I made a map of fat acceptance. I know it's a rough copy but here we go.
So in the middle of the town is of course downtown.
Go due north and you get to the general fat admiration area
In the Northeast, there is the fashion district where fashion is cheap for all sises.
In the East, there is the financial district where you are not looked down upon in job interviews, and you get equal pay.
In the Southeast, there is the area where the media "promotes obesity" or just acknowledges that fat people can be, and often are beautiful!
In the South, you have the food district. You can eat as much as you want and not be laughed at or called a pig
In the Southwest, there is a good attitude area where people are generally friendly.
In the West, there is a good feelings district.
In the Northwest, there is the area for things like force-feeding, being tied up, and extreme fattening.
I know it's only a rough draft, if you could offer me any suggestions to improve that would be great.
So in the middle of the town is of course downtown.
Go due north and you get to the general fat admiration area
In the Northeast, there is the fashion district where fashion is cheap for all sises.
In the East, there is the financial district where you are not looked down upon in job interviews, and you get equal pay.
In the Southeast, there is the area where the media "promotes obesity" or just acknowledges that fat people can be, and often are beautiful!
In the South, you have the food district. You can eat as much as you want and not be laughed at or called a pig
In the Southwest, there is a good attitude area where people are generally friendly.
In the West, there is a good feelings district.
In the Northwest, there is the area for things like force-feeding, being tied up, and extreme fattening.
I know it's only a rough draft, if you could offer me any suggestions to improve that would be great.