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Melissa 10 - by BillieJoe (~BBW, Friendship, ~SWG)

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Oct 9, 2005
~BBW, Friendship, ~SWG - the byzantine politics of high school gets murkier

[Editor's note: with the Ashlee saga now available (here) the Melissa epic can now resume. For Melissa 9 click here. ]

Melissa 10
by Billie Joe

Chapter 10 - There's a serious fat epidemic amongst the girls as Ashlee enters the fray!

"Guess what Rio! I lost 5 pounds!" Melissa was more than happy with her loss.

"That's great Melissa, let's keep it up then." replied Rio, who had been hired by Melissa's Mom as her personal trainer.

The two had become good friends in the short time they had known each other. The two were jogging down the street. Mel was still spitefully jealous of Rio's body. She wondered how much she weighed. Did she want to know? Melissa built up the confidence.

"Ri, how much do you weigh?" she asked timidly.

Rio laughed a little, "I'm 135 pounds."

Mel's jaw dropped. She knew she was thin, but 135?!

"So those 5 pounds gone..." said Rio, "How much are you now?"

Mel didn't want to say anything.

"C'mon Mel, once you admit it, it'll be easier to lose weight."

".......178." she uttered. Her breath was running short from the excessive exercise.

"Geez....."said Rio, not very reassuring, "Well don't worry, it'll shed off eventually. Have you always been overweight?"

Mel blushed even more, "Not exactly.....I kinda was 130 just last year."

Rio looked stunned, "Girl, what happened?!"

"I guess my metabolism caught up with me. I really do eat too much, especially chocolate. Before I knew it, I had a massive bum."

"One of those bottom heavy girls are we?" chuckled Rio.

"Of course, can't you tell?" thought Mel to herself.

"But you must have really let yourself go to be 178!"

"I was in denial I guess....."

Rio stopped running and sipped at a bottle of water. Melissa bent over, sweating and panting.

"Let me tell you something, Mel. I was fat once too." said Rio.

"Wha - ?" stammered Mel.

"Yep, I was the tubby girl at school. But once I pulled my act together, things were sweet."

Mel felt inspired.

"What I'm saying is, it's possible, so don't worry. You just gotta work that pudgy butt of yours."

"Hmm." replied Melissa.

They jogged home, Melissa trailing most of the way. She was struggling definately.

"Good work today, Melissa." said Rio, "What have you got planned for these holidays?"

"Well, it's my friend Jodie's 18th next week. She's only having a small party though."

"Hmm, well don't you drink any alcohol, you hear? Not only because you're underage, but that stuff will fatten you up ripe."

"Don't worry! I don't drink." giggled Mel.

"Good girl," chuckled Rio, "Anyway, I'll see you later."


Vicky sat in her kitchen with Ashlee.

"So he just left you stuck there?!" asked Ashlee, stunned at Paul's abandonment.

"Yep. And if it wasn't for you, I'd still be in there." replied Vicky.

"No problem, I know what it's like."

"So you've been stuck like that before?" asked Vicky.

"Yeah, plenty of times." said Ash, "It sucks, it's basically saying, you're too fat. I mean, look at yourself, you were stuck!"

Vicky couldn't help staring at this new girl's tummy. It was massive. She wanted to know how much she weighed.

"Where are you from? I assume you just moved in next door." asked Vicky.

"I moved from across the state. I'm starting at Cianwood High at the start of term."

"I go there!" laughed Vick.


Ashlee seemed very happy, thought Vicky.

"Well I'm glad I have someone to relate to," began Ash, "I moved because I got picked on at my old school."

"Why?" asked Vicky, before realising it was a stupid question.

Ash gave her an awkward gesture toward her fat tummy.

"Well, you know, look at me, I'm fat." stuttered Ashlee, her face blushing red.

Vicky laughed awkwardly.

"Yeah, I'm a little plump too." said Vicky, trying to relate.

"You hardly look 198 pounds." said Ash, as Vicky's eyes bulged.

"Ha....well no I'm not, but yeah, beware of Alana then."

Ash looked confused.

"Oh right! Alana is this bitch at school. Seems to have it in for fat girls. Speaking of which, you gotta meet my friends, Melissa and Christie, they're chubby too. Then there's Jodie, but she's a stick."

