy had figured she would just wear what was at home. Her bras were all somewhat small, but she just about squeezed into a white plunge bra, letting the extra flesh just push out into an impressive cleavage.

Lizzy had more trouble with her knickers, they were all so tiny! None did anything to cover her belly so she finally settled on a pair that sat bellow her sizable belly, allowing it to hang free. Pulling out a favorite red skirt and white wrap top she started to dress. They too were tight. The top showed much too much cleavage, as she had to undo the ties a lot to get it to go round her middle. It also rode up exposing the bottom and fattest part of her tummy.

The red skirt also caused trouble. Lizzy wrestled it up her plump thighs until it finally came to rest just under her belly. Lizzy started to giggle as she realized this was how pregnant women wore their skirts, when their bellies had swelled too much for waist bands to go around them. Pulling down her top to try and hide her belly she strode off downstairs.

Breakfast! She was ravenous after all the tussling with her clothes. Maybe some bacon and eggs? Perhaps some toast too? But before she had got far her mother walked into the kitchen and stopped dead staring at Lizzy.

“Lizzy! Look at you!” she said pulling her daughter closer to her. “You”ve put on weight, and quite a bit by the looks of it. Well, no bacon for you! Muesli I think!”

“But Mum!” Lizzy wailed. Fat or not, she had no desire to diet!

“No ‘but Mum’ me, you are going on a diet, it’s a wonder those clothes are even staying on you. But enough for now, you have your annual check up at the doctors this morning and if you don’t leave now you’ll be late. Come on, quick.”

So, scowling at her mothers comments and angry over her lack of breakfast, Lizzy left the house and headed to the doctors. It was only once she was in the waiting room that she started to wonder what Dr Brown would have to say about her weight. He had done her check up last year and she had not thought twice about it, but now?

Eventually she was called in by a nurse. She got up and, a little self consciously, she walked in. Dr Brown looked up from his desk and smiled slightly to himself.

“Ah it happens to them all, at least most”, he thought. The young physician had seen several of his patients go away from home and come back somewhat rounder. And Lizzy was no exception. He appraised the short skirt she was wearing that revealed more than a bit of her plump thighs, and the top that barely covered anything. As Lizzy sat down in front of him the top pulled up even more, revealing soft, creamy white flesh. Lizzy”s belly sat on top of skirt, pointing out proudly at Dr Brown.

“Hello Lizzy! And how is life treating you, well I hope?”

“Very well, thanks,” Lizzy replied, relieved that he had not immediately commented on her new size.

“Right, well lets get a move on then shall we,” said Dr Brown, and he started to ask her all manner of questions. He took some blood to test and then her blood pressure.

“Nearly all done” Dr Brown said pleasantly. “Just the physical exam to go. Go behind the curtain and undress please”

Doing as she was bid, Lizzy disappeared behind the curtain and removed her top and skirt. Dr Brown appeared and took a good long look at her. His eyes took in her breasts, rounded and full and desperate for space in the tiny bra she wore. Her belly, so round, so big! He could not believe she had gained so much in a year, he was going to enjoy this! For Dr Brown did enjoy a larger women, and was ashamed to admit he took great pleasure in administering their physical exams. Their great softness and pliable flesh was joy itself beneath his strong, young hands.

“Okay then Lizzy, now that you are over eighteen I am going to have to give you a breast exam. So if you would sit on the couch and remove your bra please.”

Without comment Lizzy sat and removed her bra. As she did her breasts dropped free from their confines, and Lizzy realized how big they had gotten too! Seeing her reaction, Dr Brown gently smiled and moved to carry out the exam. He had noticed that when she sat, now almost naked, that Lizzy’s tummy sat out quite a way on her thighs, and that the hang of the bottom of her belly completely covered her knickers. Also, that her belly button was like a deep hole, and begged for him to put his finger in it.

He shook his head to get out such thoughts.

"Back to the matter in hand, no playing here," thought he.

Dr Brown was nothing, if not a professional, and so carried it out the exam as he should, but for Lizzy he added a little extra. He held each breast in his hands and felt their weight. Considerable, he thought! He gently squeezed them a little and carefully let them drop back on her tummy, for without the bra they rested atop her bulging upper belly.

