No one can tell by looking at someone what they need for their health; we have to get to know them as individuals. Even if everyone ate and exercised perfectly, a populations weight would follow a bell curve of weight diversity, so the goal should not be to prevent natural variation in body size. Trying to prevent health problems by preventing obesity is like trying to prevent AIDS by preventing gayness. Public health messages should focus on the decisions that people can make about their day-to-day practices. You have to practice safe sex if you want to minimize your chances of getting AIDS, whether you are gay or straight. You have to nurture your body if you want it to be healthy, whether you are fat or thin. Love your Body Day
I don't totally fall in line with NOW and their politics, since I'm not a feminist, but I love the statement above and what they're promoting with this "Love Your Body Day" concept (coming up on October 18th). They have a pretty cool page on Size Discrimination, too:
I also really like this statement, found here, (which is where I initially found the Love Your Body Day info):
"To talk about fashion I also am duty bound to talk about the injustices that occur in society that cause a ripple effect into the psyche of people to the point that its socially accepted to look at a person that is skinny and say that are healthy and look at a fat person and say that they are not. It is past time for change in the way people think."
I don't totally fall in line with NOW and their politics, since I'm not a feminist, but I love the statement above and what they're promoting with this "Love Your Body Day" concept (coming up on October 18th). They have a pretty cool page on Size Discrimination, too:
I also really like this statement, found here, (which is where I initially found the Love Your Body Day info):
"To talk about fashion I also am duty bound to talk about the injustices that occur in society that cause a ripple effect into the psyche of people to the point that its socially accepted to look at a person that is skinny and say that are healthy and look at a fat person and say that they are not. It is past time for change in the way people think."