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Lori's Story by Anonymous (~BBW, Feeding, ~Sex, MWG)

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WG Story Drone

Well-Known Member
Oct 12, 2005
~BBW, Feeding, ~Sex, ~MWG – an unhappy housewife bids adieu to her abusive marriage in favor of a life of love and eating.

Lori's Story
by Anonymous
(Migrated from the Weight Room Anonymous Archives.)

When I first met Lori she was a slim-hipped housewife who belonged to the aerobics club upstairs from my restaurant. She had a sunny smile and long blonde hair that was usually pulled in a ponytail. She would come bouncing up the street in her purple leotard, red thong bikini and tights and say hello to me as she passed the door to my restaurant on the way to her class. She seemed so perky and happy that I took an instant liking to her, and I went out of my way to be near the door on the three afternoons a week that I knew she would be coming in.

Before long we got to be friends, and Lori would stop by after her class to chat with me. She was usually glistening with sweat from her workout, with a towel wrapped around her neck, and I would offer her a drink to cool down. That's all she would take from me, even though I always offered to give her something to eat.

"Gotta watch my weight," she'd say, but I always noticed how longingly she'd look at the kitchen when the door would open and one of my waiters would come out.

I soon found out that Lori was unhappy in her marriage. One day she told me that her husband, Brad, was away a lot on business, and when he was home he wasn't easy to live with. For one thing, he was very critical of Lori, especially her appearance.

"He notices if I gain even a pound," she said, "and he'll keep badgering me till I lose it again. He's very superficial, into appearances, and that bugs me."

Lori said that she and her husband moved to our city from the South, and she missed her family and friends. She admitted she was very lonely, and said, "But that's why I have to work out. If not, I'd be stuffing myself with food to deal with my loneliness, and I'd weigh a ton."

"Oh, that wouldn't be so bad," I said. "I've always liked a woman with some weight on her, and so do a lot of men."

"Well, it wouldn't be okay with Brad," she said. "He'd probably divorce me if I gained ten pounds. Although, lately I don't know if that's such a bad idea."

Suddenly she put her head in her hands and started sobbing uncontrollably. I didn't like to see her so upset, so I acted on a hunch and called over Andre, one of my waiters, and told him to bring over the dessert tray. When he brought over the tray brimming with cakes and pies and other confections Lori stopped crying, and actually laughed.

"Are you trying to bribe me?" she said.

"Not in the least," I said, cutting her a big slab of chocolate cake, "I just hate to see a pretty girl cry. Now eat this and tell me what's the matter."

Lori explained that she suspected Brad of cheating on her. She found a love note from a girl in his suit jacket, and when she confronted him about it he made up some weak excuse, and then told her to mind her own business. Lori was obviously upset by this, but with each bite of the chocolate cake she seemed to get calmer.

"Mm, this cake is heavenly," she said. "This could certainly change a girl's outlook."

I was no marriage counselor, but I told Lori that any time she wanted to come and talk about her problems she was welcome to visit, and anything she ate would be on the house. Lori's eyes lit up when I mentioned that she could eat for free, and she seemed in better spirits after that.

It was late February, and the scent of Spring was in the air. For the rest of that Spring Lori made it a point to stick around for an hour or more after each of her aerobics classes, so she could talk to me while snacking on the delicious food that my world-class chef made. She was partial to anything sweet, and I noticed that her appetite seemed to grow with each visit. Things weren't going well with Brad, and Lori seemed to need these visits with me ever more, so I was happy to oblige.

Actually, I had an ulterior motive. I had always liked plump women, and I was fascinated with the idea of fattening Lori up. I felt sorry for her, but I was also angry at her jerk of a husband, and his constant need to put her down. I had a hunch that Lori would be happier as a BBW, and I wanted to see if I was right.

After a month of steady visits to my restaurant I could tell that Lori was putting on weight. Her purple leotard was stretched tighter on her; her belly was getting rounder; and the thong was barely more than a slip of red in between her round, swelling rear. Her face was starting to fill out also, and she was developing the beginning of a double chin.

By May, Lori was coming early to her class so she could eat a slab of pie and a wedge of cake before class, then she'd stop in after class for more. I noticed that she'd bought a new exercise outfit, a flowery spandex leotard, green tights, and an orange thong that was at least a size bigger than before.

"Your food is so good I had to go out and buy a new outfit," she said. "I should stop coming here."

But instead of stopping, she was finding it harder to leave the table. She would wait longer and longer before running upstairs to her class, sometimes admitting later that she was fifteen or twenty minutes late for class. I could see before long that the new leotard was starting to get tight on her, as her belly developed into a basketball-sized paunch, her breasts were ballooning, and her rear end spread wider and wider.

