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Make a Movie Game!

Dimensions Magazine

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Fuzzy Necromancer

Well-Known Member
Jun 7, 2006
Here's how it goes:

We start with an imagined title for a fantasy, scifi, or horror movie. Somebody pitches an idea for a movie based on that title, then they make up their own title, and the next one makes it into a movie idea.

It was all inspired by this following chat:
Make up a horror movie based on this title
Fuzzy Necromancer says:
then give me a title to work with
I voted! Do me! says:
Fuzzy Necromancer says:
The Castle of Dr. Lipwig
I voted! Do me! says:
a group of plucky America teenagers are camping in the black forrest of Germany. A sudden firestorm ruins their fun and they rush to the nearest bulding! The Castle of Dr. Lipwig!
I voted! Do me! says:
Lipwig was an unorthox German biologist who pioneered gentic exepermints both as sex slaves and killing machines. After the government cut his funding due to his alcoholism and the poor quality of his work he used his own creatues as slaves untill they one day revolted on him. Now Targot most cruel of the superclones plans to use Lipwigs biolgical research to wip the Earth.
I voted! Do me! says:
Can our plucky teen heroes stop him?...no. But your going to watch anyway, sucker.
Fuzzy Necromancer says:
Fuzzy Necromancer says:
Fuzzy Necromancer says:
you through something at me
I voted! Do me! says:
Purple Blood on the Cold Snow
Fuzzy Necromancer says:
oooh, good one
Fuzzy Necromancer says:
The year is 2014.
Fuzzy Necromancer says:
Bizzare ritual murders and religious persecution have been on the rise, along with trading in certain illegal hallucogens
Fuzzy Necromancer says:
The north american contentent is plagued by some bizzare weather patterns
Fuzzy Necromancer says:
including a snowstorm in washington
Fuzzy Necromancer says:
as anyone knows, if it snows, or looks like it might snow, or somebody is selling snow cones, in washington, the entire city shuts down.
Fuzzy Necromancer says:
A group of authoritarian cultists have been enacting a series of rituals to culminate in the summoning of a powerful entity with psychic powers and a subconcious emination designed to repress free will and fill humans with an extreme suggestive state
Fuzzy Necromancer says:
At the climax of the ritual, the circle is disturbed, and the Entity is brought forth partially uncontrolled and wounded by the process
Fuzzy Necromancer says:
most notable is the creature's blood, which is chemically attractive to mammal life and addictive
Fuzzy Necromancer says:
it stimulates a strange physical transformation and a psychologically receptive state, turning scatterings of children, pets, and deranged homeless people into scaly horned obedient zombies
Fuzzy Necromancer says:
Most of all, the beast feeds on heat
Fuzzy Necromancer says:
and after the thaw, washington is due for a heat wave
Fuzzy Necromancer says:
it's a race against the seasons
Fuzzy Necromancer says:
As a fat fun-loving lesbian and her timid archery enthusiast gay male friend face the horror that makes
Fuzzy Necromancer says:
Fuzzy Necromancer says:
Fuzzy Necromancer says:
What do you think?
I voted! Do me! says:
very good
Fuzzy Necromancer says:
I'm quite proud of it.
Fuzzy Necromancer says:
I think I'll write it down.
I voted! Do me! says:
much more orginal then my salute to sci-fi camp
Fuzzy Necromancer says:
Sokay if I copy the log of this and use it as an example in my thread?
I voted! Do me! says:

First title:

Blue Harvest