Lizzy was surprised how nice the sensation of the doctors hands was. Never having had a breast exam before she had not know what to expect. But she felt comfortable with Dr Brown, and she admitted to herself that she may have a small crush on him! After all he was handsome, and young, and touched her with such tenderness.

“Now if you will lie down, I will give your tummy a feel” Dr Brown instructed, and Lizzy, a little excited by now, obeyed.

If Dr Brown had thought Lizzy’s breast felt good he was not prepared for her belly. As he touched the peak of her belly mound with his fingers it caused her whole tummy to jiggle slightly, like a jelly. He pushed his fingers in her a little more, and felt his finger tips absorbed into her soft flesh.

He wondered "what measurement might her waist be? Considerable I would say!"

Even though she was trying to sucking in her belly it was still pushed high into the air. Oh he could tell that her tummy was fat, very fat!

“I need you to relax Lizzy, you are holding in your tummy, and I cannot do a proper examination if you do that,” Dr Brown instructed, knowing that there was even more for him to see.

“Oh no”, Lizzy thought, “I cannot hide my big belly anymore! What will he think! He is going to tell me I am a fat, lazy girl, and that I should diet. I don’t want to diet, I like my new belly!”

But before she could think anymore, Dr Brown interrupted her thoughts with his hands. She had finally relaxed and let her belly free and it lay before her, a mountain of flesh. Sagging a little to the side, but still protruding more than before, Dr Brown’s hands were resting on it. He gradually started to rub her belly, covering it all with his firm but gentle strokes. Lizzy was spellbound! It felt amazing, having someone massage her belly like this.

She could not think what medical purpose it served, but oh it was nice. The squeezing of her fat, and pushing around of her flesh. He plucked up bits of belly in his fingers, and let it go, moving all the way around her belly button. He rubbed all the way up to her breasts and right down to where her belly met the tiny knickers she wore. Doctor Brown was enjoying himself too, seeing how Lizzy’s flesh moved, and considering to himself how fat she was.

Lizzy was in heaven, but all too soon it stopped, and Dr Browns voice broke into her enjoyment.

“Now Lizzy, I need you to get up and I will weigh you. I think we both know you have put on some weight.”

He smiled as he spoke next. “And so, I need to see how much.”

Lizzy’s checks went scarlet, she felt very embarrassed, this lovely doctor who she had a crush on could see she was fat! She walked over to the scales and bravely stepped on, unsure of what she would see. When she had come last year she had been a nice 135lbs. But now?

Dr Brown was relishing this part, how big would she be? He hoped perhaps 180lbs, that would be okay for a year. She stood on the scales and he moved forward to adjust the weights. I30, 140, 150, 160, 170, 180 all went by.

“My she has done well!” Dr Brown thought. He continued his adjustments until they balanced at 191lbs. Lizzy gasped, shocked by the result. She had thought maybe she was 25-30lbs more, but another 56lbs! In one year?

“Well, well, you’ve put on a bit haven’t you,” Dr Brown commented.

“I…well…I didn’t realize I had, at least not that much!” Lizzy stammered.

Actually she should have. The open buffets in the commons, food in the dormitories and her indulgences in desserts had been going on for a year and she had enjoyed every bite. And she had guys who seemed to like her extra curves, at least they had no hesitancy about lining up to buy her food. And when it came to food Lizzy never said no. 56 pounds or not, she had fully enjoyed her year of constant eating and wasn’t about to let her mom or even Dr. Brown tell her to stop!

But rather than lecturing her, Dr. Brown just gently continued.

“Often girls don’t. It often just creeps up on them, and then all of a sudden they realize just how big they have become.”

He tapped her bare belly

“Can’t really miss this though can you?” he chuckled. “I think we should take a measurement of your waist and a body fat%. If you will just come over here.”

He reached over to his desk and picked up a tape measure and placed it around Lizzy”s expanded middle.

“Hmmm. I make that 46 inches Lizzy! How could you have not noticed that!”