"My teacher has such a nerve," she said one day. "She singled me out in class and said I was getting fat. I was embarrassed and angry, and I told her so."

Then one day Lori skipped the exercise class altogether. Brad hadn't been home for two weeks, and she was too emotionally taut to do anything but sit at the table and eat. I held her hand and tried to comfort her, and I kept the plates of good food coming.

She spent two hours eating, and at the end she wiped her mouth with a napkin and said, "Well, I feel better after talking to you, but I'm stuffed. Honestly, if I don't stop coming her I'll turn into a fat pig."

"I won't let you stop coming," I said, clutching her hand. "I really enjoy these meetings of ours. And I like the extra weight you're carrying."

Lori looked into my eyes and seemed truly grateful that I said those words, but then she turned away.

After that she made no pretense of going to the exercise class. She just came to the restaurant every afternoon, six days a week, and stuffed herself with food for three hours while we laughed and talked. She was getting fatter and fatter, and of course she told me Brad didn't like it one bit. She didn't care, however, because she knew he was having a fling with his secretary at work, and that just made her want to eat more.

"I just want a divorce," she said, "but he keeps saying we could work it out if I just lost some weight."

"Don't you lose a pound," I said, loving the way her upper arms bulged out of her shirtsleeves, and her thighs looked ready to burst from the hot pink stretch pants she was wearing.

But early that summer Lori decided to try one more time for a reconciliation. She was going away with Brad to a convention, and she was determined to make things work. One day she showed up at my restaurant in a slim cocktail dress and said, "What do you think?"

"Looks nice," I said. "What's the occasion?"

She told me that she had bought a girdle, and was determined to put on a good appearance for Brad. I noticed that her rear seemed encased in something tight, and I was disappointed that she was trying to slim down. But I took heart when she couldn't pass up a slice of cake. By now Lori's appetite had grown so much that she didn't have a lot of willpower when it came to food.

When she said goodbye that day I wished her luck, but secretly I hoped that things didn't work out. I had grown to love Lori over these past few months, and I didn't want to stop seeing her. It was selfish, I admit it, but I really did think she'd be happier as a BBW than the skinny waif she had been in the beginning.

My hopes were realized the next week when Lori came in wearing a baggy sweatsuit, sat at the table, and said, "Jerry, I'd like you to fill this table up with the most fattening food you have, and I'm going to eat every last bite of it."

As I happily complied she told me that in spite of her best efforts, the reconciliation had failed. The second day of the convention she and Brad went to the hotel pool. Brad was embarrassed at how fat Lori looked in a bathing suit, and he spent the whole afternoon flirting with a blonde bimbo in a bikini. Lori had been so upset that she went back to their room and ordered two full-course meals from room service, and gorged herself on everything, and, then, when Brad didn't come back all night, she went out to a pizza joint and stuffed herself on three large pizzas with everything on them.

"I hate him," Lori said, "and I'm tired of his abuse. From now on I'm going to eat whatever I want, and I don't care what he says. In fact, I'm on a mission to get so fat that he'll have to divorce me."

That was a memorable night. I kept the food coming, and Lori kept eating nonstop for three hours. I could hardly believe she had such a capacity to eat, remembering the pert little cutie in the leotard from five months before. But she had expanded considerably since then, it was true. Her cheeks were round and full, her breasts jiggled underneath her sweatshirt, and her belly and hips swelled so much that she seemed wedged into the booth where she sat.

I had my chef prepare course after course of tasty, fattening food, and Lori gorged herself on all of it. Finally, when it was near closing time and Lori had slowed down, she sat back and sat, "I'm stuffed. I couldn't eat another thing."

But I had a plan. I knew Lori's favorite thing in all the world was chocolate three-layer cake, and early in the evening I had told my baker to make a special cake, with lots of icing. When Lori seemed sated with her gargantuan meal I said, "Close your eyes. I have a surprise for you."

Lori closed her eyes and I went back in the kitchen and got the cake. It was a masterpiece of chocolate, and when I brought it out and told Lori to open her eyes she looked at it admiringly. "It's beautiful," she said, "but I couldn't eat another bite. I'm stuffed."

"You're not going to disappoint me, are you?" I said.

"But I can't eat another thing. I'm full."

"Don't you know how sexy you are when you eat?" I said. "I've been waiting all night to feed you this cake. Please don't take away my pleasure now."

Lori blushed. "Brad hasn't told me I'm sexy in a long time. It's so nice to hear you say that. Well, maybe I'll have just a little piece."