Ash smiled, but felt a little worried. At least she was making new friends. There was a long pause.

"Well, I'd better be off." said Ash, "It was great meeting you, Vicky."

"Yeah you too. Thanks for helping me out of that squeeze." replied Vick.

"No prob." smiled Ashlee, before waddling out the door. Vicky couldn't help notice the size of Ashlee's rear, as it bounced to the front door. Can't hold a candle to Mel's butt, thought Vicky, but this girl was huge all over. She felt good to have made a new friend, it helped push her very recent break up to the back of her mind. She was more pissed at Paul than sad, however. Vicky and Melissa had now both had unsuccessful boyfriends with opposite interests.

Ashlee on the other hand, had her mind on other things. This Alana girl didn't sound too good. I mean, she had just changed schools because Melanie and Natasha's insults had become too much. She hoped that history would not repeat itself. At least Vicky was a friend. And the other girls she mentioned sounded nice too. Ash smiled to herself, having fat girlfriends might help her.....


Melissa eagerly awaited Jodie's 19th birthday party. Jodie was actually older than the other three girls, despite her being the tiniest. Mel loved the idea of a good girl's night, movies, chocolate, pj's. Mel smiled as she struggled on her jeans. Her old jeans had copped a severe beating from the girth of Melissa's rounded bottom, with stitching frayed and the button holding on for dear life.

"Oh poo! The button still won't close." she pouted, realising she wasn't slim enough to button her pants. She sucked her paunch in as hard as she could, but her efforts were stopped by the flab on her tummy and her love handles. Every tug stretched the rear seam more over her ample rump, until Mel realised it was hopeless.

"At least my tummy is a bit smaller...." she reassured herself. Her little gut popped over the waistband, but was looking a little smaller. Her butt was still packed with flesh, and showed no signs of shedding anytime soon. Her jeans were still so tight that they seperated Melissa's bum cheeks and caused her butt crack to be exposed. Her constantly visible bum crack had become another trademark of Mel's famous rear end. She pulled on a sleeveless hot pink top that gracefully showed off her massive breasts. They squashed together to cause considerable cleavage. Her arms were a little meaty, but Melissa felt confident enough to wear the top, despite it hugging tightly to her plump torso.

"I guess we'll be in PJ's soon enough, plus my friends won't judge me." she assured herself. She waddled off down stairs and to the front door.

"Hey mum, I'm going!" she shouted.

"Hold on, you don't want a lift?" asked her mother.

Mel giggled, "Nope, I'm walking!"

Her mum smiled and nodded in approval, "Alright, well have fun then."

Mel's confidence puffed up, that should keep mum off my back for a while, she thought.

It came at a price though, Melissa was wheezing and panting by the time she got to Jodie's front door. She collected her breath and adjusted her clothing before knocking on the door. Jodie's bubbly face answered.

"Hey Meliss! How's it going?"

"Pretty good! Happy 19th girl! Or should I say woman......yeah sorry, terrible joke."

"Ha, come on in." pipped Jodie.

Mel had just closed the door when the doorbell rang.

"Can you get that, I gotta get food ready." said Jodie.

Mel opened the door to see Vicky and another girl standing with her. She was very fat, thought Mel.

"Heya Melly, this is Ashlee. Ash, Mel."

Ashlee waved awkwardly, she tended to be very shy with new people.

"Hi! Welcome!" Melissa pulled her into a hug, and was surprised at just how soft this girl was.

"So you're Melissa, I've heard about you!" said Ashlee. Jodie re-entered.

"Ash, this is Jodie, the birthday girl!" laughed Vicky, giving her friend a hug.

"C'mon guys, let's go sit in the lounge room." said Jodie, her bouncy brown hair bobbing behind her.

Melissa sat down on a lounge chair, her tummy rolls squishing together. She reached for a bowl of chips that sat on the table in front of her. Leaning forward, her jeans and undies were pulled down, exposing more of her big bottom. Mel noticed Ash sitting awkwardly, eyeing the food. Melissa knew right away that Ash must be trying not to stuff herself, she wondered if Ash suffered the same problems Mel had.

"Where's Christie?" asked Mel.

