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Mass. size discrimination bill

Dimensions Magazine

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cuddly, hairy, and fat
Mar 16, 2006
Just got this email, and thought some of you might be interested in it (if you weren't already aware of it). I'd love to hear more if anyone here is involved in the passage of this bill-

Calling all fat acitivists!
Below is our announcement about this bill. It would be great if
everyone would circulate it far and wide, and follow up to encourage
people to participate. If you have ideas about where else to send it,
please let me know. And if you know of people in Mass. with
discrimination stories, even better! Don't hesitate to contact me.

Jeanne Toombs

We have an exciting opportunity to advance fat civil rights in
Massachusetts! The bill, H.1844, filed by Rep. Byron Rushing, will add
height and weight to the anti-discrimination law. YOU can help make
this happen! And it's very easy.

First, we're asking Massachusetts residents to write a letter (snail is
better than email) to your representative and senator, asking them to
support MA H.1844. If your legislator is a co-sponsor, thank him/her
for supporting H. 1844. And .... ask everyone you know in the state to
also write to their legislators!

If you have experienced size discrimination in the state in employment,
education, public accommodations or health care, it is VITAL that you
tell your legislators! And please forward your story to us, too.
Another rep filed a similar bill a couple of years ago on the basis of
ONE discrimination complaint from a constituent.

If you’d like to do more, a follow-up phone call or even a personal
visit (make an appointment at the State House or at local office hours)
will emphasize the depth of your support for the bill.

There will be a hearing before the Joint Committee on Labor and
Workforce Development, probably in the fall. If you're a constituent of
one of the committee members, your voice will have even more impact. As
our campaign builds, we'll have more opportunities for volunteers.

For more information, please contact *NAAFA Board member Jeanne Toombs
at [email protected]
*National Assoc. to Advance Fat Acceptance, naafa.org


Dear Rep. ________ (or Sen. _________)

I’m writing to ask you to support (or thank you for supporting) H.1844,
which will add height and weight to the anti-discrimination law. People
of all sizes deserve basic respect, and large people in particular are
routinely discriminated against in employment, health care and

(I have faced discrimination....)

Thank you,

your name
your address

Rep. Christine Canavan
Rep. Linda Forry
Rep. Gloria Fox
Rep. Willie Mae Allen
Rep. Matthew Patrick
Rep. Carl Sciortino
Rep. Benjamin Swan
Rep. Timothy Toomey
Rep. Marty Walz
Sen. Susan Fargo

Rep. David Torrisi, Chair
Sen. Thomas McGee
Sen. Pamela Resor
Sen. Patricia Jehlen
Sen. Edward Augustus
Sen. Steven Tolman
Sen. Robert Hedlund
Rep. John Scibak
Rep. Paul Casey
Rep. Colleen Garry
Rep. Demetrius Atsalis
Rep. Barbara L’Italian
Rep. Sean Curran
Rep. Marty Walz
Rep. Thomas Calther
Rep. Paul Loscocco
Rep. Karyn Polito