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Meeting my first FA in the flesh!! (help requested).

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Belly bellissima
Oct 17, 2005
I have met a lovely man here in dimensions.
We are going to meet next week and are both excited, anticipating something wonderful.

We will be meeting in a public place, for dinner.

Is it established as fact that people in the "real" world are in general more shy than they are when they sit at home, in comfort, with relative security, and a screen to hide behind?

When he and I first started chatting, months ago, I was one of many for him (I assume), as he was for me . In the chat room, my photos exposed more of my flesh, than an average stranger (or some of my closest friends) would of see. For the most part, I was thrilled to get positive reactions to my fleshy bits. Here I show my flesh without having to worry about misleading anyone, or having someone get the "wrong" impression.

Every interaction with him here was an exploration of a new kind of fun for me. It was pretty safe because he lived far away and we both enjoyed playing around like this, two single adults.

That was then.

Now though, he is accepting a position, and being transferred for work in my town in my country, even!

He is going to move here and is talking about me as his GF! (I feel uncomfortable with this but have no idea if he is just joking.. he may well be)

This changes the situation.
We haven't even met.

I am comfortable with having a variety of different types of relationships, the least comfort I have, is with a GF/BF thing.

I like the online flirting, and the secret lover thing.
The GF/BF is way scarier for me. I don't want to hurt him or be hurt.

More importantly, I don't know where or how to begin with this dinner.

If the "real" world is the only real world, then we are starting fresh right?
I would have a relationship and would proceed, just like an instance where i met the man in the usual ways. Right?

It is different because we have shared a lot over the months. We know intimate details about the other's lives and uh... personal preferences.

He is a gentleman and will be watching me for clues, I am sure.

Though I have had much confidence and experience from my relations with wonderful men in the past, this will be the first time I am going to be on a date with a man who we both know is a FA.

I have dated men who used to have only slimmer women before me and only real fat ones after me.. Though that is a fantastic confidence-booster, the prospect of being with someone who really is aware of what uh... arouses his senses.. is pretty exciting for me.

I don't want to blow it, and am determined to take things slow.

At the same time, I am very amused by the contrasts that swirl before me. I know this guy, but don't, I want to, and not sure how to proceed, and then maybe not..

Perhaps there is someone here who has experience with this situation that wants to share their knowledge and insights.

I expect some strong words of caution.


OK, maybe this will at least garner me some reputation points, for the number of calories I have consumed in the time it has taken me to post this message...

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