"Oh she's coming, she's late!" laughed Jodie.

There was a knock on the door.

"Speak of the devil!" Jodie left to answer it.

Melissa casually ate some chips before nearly choking when Christie walked into the room. Her best friend had put on even more weight. Her apple body looked inflated, as her bulging stomach wasn't flattered by the thick, tight black jumper she wore. The neck was tall, hiding Christie's newly grown double chin.

"Hey guys!" she said, with hugs all around.

"Who's the new chick?" asked Christie.

"That's Ashlee!" giggled Jodie, "apparently she helped Vicky out somehow."

The five girls sat and Vicky told the story. All were shocked at the fact Paul had broken up with her, and were surprised at how well Vick was dealing with it. Melissa breathed a sigh of relief when she found out that Vicky had been stuck too. Now she wasn't the only one at least. She looked at all the other girls and started to almost feel sorry for Jodie. The birthday girl was the only skinny one in the bunch. Ashlee was clearly the fattest by far. Melissa came second, and Vicky and Christie were about the same size and shape. An hour or two passed.

"I think it's pyjama time, girls." said Christie.

"Yeah true." agreed the rest.

Melissa was reluctant to put on her pyjamas, simply because they barely fit her. She hadn't bothered to buy new ones since she only wore then when no-one else could see her. Mel changed first, standing in the bathroom, she inch off her jeans and top, before pulling on her thin, light blue trackpants. The pants were the best when it came to outlining her expanded rump, as they were clingy and often wedged into her ass crack. She wore a black singlet top that displayed her boobs and a sizeable belly roll. She was relieved however that the other girl's PJ's were hardly flattering either.

Mel looked around in amazement. She and her friends really had gotten soooo fat! Ashlee looked ready to burst out of her pink singlet, with her wide ass stretching her dark pink boxer shorts to the limit. Christie's pot belly tested the buttons on her button down pyjama top, and Vicky's wide love handles her outlined even in her loose t-shirt. Jodie's body looked awesome, thought Mel. Her tanned skin glowed. Depsite being slender, Jodie sported a some what larger pair of breasts, and they were the only trace of meat on her.

The girls sat downstairs and watched a movie. Melissa found herself constantly re-adjusting her thin trackpants. Every movement she made caused them to ride up and chafe her butt crack, or slide down to reveal more flesh than she desired. The girls had decided they would drink some alcohol, just not to go over the top. Mel however, declined the offer, remembering what Rio had said.

Christie and Vicky, although short, had big enough bodies to hold a little alcohol. Unfortunately for Jodie, her tiny frame meant she couldn't handle it well, and barely one glass of wine and she was tipsy.

"You ok, Jodes?" asked Christie anxiously.

Jodie laughed loudly, "Me?! I'm fine - don't cha worry!"

Melissa thought it weird, her friend was definately gone, yet she still seemed in control.

"I need more of these chocolate things!" giggled Jodie, reaching over and grabbing a large handful of chocolate. The other girls watched as Jodie crammed food into her face.

"Hungry, Jodie?" said Melissa.

"Hehe, yeah......." replied Jodie, before collapsing to sleep right in front of them.

"She's gone." laughed Vick.

"I think I'm up for bed now too." said Ash.

One by one the girls fell asleep on various lounges.

Christie lay awake, watching all her fat friends fall asleep. She was annoyed. Since winter rolled around, she'd packed on even more weight, and yet Melissa and Vicky weren't even caring about her size. She knew Mel struggled with her self-esteem and her weight, but Vicky downright didn't care. Christie had struggled to lose weight, but was showing no sign of slimming and was on the verge of giving up. Mel lay on her stomach across from her, with no blanket covering her.

Christie couldn't help staring at Mel's colossal rump. "Melissa's bum is just sooooooo fat!!!" she thought to herself. She had never seen such a big fat bottom. Mel's head was facing Christie, and she could see down her back to where her derriere rose like two wobbling mountains. Melissa had obviously given up trying to hide her butt crack, as Christie could see right down it.

Melissa's buns rose and fell with her breathing, as Christie then looked down at her own tummy. She poked at her pot belly, which bulged out in front of her.

"I really need to lose weight....." she whispered to herself, before falling asleep.


