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Melissa 25: Bubble Bun - by BillieJoe (~BBW(Multiple), Romance, Stuckage, ~SWG)

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Oct 9, 2005
~BBW(Multiple), Romance, Stuckage, ~SWG - Nick and Melissa are fine but a dumped Natasha releases her version of revenge on our rump-blessed heroine!

Melissa 25: Bootylicious Bubble Bun
by Billiejoe

(Click here for prior installment)

"I'm not saying it was boring....." said Nick, "Just a bit girly for my tastes."

"Aww, Nick don't be afraid to show your feminine side!" giggled Mel, poking him in the arm.

After a pleasant trip to the movies with her boyfriend, Mel was ready for a nice afternoon nap. Despite the apparent lack of structure in her life due to no school and omnipresent holidays, she was feeling very lethargic. It made her a little restless to have such abundant free time. Her part time job was occupying a decent ten hours a week if that, and Mel's mind really needed something other than food to keep her occupied.

"Aww I'm so tired...." yawned Mel.

Nick smirked, "Yeah, all that nothing you've been doing sounds pretty tough."

"Oh shoosh!" giggled Mel, plonking herself down on her bed, "I'm sleepy, let's have a nap."

"It's the middle of the day."


"Ha, you're so lazy." laughed Nick, laying next to her.

"You're dating me." replied Mel.

"Touché." concluded Nick, before the pair dropped off to sleep.


Things weren't as rosy for another couple. Natasha and Darren had been struggling recently, unknown to Nat. Darren was very much struggling to remain attracted to a girl who was expanding by the day. Nat was getting quite plump, and still refused to admit it. Could she see it and merely be in denial? Or was she really that oblivious. Either way, Darren didn't know how much longer he could take.

"Are you sure you don't want an ice cream, Darren? My shout." pushed Nat.

"Nono, I'm good thanks...." replied Darren apathetically.

"Alright then....I'll have a double waffle cone of chocolate." said Nat.

Darren rolled his eyes and glanced at his girlfriend's belly. It bulged over her jeans waistband every time she breathed in. Her spare tyre would puff up and inflate with each breath, her breasts stretching her top tighter and tighter. Darren could see Nat's bum crack poking out over the top of her jeans, and he winced every time Nat would absently reach behind her and tug her pants back up. Her tight jeans outlined every round curve of her bottom as she did so.

"Oooh yummy!" she giggled greedily, before Nat lead them over to a table to sit down.

"So Melissa's mum thinks she can get me to exercise everyday." began Nat, ploughing through her ice cream.

"Who does she think she is? She only my aunty, she can't tell me what to do."

"Maybe it would be beneficial?" suggested Darren subtly.

"Ha, not likely, I mean Melissa tries and fails to exercise all the time. She just gets even bigger."

"She tries.....Woah, you finished that already?" stumbled Darren.

Natasha licked her sticky fingers, "Yeah. Why?"

Darren sighed to himself.

"That was nice, I'm going to get another one." said Nat, proceeding to stand up.

Darren couldn't take it anymore, "Another one? Geez Nat, how fat are you going to get?"

Natasha froze, "What?"

"You! You keep paying out your cousin about being a porker when clearly you're getting chubby too!"

"What are you trying to say?! I am not fat!" scolded Natasha defensively.

"Yes you are! And I'm really struggling to find you attractive anymore!"
Nat's heart skipped a beat.

"Look Nat, you're a great girl. But how do I know you can commit if you can discipline yourself enough to look after your body? I mean you've gotten fatter every time I've seen you! You eat take away everyday! I guess what I'm trying to say is, I don't think we should be together anymore."

Natasha continued to stare blankly until tears began to water her brown eyes. She then ran out the door crying and left Darren sitting there.


Mid morning, Melissa waddled into the kitchen, she was feeling quite peckish. But then again, wasn't she always. It was a cloudy, cold day, and that always seemed to make her more hungry. Her stretchy, hot-pink bike pants allowed her to feel free to expand without the hassle of too-small pants.