I cut her a piece of cake, then I said, "Open up."

Lori opened her mouth and I fed her one forkful of cake. She closed her eyes dreamily and chewed it, savoring every atom of its flavor. Seeing how much pleasure it gave her, I felt my cock swelling in my pants.

"Here's another," I said, and she took another piece.

Again she was lost in ecstasy while she ate, but then she said, "Please, no more. I can't eat another bite."

"This is turning me on," I said. "You can't stop now. Please."

Lori reluctantly opened her mouth again, and again I fed her. I kept at it, coaxing her to take yet another and another piece, till she finished the whole cake (which could have easily fed six people). Watching her eat made me so horny I almost came in my pants. It was an ecstatic experience for her, too, although when she finished the last piece she sat back, gave a little burp, and said, "I feel like I gained ten pounds tonight. I don't think I could get up from this table if I tried."

I offered to give her a ride home, and when I helped her to her feet she groaned from her full stomach.

"I feel so bloated," she said. "But, actually, it's not such a bad feeling. And I have to admit that being fed by you was a wonderful experience."

When we drove up to Lori's house she said, "Would you like to come in?"

"But what about Brad?" I said.

"Oh, he's off on another business trip," she said. "Come on in, I have a little surprise for you."

Inside, Lori led me to the kitchen, then told me to wait. While I waited I looked around, and I saw plenty of evidence of Lori's newfound appetite. There were empty pizza boxes strewn all over, as well as ice cream cartons, candy bar wrappers, and other food wrappers.

Finally, Lori called out to me from the hall.

"Close your eyes," she said.

I closed my eyes, and heard Lori come into the kitchen.

"Now open them," she said. When I opened my eyes I shivered with delight. Lori was posing in a lacy black teddy, the full voluptuousness of her body a wonder to behold. The teddy was at least a size too small for Lori's new girth, and she was bulging out from it in every direction. Her massive breasts threatened to break through the top of the teddy, while her fat belly almost burst the seams of it. Her hips swelled out from the teddy's sides like twin basketballs, and her thighs were like tree trunks. Her rolls of fat jiggled as she twirled around to give me a back view, and her bounteous rear moved in several directions at once.

"What a woman!" I said, and Lori blushed to see how aroused I was.

"Do you want to weigh me?" she said.

"Oh yes," I said.

Lori took me upstairs to her bedroom, where she had a scale. To walk behind her and see how the flesh on her body shook and jiggled was a sight that thrilled me to no end. When we got upstairs and Lori pulled out the dainty pink scale from under her bed, she said, "Do you want to guess first?"

I looked her up and down, eyeing the rolls of fat around her waist and under her chin, and I said, "I'd say you were 175 pounds."

"Too low," she giggled. "But let's see exactly how much."

She stepped on the scale. The needle quivered, then shot up to 195 pounds!

"Oh, my," she said. "I was only 186 when I left tonight. I gained almost ten pounds!"

"It looks great on you," I said.

Lori got a mischievous look in her eye. "If you'd like to stay the night, I think we could get me up to 200. There's plenty of food in the fridge. What do you think? Would you like to help a girl fatten up?"

Would I? My cock throbbed with joy.

"You bet," I said. "Let's start now." My heart was racing with anticipation as Lori led me downstairs to start trying to fatten her up to 200 pounds. Lori, too, looked flushed with excitement.

"Sit there," I told her, pointing to a sturdy kitchen chair. "You just let me take over. I'm pretty good in the kitchen." Lori sat down and I quickly surveyed the contents of the cupboard and the refrigerator. My eyes fell on several boxes of spaghetti, and I knew that some large quantities of pasta would be a good start for her fattening feast.

I found a large pot in one of the closets, and I quickly filled it with water and put it on the stove and turned on the burner. While the water was boiling I found some crackers and slathered them with rich cream cheese, then put them one by one in Lori's waiting mouth. Her eyes were half-closed in ecstasy again, just like when I fed her in the restaurant. I poured her a big glass of whole milk to wash down the crackers, and by then the water was boiling.

Quickly I emptied three large boxes of spaghetti into the pot, and stirred them around to soften them. Lori's eyes lit up when she saw how excited I was, racing this way and that in the kitchen to prepare her feast.

I found plenty of potato chips, pretzels, and candy for Lori to munch on while I prepared the spaghetti, and she ate everything with gusto. Finally, when the pasta was ready, I strained the water out and poured the whole thing into a large bowl, then slathered it with a creamy white sauce I had made on the side.

"Here you are, dumpling," I said. "Open up."