Christie was still concerned the next morning. All her friends were so fat. Less than a year ago, they were all Jodie's size. They all slowly woke up, Jodie looking a little hungover.

"How you feeling, Jodes?" asked Christie.

"I.....don't know....." she uttered, "I'm starving though!"

Jodie's mum called from the kitchen, "Pancakes are on, girls!"

Christie was stunned at how quickly all the girls leapt to their feet. They were already stuffing themselves by the time Christie caught up. She watched the girls shove pancakes into their faces. With all of them sitting, their tummies sat in rolls on their laps, and reminded Christie of pigs eating from a trough.

"Have some breakfast, Chrissy." mumbled Melissa through a mouthful of food.

"Umm, no thanks, I'm trying to watch my weight." she replied.

Christie was the only girl honestly and consistantly trying to lose weight.

"Slow down, Jodie! You're eating like a horse!" laughed Vicky, surprised at how much Jodie had on her plate.

"I'm just hungry, that's all." replied Jodie.

"Well, anyway. School's on Monday, you guys all set?" said Vicky changing the subject.

"Ash's first day, yay!" giggled Mel.

Ashlee smiled back, she had barely spoken all night. She still felt nervous around these new people. Besides, she too was far too busy cramming pancakes into her face. The girls pushed food into their mouths like there was no tomorrow. Christie's patience was reaching its end.

"That's it, I can't handle this!" she yelled suddenly.

The others stopped and stared.

"Look at us all! We're fat enough already and you're all stuffing your faces with pancakes!"

Vicky was first to respond, "Chrissy, it's not that we don't realise, it's just I for one don't really mind what I look like."

Melissa and Ashlee could have said otherwise. Both hated being fat but were far to lazy to take action.

"Look, I'm sorry, but just slow down at least! You're eating like there's no tomorrow." said Christie, calming down.

"Sorry Christie." uttered Mel.

Melissa had a sudden rush of insecurities. She was stuffing her face, no doubt about it. And when she thought about it, she really wasn't that hungry. "I probably sgould slow down....," Melissa thought to herself. She had worked hard to lose her 5 pounds, and wanted that number to increase.


Ashlee sat in her new bedroom getting ready for school. Her first day at a new school, she was glad she had found some friends already. Anything to get away from Melanie and Natasha. Her mum still pestered her about her weight, trying to get her to slim down for her new school. Her mum couldn't stand Ash being fat, and it really got her down. Her little sister Kayla often taunted her tubby sister, unaware of how hurting it was.

Ashlee was wary of Alana, who Vicky mentioned. She hoped she wasn't a skinny bitch who hated the fat. And if she was, she hoped she would come nowhere near her. Ashlee was making sure she looked extra nice today, if not to snag more friends, but to feel better about herself. It had been a rough year for her, growing fat all over. Ash had become a real porker since last year. She stood in her room trying to button her old jeans. They proved very difficult.

"Drat it! Come on, I can't go to a new school with my pants wide open!" she complained, struggling to maneuver the pants over her plump thighs. Her considerable paunch stuck out so far in front of her she could barely see her feet, let alone the jean flaps. She sucked in her stomach tenaciously, her pudgy fingers quivering to push the button through the hole.

She hoped and hoped as she struggled, she needed to make a good impression at her new school otherwise she'd end up where she was last time. With her face bright red and hands shaking, Ashlee finally managed to close her pants.

"Oof....these are tight....." she moaned, slowly letting her breath out. Her tummy tested the strength of the button, and while it didn't burst off, Ash knew today would be uncomfortable pant-wise.

Melissa was having the same problem at her house. While she had a lost a little weight, her pants were still troublesome. She had only lost weight around her tummy, which was still a considerable size. However, her massive bum had remained fat and round, showing no signs of shrinking.

Melissa's main fear about going back to school was Alana. The two week break without her around had been enjoyable and relieving. She hoped her new nemesis would notice she had lost weight. The more important thing to Mel at the moment was to look after Ashlee. After hearing she was picked on at the old school, it would go against Mel's kind nature not to keep an eye out for her. Mel had taken some solice in the fact that there was a girl fatter than her in her group. While that sounded awful, Mel was getting tired of being overweight. She wondered what life outside of school would be like. After all, she only had half a year of school left.

