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March Madness - Real Life Version

Dimensions Magazine

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Lions don't need to spank
Nov 8, 2005
Banned from facebook,
I was sent a cartoon of a March Madness Bracket by a friend of mine. The original cartoon is by Gary Varvel and pretty funny thought I. So why not make some of our own March Madness scorecards using our own realities?

I have included two of mine. I would like to see what some of you guys could come up with. Why not try this yourself and post them?


There are several ways to do this. Below are a few . . .

1. To make a blank score board you can draw your own in MS Paint, or

2. Draw one with pencil and paper and scan it into your computer, or

3. Goggle one and copy and insert it in MS Paint where you can add text, or

4. You can use Gary's Model and alter it. Tech tips - if you want to use Gary's model you can save his original as a JPEG pic into your computer. Then go into MS Paint program and copy the picture onto a blank screen in paint.

Use a white marker to blank out what you would like to change. Then insert your own text using a text box. (I found that Comic Sans Font in CAPS and in Dark Blue or Black worked best. Font size 11 or 12.)

Your completed scoreboard in MS Paint should be saved as a JPEG pic back onto your computer and give it a new name. This pic can then be added as an attachment to your post. You can do this. If you need help, I will be glad to give you more details.

5. Or, you could just forget about it, get a six pack and watch some more basketball.

View attachment march madness1.jpg

View attachment MARCH MADNESS2.jpg

View attachment MARCH MADNESS3.jpg

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