"Hmm, I need a snack. What have we got?"

She began to rummage through the pantry, before coming across a packet of choc-chip cookies.

"Oooooh, yum, cookies and milk."

Truly a brilliant combination for the young glutton. After pouring a large glass of milk and tearing open the bag of cookies, she plonked herself down in front of the TV and began to stuff herself happily.

"Oh man, chocolate is like some kind of drug." she laughed.

Mel froze mid mouthful at the sound of her mum entering the room. Crap, she thought. There was no hiding the jumbo bag of fatness that was her cookies from her accusing mother.

“Do you know why Natasha is so upset?” asked her mum, not even noticing her daughter.

Melissa sighed with relief, she had escape a hounding, “Nope.”

“She hasn’t been out of her room in days. Maybe you should talk to her?” suggested her mum.

“Nah.” replied Melissa, not really caring about Nat at all.

“Melissa, do it.”

“Ugh! Fine!”

Mel trudged up the stairs to Nat’s room. She knocked on the door.

“Go away!” came Nat’s voice, she had been crying.

Melissa took that as an invitation to waltz in there, bag of cookies in her hand.

“What’s wrong, dude?” asked Mel.

“Nothing! I said go away.”

Melissa wandered over to Nat, who was laying face down on her pillow sniffling.

“C’mon, just tell me.” said Mel.

Nat grunted, “If you must know, I broke up with Darren.”

“Oh that’s too bad.” replied Melissa, hardly consoling, “Cookie?”

Nat lifted her head from her pillow. Her face was covered in tears, her curly hair a mess. She reached into Melissa’s bag of choc-chip cookies and ate one.

“Why don’t you two go for a walk?” said Melissa’s mum, suddenly entering the room.

Melissa jumped, “Woah, mum don’t sneak up like that! And no, it’s too cold to walk today.”

“But it releases endorphins which make you feel better....” persuaded her mum.

The two girls stared blankly for a second, that meant nothing to either of them.

“Nah.” replied Mel simply.

“NOW!” screamed her mum suddenly, causing both Melissa and Natasha to leap to their feet.

Melissa and Nat were reluctantly flushed out of the house within thirty seconds, Mel’s furious mother slamming the door after a firm warning.

“Don’t try and come back early either!”

The two girls recovered from the spontaneous release from the house and
began to reluctantly wander down the street.

“Geez, your mum is a bitch!” hissed Nat.

“Don’t call her that!” snapped Mel.

“Oh don’t stand up for her! You don’t want to walk either! Besides, couldn’t she see I was too upset to go anywhere?!”

“Maybe so, but she’s only trying to help! If not for her you’d be as big as me right now!” huffed Mel.

“Oh are you saying I’m fat again? Geez Mel, just get some guts and admit you’re a fatty! Oh right, I forgot, you already have a gut! Hahaha!”

“Shut up Nat, look at your tummy! It’s practically as big as mine!”

“Whatever, fatso.”

The portly girls continued to bicker and squabble until they reached the park. Melissa went straight to her regular bench and plonked herself down on it, her excess butt padding cushioning her fall.

“I sit here when mum sends me walking. Then wait until enough time has passed and go home.”

“Wow, nice. You’re not as dumb as I thought.”

Melissa pulled a face at Nat before looking away.

“What do we do if your mum drives past?” asked Natasha.

“She won't......but....you know I never thought of that....” replied Mel, suddenly paranoid.

“Maybe we should get out of sight just in case.” suggested Nat, “Let’s go sit in the play equipment.”

Melissa solemnly agreed and the two plodded over to the large wooden structure.

“We can sit in the middle until enough time has passed. We just gotta get over this wall.” said Melissa.

“So go then.” said Nat bluntly.

Melissa placed one foot on the wooden stair of the playground equipment.

"Geez, it doesn't feel very sturdy...."

"Maybe not for your big bum." huffed Nat bitterly.

