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McChrystal in 2012?

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Pam Poovey's Stunt Double
Sep 30, 2005
South of the Tweed
The general whom he sacked could be the man to challenge Obama in 2012.


Roll back a year and no one seriously picked that Kevin Rudd would be a prime ministerial ''oncer'' - not even surviving a term. The signs of decay in his government might seem obvious now, but back then high poll ratings and a demoralised opposition bolstered Rudd's rule.

Which prompts a question: could another popular, yet strangely distant leader, a man vulnerable to claims he excels at big ideas but is poor at following through, be toppled after only four years in office?

Might Barack Obama join the ranks of George Bush snr and Jimmy Carter as a one-term president?

Democrats in America seem resigned to a beating in next month's mid-term congressional elections. The mood was well captured when a supporter confronted Obama at a recent public forum. ''I'm exhausted,'' she complained, ''defending you, defending your administration, defending the mantle of change that I voted for.''

After all the hype of Obama's 2008 campaign, a hangover was to be expected. And it's not as though he has sat idle in the White House, having put in place major healthcare changes, tackled the chronic economic malaise in the country and helped find a pulse in Middle East peace talks. But there are big problems too.

Unemployment is stubbornly high - near 10 per cent, and it won't matter that Obama inherited a toxic economy when people get the chance to level some blame about not having a job. For Obama, turning rhetoric into reality has proved hard. He has failed to shut down the Guantanamo Bay prison, and the administration's handling of the Gulf oil leak came in for heavy criticism.

None of these issues alone should end his presidency, but cumulatively there is plenty for his opponents to exploit. The Democratic leadership appears to be coasting, believing that a mid-term whacking is merely part of the political cycle - after all, Bill Clinton suffered such a loss, as did George W. Bush. That's a dangerously blase attitude, and should give Republicans an even better chance to strike early in the race for the Oval Office.

But who to rally around? Which candidate could penetrate the bulwark of eager support Obama built? For now, leave aside former Alaskan governor Sarah Palin. One option would be to persuade Stanley McChrystal to run in 2012.

McChrystal was the gung-ho general running the war in Afghanistan until Obama sacked him in June. His mistake was to allow a reporter inside his command team and offer a number of remarks disparaging of the administration - most actually came from offsiders, but McChrystal took the blame.

He is now cooling off at Yale University, teaching a course on modern leadership. He may not have political ambitions, but if convinced to run, he would be a powerful adversary to take on Obama.

First, he ticks the right boxes to excite Republican support. Long-standing military service, strong views on the threat from Islamist extremism, a hard-work ethos. But more importantly, many conservatives think McChrystal has been wronged by the liberal establishment - by a community organiser turned president with no military background, and by a Rolling Stone reporter who took advantage of him. This may not be fair, but what matters is how a political story can be crafted, and its strong narrative.

That's where Palin comes in. As one close observer of American politics put it to me, her real strength is not as a serious candidate - exposed to all the relentless scrutiny that upended her 2008 vice-presidential tilt. Palin's power is whom she chooses to back.

She packs football stadiums, and weaves any criticism into a somewhat paranoid, but nonetheless convincing, story that Obama's followers despise the ''heartland'' she claims to represent. ''They talk down to us . . . They think that, if we were just smart enough, we'd be able to understand their policies . . . Oh, we're plenty smart, oh yeah - we know what's going on.''

McChrystal must also persuade the centre. The economy might be the main game, yet America's problems are so profound that the public trusts no one to have a perfect recovery plan. That's where McChrystal could turn to what he knows best.

Afghanistan is a serious mess for Obama. Like Rudd, Obama used the war during his campaign to criticise the invasion of Iraq, while protecting himself against charges of being a peacenik. Iraq was a distraction, he said, the wrong war. Now in office, he's stuck with Afghanistan.

McChrystal could challenge Obama over his handling of the conflict. It would mean persuading already war-weary Americans to stick with it, but the seeds of doubt in Obama are already sown. When things inevitably get worse in Afghanistan, Obama can be blamed for failing to deliver a strategy set out by the man he sacked - so why not turn back to McChrystal to get the job done?

McChrystal would be vulnerable. As a military man, he challenged civilian authority. Americans are rightly sensitive to this. And who knows what else lies in his past. He was in charge of kill-squads hunting terrorists in Iraq.

But an Obama second term is far from certain. He knows a repeat of the 2008 grassroots phenomenon that delivered him so much money and support is unlikely. Obama has just done his own Rolling Stone interview and delivered a warning to Democrats. The mid-term elections are not only about the next two years, he says, but the coming six.

''We have to get folks off the sidelines. People need to shake off this lethargy, people need to buck up. Bringing about change is hard.''

You betcha, as Palin would say.

Daniel Flitton is Age diplomatic editor.
Interesting. Also that Palin is important and a key Republican at that, but basically is not Presidential material.

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