Jay West Coast
Witness to the Thickness
Today's release of the results of one of the most expensive and thorough non-biased medical studies shows that most pro-diet hype is--you guessed it--unfounded.
Maybe this is something I realized years ago as I strolled around my grandpa's rest home full of 300-pound 92 year-olds. Health and longevity just might have to do with more than diet and weight.
(Sorry about the NYTimes lack of immediate access, but membership is free and spamless.)
Jay West Coast
Maybe this is something I realized years ago as I strolled around my grandpa's rest home full of 300-pound 92 year-olds. Health and longevity just might have to do with more than diet and weight.
(Sorry about the NYTimes lack of immediate access, but membership is free and spamless.)
Jay West Coast