"Ah well," she concluded, "I'll take it as it comes."


Melissa's walk to school was uncomfortable for her. She had managed to button her jeans, but knew she would be much more comfortable with them unbuttoned. The waistband dug into her wide hips, with Mel constantly tugging at them to relieve some of the stress. She met up with her friends in class and it was straight back to work for them.

Mel was feeling burnt out about school, not that she ever really cared too much. The other students looked to have noticed her weight loss, with made her feel a little better. However Christie and Vicky were both taunted a bit for their recent bloating. Melissa wished she was able to take insults the way those two girls could, nothing ever bothered them.

Melissa sat absently twirling a pen in her fingers when Ashlee walked in with their teacher. Mel became suddenly attentive, wondering whether or not Ash had run into any trouble yet.

"People, we have a new student, Ashlee." Ashlee waved awkwardly.

"I hope you make her feel welcome." said the teacher, before gesturing Ashlee to take a seat.

Ash looked around, feeling nervous. Where would she sit? Jodie and Vicky were sitting together, so were Mel and Christie. She bit her lip before waddling over to a skinny blonde girl.

"Mind if I sit?" she asked.

"Yeah sure, I guess." replied the girl without too much expression.

"I'm Ash."


Ash's heart skipped a beat.

"Oh crap," she thought, "this is the girl they told me to stay away from........"

The other four girls all looked at each other, worried.

"Oh no....she's sitting with Alana!" hissed Mel.

"Don't worry!" replied Christie, "She just needs to survive first period, we'll invite her to sit with us next lesson."

Ashlee sat in her chair, constantly wriggling to adjust her over tight pants. Her fat waist was red from the jeans rubbing against her.

"So you're new? I only came here recently too." said Alana, arms folded.

"Ummm, yeah. It's a bit hard, you know, not knowing many people yet." replied Ashlee, trying to sound confident.

"Chill out," smirked Alana, "I'll look after you."

Ash was unfazed by Alana's wicked grin. Alana leaned forward to grab her pen, but knocked it off the desk onto Ashlee's side.

"Oops, will you get that for me?" she asked.

"Oh sure." replied Ashlee.

Ash pushed her chair back, before leaning down to reach for Alana's pen. She struggled, her tight jeans and large body restricting her movements. Her plump gut made it hard for her to lean forward, with a large portion of her bum crack hanging out due to the tugging of her pants.

"Ugh." Ash grunted, before placing the pen back on her desk.

"Eww......she's disgusting," thought Alana. She took a look at Ash's massive fat rolls before Ashlee noticed and fiddled with her jeans.

Ash felt a little embarrassed. Obviously being so fat caught unwanted attention, but she was more worried at how long her pants would hold out for. The button felt like it would pop off soon.

At lunchtime, the four girls sat in their usually spot. Ashlee waddled in, lunch tray in hand.

"Hey Ash, over here!" yelled Jodie, waving her hand.

Ash hesitated, before sitting with Alana and Renee. The others were stunned.

"Well fair enough then...." said Jodie again.

"This isn't good guys," said Vicky, "Alana is bad news, we can't let Ash get sucked in."

The others nodded. Melissa looked over to Alana's table. Alana smirked evilly at her, before Mel frowned and turned back to her food. Ash hadn't noticed a thing.

"Thanks for being so nice to me, guys." said Ash through a mouthful of chips.

"Oh no problem.....we're your friends." replied Renee, pulling her hair into a pony tail.

Alana just sat and smiled. She had Ash right where she wanted her. She watched as Ashlee constantly adjusted her pants. There was just so much fat on her midriff. And with her ploughing through a burger and chips, there wasn't much hope.


Mel felt good by the end of the day. She had an enjoyable jog with Rio before kicking back and watching TV. She was trying not to stress about things anymore. Especially things that didn't concern her. Sure, she was worried about her friends' weight gain, but she had her own to fret about. Rio was promising a bright future ahead, and with the end of school around the bend, she looked forward to the change. Her plump derriere was still as chubby as it had ever been, but Mel was hoping and wishing for it to shed some flesh soon. Only time would tell.

(Click here for next installment)

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