I freely admit that, in a fit of pique, I had my old private blog thread here deleted. However, I'm finding it hard to balance my desire to post here at Dims more often, with a lack of desire of posting more than twice in a row in the same thread. So, in a blatant ripoff of Dwes and ODFFA's threads, I'll be posting random thoughts here.
To wit...
My house hunting escapades have increased, and I'm getting pretty good at deciphering the "real" story of each house behind the realtor's descriptions. (For example: "handyman's dream" is an instant no-go for me.)
This one, however, has me concerned that either the house is issuing a cry for help, or is haunted and is trying to lure me in.
To wit...
My house hunting escapades have increased, and I'm getting pretty good at deciphering the "real" story of each house behind the realtor's descriptions. (For example: "handyman's dream" is an instant no-go for me.)
This one, however, has me concerned that either the house is issuing a cry for help, or is haunted and is trying to lure me in.