Lori opened her mouth, and I put a brimming forkful of spaghetti in. While she chewed it slowly she looked at me and said, "I love when you do this."

"I love to see you eat."

"Then I'll eat as much as you want. I want to be fatter for you."

It was a memorable night. I fed Lori the whole huge pile of spaghetti, then a box of donuts I found in her breadbox, then I cooked up a whole bag of mashed potatoes, and on and on. After several hours of this I said, "Are you getting too full? I don't want to make you sick."

Lori looked at me with those sexy eyes of hers and said, "I've grown to love the feeling of being full. I want to keep eating until I'm gorged to the gills."

Indeed, her stomach seemed to be expanding in front of my eyes. It ballooned against the black lace of the teddy till the material was stretched tight. On either side of her massive belly the seams were starting to burst, and little holes were beginning to appear where the threads were breaking.

Finally, after polishing off a gallon of ice cream and three frozen pizzas, Lori had had enough. She groaned from the food packed in her belly, and she gave a delicate burp. "Oh," she moaned. "I think I've really done it this time. I think I've eaten so much I won't be able to get up."

"That's why I'm here," I said, helping her up. "To take care of you. Now let's go see how much you weigh." As Lori took a step toward the door, with me holding her arm, the teddy finally gave out from sheer exhaustion. The seams on either side of her waist split with a snapping sound, and her massive belly flopped free of its constraints.

"I was wondering when that would happen," Lori said. "I feel better without that thing hemming me in."

I helped Lori slowly up the stairs and into her bedroom, and with mounting excitement I helped her on the pink scale. The needle quivered and raced past 200 to 206. She had gained 11 pounds in one sitting! Lori glowed with pride as I congratulated her on what a great eater she was. By now I was so horny I couldn't wait any longer. I led Lori to the bed and began to undress her. As I ripped the remains of the teddy off her I marveled at the twin mounds of her breasts, the fatness of her shoulders and upper arms, the soft bloated belly, and the ponderous size of her hips and rear.

"You're a vision," I said. "And now I'm going to make love to you."

"I can't wait," she said. "But then afterward you have to feed me again. I want this night to go on forever."

Seeing Lori naked in all her voluptuous glory was almost too much. Everywhere I looked on her I saw mounds of flesh. But the amazing thing was that her skin was still as smooth as a baby's and she had no cellulite. Her thick thighs were so toned you could bounce quarters off them.

I covered her body with kisses from head to toes, lingering long over her melony breasts and her pliant belly. She moaned with pleasure and her body quivered with expectation. After a long, slow session of foreplay, I grabbed handfuls of her bounteous rear and thrust deep within her, feeling her belly envelop me like a pillow. Our passion built to a crescendo, and then peaked like a tidal wave, sweeping us far away with its force.

When we were finished I went downstairs and fixed Lori a snack of pancakes in syrup, then brought them up to the bed and fed them to her. For the rest of the night we alternated between lovemaking and me feeding her. The feeding sessions would excite us till we had to make love, and the making love would give Lori an appetite all over again. By the time the dawn came, there were remnants of food all over the bed.

But Lori wasn't ready to stop. She jumped out of bed and said, "Let's not waste the day. There's a lot of eating to do."

"Are you sure you still want to?"

"Absolutely. I feel like I've been reborn. Your love has given me a new sense of confidence and well-being. I want to keep eating, to make this wonderful dream keep going."

There did seem to be a change in Lori. She had always had a lot of personality, but in the past 24 hours she had cast off the sadness and the pain that Brad had caused her, and she seemed to have a newfound cockiness. And as if to confirm my intuition, Lori looked through her wardrobe for something truly special, something that would actually attract attention to herself.

She finally settled on this: a red beret with a rainbow-colored scarf around her neck, big hoop earrings, a short-sleeved plum-colored top that was cut low in front and showed lots of cleavage, a pair of red stirrup stretch pants that fit her like they were painted on, and red spike heels. The top and the pants were obviously from a time when she weighed considerably less than now, and they strained to adjust to her new body shape. It wasn't the kind of outfit a woman would wear if she was self-conscious about her weight, and the way Lori strutted around in it, you could tell she wanted to be noticed.

"What do you think?" she asked, parading around the bedroom.

The way she was wiggling her hips turned me on, and I said, "You look sexy."

"I feel sexy," she said, winking at me. "More sexy than I've ever felt in my life."

"There's more of you to be sexy," I said.

"And soon there'll be even more," she said. "Let's go eat!"