Lizzy”s blush deepened as she looked down at her belly, still round and full, and at her breast resting on the shelf of her tummy. He realized she was not ashamed, but pleased! She had become so big! It excited her, and between the tops of her legs she began to feel tingling and throbbing. She was turned on by this. She wondered what her fat percentage would be.

“Oh I have been a naughty girl haven’t I?” Lizzy said demurely.

Dr. Brown grimaced and gave her a skeptical glance.

“Letting myself go – it must have been the tempting dorm pizza parties. Or maybe the sweetmeats. I guess I have been rather indulgent. “ she confessed, giving her bulging belly a sharp slap.

Dr Brown watched with her eyes glowing with excitement as her tummy wobbled from the slap.

“She really doesn’t care that she’s fat – in fact she seems to enjoy and relish the process,” he observed with delight.

“Well lets continue,” the doctor said, moving to his desk again to collect a pair of calipers. Old fashioned he knew, but a more fun method! He placed one arm of the caliper just to the side of Lizzy’s deep belly button, and then scoped up as much flesh as he could with the other arm. He then squeezed them together to measure how much fat he held between them. So much fat!

“Hmmm, I think I need a different set,” Dr Brown commented

“Why, am I too fat for those?” Lizzy asked

“Well, actually you are.”

“Oh my!” Lizzy said and then giggled. Dr Brown let out a small, twinkly smile and then picked up his alternative set of calipers and measured again. This time he got a reading.

“39% body fat” He said

“Is that good?” Lizzy questioned

“No, I”m afraid not. That along with your weight, waist and previously recorded height mean you are officially categorized as obese Lizzy”

“Oh well,” said Lizzy feeling bolder now and determined not to be fazed.

“It looks ok though, doesn’t it?” she asked.

Dr Brown looked at her, and smiled a big wide smile. “Yes it does, very good. You are a very prettywoman, Lizzy.”

“So now comes the part where you tell me mom’s right and I have to have muesli for breakfast instead of an omelet with bacon and toast?”

“No, my job as a medical professional is to advise you that being overweight carries with it certain risks, not make you change what you don”t want to. Your vital signs are in order, but you would be well advised to exercise and eat plenty of fruits and vegetables.”

“You”re not telling me that I have to give up carbos and sweets?”

“It wouldn’t be practical in your case because you don’t even want to, if I judge correctly. But actually giving such things up entirely isn’t practical anyway, You just need to practice balance and wisdom. "

“So I’m good to put my clothes on and go?”

“Yes – and tell your mom that while you are fat …”

“Obese, you used the word yourself, so let’s be honest.”

“If you want to use the word, yes, obese, but you can assure her that there’s nothing presently wrong with you and your vital signs are healthy. You need to make healthy lifestyle decisions to be sure your weight doesn’t become an issue later. Dieting would just put stress on you and likely slow down your metabolism.”

Lizzy was pleasantly shocked, Dr Brown essentially had told her that her weight was her concern – and if she wanted to be fat she could be, and safely.

Before going home to confront her mom she remembered that she’d skipped breakfast and was now very hungry. She stopped at a family restaurant and had a mushroom and cheese omelet with pancakes and two hamburger patties. It felt good to be comfortably stuffed as had become her custom; her surging belly straining against her tight blouse.

After finishing her brunch Lizzy headed home, and as she walked she thought about what had gone on. She did not realize how erotic being fat could be. She also could not believe how much weight she had put on. Her mother would go spatial if she knew the number! Perhaps it was best just not to say. As she walked Lizzy looked down at her expanded waistline and watched as her fat flesh moved as she did. It was almost hypnotic.

Once home she told her mom about the appointment.

“OK, Dr. Brown agrees that I’m now certifiably fat”

Her mom nodded sagely in agreement.

“At the same he’s noted that my weight isn’t creating any problems and likely won’t if I take care of myself. So I need to ask you not to be concerned or bugging me into trying to lose “cause I’m happy being just as I am.”

Reluctantly, after some discussion, her mom agreed. Lizzy resolved not to pig out in her presence out of respect.

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