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Looking a SPAM horse in the mouth

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Les Toil

Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2005
You're definitely going to wonder why I'm showing a concern for this but I'm going to pose the question anyway.

Why has my SPAM gradually trinkled off?

When I first came on Comcast with a new email name and stuff I was giddy as a lark to be SPAM-free. It stayed that way for like 8 months. Then, because I *had* to give my email addy away to certain online entities, I slowly began getting junk emails again. Now, after 2.5 years it's all but disappeared. Granted, I've been REALLY cautious about who I give my email addy to, but wouldn't the original SPAMmers sell my email addy to other SPAMmers and so on and so on?

Curious and somewhat bored.


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