We went downtown, to the area of the city where there were plenty of restaurants and cafes, and Lori sampled something everywhere we went. She reveled in her new, bigger body, and loved the stares she was getting from men and women. The women were usually giving disapproving looks that a girl this fat would be wearing stretch pants, while a lot of the men simply had lust written on their faces. In most of the places I would feed Lori just like we did in the privacy of her bedroom, and there were times when people around us would stare. But Lori didn't care; in fact, it just made her moan louder with pleasure at the feeling the food made as it filled up her stomach.

Finally, at the end of the day we went home, and when Lori stepped on the scale this time it stopped at 212. Six more pounds, and the thought of this new weight made me want Lori again, so again we made love on the bed. When we were finished I told Lori I'd have to go. "I have a business to run," I said.

"As much as I don't want to leave, I have to."

Lori said, "Oh, Jerry, I can't bear to be apart from you. Isn't there something we can do?"

Then, her face brightened. "I have an idea. Why don't I move in with you for awhile, so I can keep eating that good food from your restaurant, and get fatter? I could tell Brad I'm visiting friends in another state. He wouldn't care. Then, after I fatten myself up really good, I'll pay him a visit. I want to see his face when he sees the new me. I want to show him what a voluptuous woman he'll be losing when I walk out of his life."

The idea excited me. I loved the idea of feeding Lori every day, and seeing just how fat she could get. I agreed immediately, and Lori packed some things (lots of lacy undies, for one thing), and we drove to my apartment, where I fed Lori a pizza, two cheeseburgers, and three bags of French Fries.

"It's going to cost you some money to keep me supplied with food," Lori said, laughing. "But I'm worth it."

I looked at her ever-widening body, and said, "You certainly are." And then the real fattening began.

Lori was right when she said it was going to cost me money to keep her eating well. Her appetite had expanded greatly, and she was eating almost constantly now. I would come home at night and find the apartment a mess, with food wrappers and cartons and boxes lying everywhere. Lori spent most of her time either eating and watching t.v. in bed, or lying on the couch in the living room and reading romance novels and eating. I brought home plenty of fattening food prepared at the restaurant, but Lori's increased food consumption meant I had to go to the supermarket almost every night to restock the larder.

She seemed to be getting fatter at an ever-increasing rate. Each night when I came home her pear-shaped body seemed to be larger than when I left that morning. She was always happy to see me, and no matter how much food she had ingested during the day.

"There's plenty of room for more," she would say. Each night we would have a little ceremony where Lori would step onto my scale and close her eyes, and I'd give her the news of how much she'd gained that day. It was always at least five pounds, sometimes more. She liked to strip down to her bra and panties at times like this, so I could see the full effect of her day's eating. It was always a treat to see how her breasts strained against the too-small cups, and her burgeoning rear stretched her panties tight, and how her belly overflowed the elastic top of the panties.

With each pound, Lori was becoming sexier. She ordered filmy nightgowns, teddies, bustiers and other sexy garments from a catalog, and each night she'd model them for me. She also bought leather miniskirts, tight spandex dresses, and other types of sexy clothes she knew I liked. To see her parading around in a tight spandex dress that encased her body like a sausage skin always got me excited.

One of my favorite things was to come up behind her when she had a tight dress on, and put my arms around her waist and pull her toward me. I reveled in the softness of her expanding paunch, and when Lori would press her huge rear back and slowly rotate it against my crotch it almost drove me wild. Every night we had multiple sessions of lovemaking, always followed by me feeding Lori more food.

Lori was leaving coy little messages on Brad's voice mail system, just to let him know she hadn't disappeared from his life. She told him she'd be back in two weeks, and as the day approached she seemed to want to get even fatter, and she ate almost nonstop. I had to make two trips to the supermarket every night to keep up with her appetite.

Finally, when the day arrived, Lori dressed in a brand new pair of hot pink stretch pants, a sheer white top that showed her breasts encased in a black bra, and pink spike heels. Walking in the heels made her by-now massive bottom rotate seductively, and I almost came in my pants when I saw her. It was evening, and she had just finished a huge meal, and she was obviously feeling stuffed.

"Right now I'd like nothing better than to cut a hole in the waistband of these pants," she groaned. "But I want to look as sexy as I can for Brad, so I want 'em as tight as possible."

"Don't worry," I said, letting my eyes feast on her body, which at the last weighing had reached 250 pounds, "you've got sex appeal to spare."

"You like it?" she said, twirling around, to let me see her flesh jiggle and sway. "Well, it's gonna get even bigger. But first I have an appointment with my soon-to-be-ex-husband. I want to let him see what a big, sexy woman looks like."

She was smiling, and her eyes were merry in the middle of her fat, round face.

"Let's go," she said, "before I get hungry again and have to eat."

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