Melissa ignored the comment and gently pulled her other foot up onto the ledge. She made a pathetic attempt to jump up and grab the top of the wall. Mel was left hanging there for a second, before trying to use her weak, meaty arms to pull herself up. However, she was just too heavy to climb over the wall with her own strength.

“Ugh, Nat give me a push!”

Natasha rolled her eyes before pressing her hands up against Mel’s ample rump and giving her a good push. Mel tumbled over the side and into the middle of the playground while Nat, despite her weight, was able to get herself over the wall.

“I used to play here with Christie when I was little....” sighed Mel reflectively.

“Hmm....That’s nice.” replied Nat, as if only to give a response.

Melissa shook her head, her cousin was so rude.

“Hey I have a question.” said Nat suddenly.


“How do we get out of here?”

Mel heart jumped at that sudden realisation. There was no ladder or foothold on the other side of the wall.

“Oh poo.....I have no idea!” replied Mel.

Natasha observed her surroundings, “I guess we could try to go through those portholes.”

Melissa followed Natasha’s gaze to the small, round hole in the side of the wall. Both girls had immediate doubts.

“Geez I dunno....It looks like a tight fit.” said Melissa, getting down on her hands and knees and peering through.

There were several portholes, but only one big enough to fit even the girls’ heads through.

“I have an idea.” said Mel suddenly, “I’ll go through, and if it’s too much of a squeeze to fit my boobs through, I’ll come back.”

Melissa was willing to admit she was the bigger girl out of her and Nat. Even if she could fit her breasts through, her main worry was her round hips. She knew her ass and thighs were much larger than her bust, and definitely did not want to be stuck again. But she could only take the chance, there was no other way out.

Natasha had other ideas though. She watched Melissa peering through the small hole, wriggling her butt absently from side to side. She saw a chance for revenge. She would bide her time. Melissa poked her arms through the door and braced to push her bust through. She gasped for air as her breasts were pressed into her ribs, before they suddenly popped out like a cork in a wine bottle.

“Ooh...that’s better.” she said to herself, taking a deep breath.

Mel weighed up her options. She wasn’t naive enough to realise that her bum wasn’t going to fit through easily, and decided to go back.

“Nope, I don’t think I can fit through here, Nat.” said Melissa, “I’m going to come back!”

Natasha watched deviously as Melissa began to shuffle her heavy body backwards. Just as her breasts met the rim of the porthole, Natasha rammed her shoulder and hands into Melissa’s broad rump, shoving her hard. Before Mel could react, she felt her body rocket forward before coming to a jerking halt. POOMP!

“Oh no you don’t!” shouted Natasha

“Ow! Nat! What was that for?!” squealed Mel.

“That!” declared Nat proudly, “Is for getting me stuck in that window!”

Melissa’s eyes widened. She looked down at the opening and saw her spare tyre of blubber wedged into the hole. Her cute little double chin bunched up as she looked down to see her extra flab bulging out around the porthole.

“Oh crap! I’m stuck!”

Melissa thrashed about trying to free herself as she heard Natasha burst out in laughter. Mel felt like crying as she tried desperately to push forward through the hole. Unfortunately, her thighs and hips completely filled out the hole and wouldn’t move. Her desperately squirmed like a fat worm, but she was simply too plump to fit through the door.

Nat just kept laughing wickedly, Melissa struggling in vain.

“Nat! Help me! I’m stuck!”

“Haha, why should I, fatso? You’re the one that got me stuck first!”

“I didn’t get you stuck in that window! You did that on your own!” protested Melissa.

“Sure, Melissa. Maybe you’re just unable to admit how fat you are!”

“I know I’m fat! You don’t need to keep bringing that up! Besides, you’re getting tubby too!”

“Hey, I’m not the one that’s stuck, butt girl!”

Natasha bent down to be in eye level with Melissa’s stuck bum, which shivered in its skin tight pink pants.

“Look at this ass! It’s so jiggly!” cackled Natasha.

She grabbed one of Melissa’s thick butt cheeks and gave it a jiggle.

“Ah! Nat, stop it!” screamed Melissa.

Natasha refused to listen as she began to poke and pinch at Melissa’s helpless rear end. She grabbed and prodded at Mel’s bum, as the plump heroine was left merely flailing helplessly.

“NAT! STOP!!!!” kicked Melissa, throwing a tantrum in her trap. She wriggled her chubby body, pleading Nat to stop, but was only providing the reaction for her to tease some more.

“You know what would be really funny?” said Nat with an evil grin.

“What? sniffed Mel, almost in tears.

“If I were to.....accidently pull your pants down.”

Mel froze, “Don’t. You. Dare.” But it was an empty threat. What could Melissa honestly do?

“Oh I think so!” laughed Nat, before grabbing hold of the waistband of Mel’s tights.

Natasha gave them a forceful tug, exposing Melissa’s bottom to the open air. Mel’s buttocks burst out out her pants as Nat pulled them down, Mel’s only reaction to kick and scream. Melissa’s pale bum cheeks shook violently as she recklessly thrashed about in surprise.

“Oh my! Melissa honey, what did you do to this butt?!?!?! It is MASSIVE!!! Hahahaha!”

“Nat! Pull them up right now!” Her face was red hot with embarrassment.

Melissa squirmed around, her butt wobbling uncontrollably. Nat just kept laughing at the ridiculous sight of Melissa’s posterior. Nat grabbed a huge handful of Mel’s left ass cheek and gave it a shake. Melissa’s entire bottom, hips and thighs wobbled with reckless abandon.

“Haha! Even Beyonce couldn’t hold a candle to this butt, Mel.” laughed Nat, “Hey, maybe we’ll have to leave you here! And we’ll feed you every meal time, which will only make you grow fatter and then you’ll be stuck forever!!!”

Natasha laughed as Melissa began to cry softly to herself. This was so embarrassing. She made one last attempt to move even the slightest inch, but it was no use, she was just too fat.

It took several minutes for both girls to calm down. Nat clutched her swelling belly, feeling the cramps of excessive laughter. Melissa just lay there, shivering slightly in the cold. Melissa’s soft bottom quaked like a keg full of gun powder, threatening to detonate at any moment. Her pale, bouncy bum cheeks wobbled like jelly on the plate that was her hips. Her thighs shivered in the cold, the air prickling her white skin and around her bum hole.

“Ha, ho! That was a good laugh.” sighed Natasha.

“Oh so that’s what this is? All for a good laugh?!” fumed Melissa, face drenched in tears.

“Yeah, pretty much. Nothing like revenge.”

Melissa composed herself, “You know Nat, I’m surprised you have so much energy, what having just broken up with your boyfriend.....”


“Yeah. I mean, if I were you, I’d be having trouble just getting out of bed.”

“So?! I’m fine.” snapped Nat, who was beginning to crack.

“And it’s not like you have any friends to lean on....” said Mel.

Nat pouted a little, “So? Who needs friends....I have myself.”

“Well I think you need me at the moment.” said Mel.

“Oh....and why’s that?” asked Nat smugly.

Melissa smirked, “I’m blocking the only way out.”

Nat froze. Melissa was right. She looked around, and sure enough, Melissa was plugging the only porthole big enough for them to squeeze out. And that wall was too high to climb back over.

Nat paused, “Fine. Fine, I’ll help you. But only because you can’t get out without me.”

Melissa breathed a sigh of relief.

“So what do you want me to do?” asked Nat.

“Well, you can start by pulling my pants back up.”

Melissa was so thankful to feel Nat pulling her tights back up over her heart-shaped bottom. It was quite a struggle for Natasha to get the clingy material over her cousin’s ass, and took even more effort not to make a fat comment.

“Ha, we should call you Rump-elstilzkin!” giggled Nat.

“Witty.” replied Mel bluntly, she really wasn’t in the mood for any of this.

“Ok, I’ll get you out.” said Nat.

She grabbed hold of Melissa’s ankles and pulled hard. Melissa moved back slightly, only to have a thick roll of blubber surge up around the rim of the hole. Mel grunted as her tummy folded into its rolls and Nat let go.

“Something is blocking the way!” called Nat.

“Yeah, my big fat belly.” sighed Mel, feeling sorry for herself, “Look, no use trying to pull me back in there, we need to get out of here.”

“What are you suggesting?”

“Grab my bum cheeks and push me through.” replied Melissa confidently.

“Eww, no.” said Nat.

Melissa sighed, “You just had your hands all over my butt before!”

“Oh yeah....” replied Nat vacantly, “Well this is the last time!”

Natasha sank her hand spans into each of Melissa’s fat cheeks and gripped the flab firmly in her fingers. She gave Melissa a forceful shove forward, her bum fat spreading out around the rim of the doorway.

“Oof!” squealed Melissa.

“It’s no use, your hips are too wide!” said Natasha.

“Oh poo! Why is my bum so fat!” complained Melissa.

“Because you eat too much chocolate, fat girl.”

“One shot at a time please.” replied Mel, feeling a little hurt.

Nat had one last idea. She pressed down Melissa’s butt with the palms of her hands, slowly pinching her fleshy buttocks through. Melissa wriggled in a pattern, shuffling her well-fed body from side to side. Melissa’s arms were pushed straight, her nose high in the air. She scrunched up her face, struggling to squeeze herself through.

“Uuuuugh! Mph!” Melissa struggled to fit through, but she was still stuck tight.

“Mel, I think I made things worse...” uttered Natasha,

“Your bum is stuck at the roundest part....”

Melissa looked back at the opening. Her fat bum was stuffed heavily in the door, like fat clogging an artery.

“Oh poo....I’ll never get out! I’ll be stuck forever!”

Melissa began to whine and complain as Natasha braced herself again. Much like she had done to get Melissa stuck in the first place, she rammed her hands into Melissa’s wide rump again. Melissa squealed like a fat little piglet as she felt her fat thighs pop free out of the porthole. Melissa smiled gleefully and sighed. She was free.

“Ow! You know you could have warned me you were going to do that!”
Melissa stood up, rubbing her tender bum fat.

“Oh, no thanks for getting you out?” said Nat, who had begun to crawl through the porthole herself.

“What are you doing?! You’ll get stuck!” cried Mel.

“Easy, butt girl. I may be fat, but I’m not as much of a porker as you. Give me a hand.”

Natasha had some difficulty squeezing her blubbery hips through. But the combined effort of Melissa pulling her arms and Natasha wriggling, she was free in little time.

“So you’re admitting you’re fat?” asked Melissa.

Natasha brushed the mulch of her body and folded her arms.

“Yes. Yes I am fat. I’ve put on a LOT of weight. But I’m not as fat as you.”

Melissa smiled, that was enough for her. She put her arm on Nat’s shoulder.

“Thanks Nat. Let’s go home, it’s definitely been long enough now!” giggled Melissa.

With that, the two left the park. Melissa’s favourite hangout had become quite a danger to her. She had gotten stuck twice in the same equipment. She could almost laugh at her own gullibility, but was more happy at the fact that her feud with Natasha was essentially over.


“Good workout, buddy!” declared Vicky.

Jodie hand her hands on her knees, panting, “Yeah true....I feel pretty good.”

Vicky and Jodie had made a pact to shape up. It had been an entire week since they had begun daily exercise. Both had similar goals in mind, not so much lose weight, but get a nice, voluptuous figure. Vicky knew she would never slim down entirely because of her genes, she was naturally a built girl. Jodie on the other hand, was of the petite frame, but wanted to keep a little flesh to show off.

“Ya know I weighted myself last night....” puffed Vicky, “I’ve lost two pounds.”

“Awesome! I lost like three. We’re getting there don’t worry.” replied Jodie.

“Well, I still have some stamina left, you wanna go for another jog?” asked Vicky, patting her red-haired friend on the back.

“Sure.” said Jodie, her deep breaths making her cleavage spill out of her top.

The two girls ran off, their dream weight in close sight.

(Click here for the next installmemnt.)

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