Last night, me and some old childhood friends of mine all got together at our old elementary school and played 4 square. We played it alot when we were kids and some would say that we were kings at it. After playing for about 2 and a half hours, all of us decided to go get something to eat. And as I turned to leave I took one final look at the blacktop where the group of us had so many precious memories. Then it hit me; there won't be moments like this for quite some time, since we're all going to different colleges. While we all still had fun with just the four of us, more people had promised to join us but at the last minute were unable to do so; particularly another friend of ours.
His family is from Canada and every year they go there for vacationing every summer. This summer he'd promised that he would come back for two weeks so we could all see each other before we go our sperate ways. Unfoutunately I'd gotten a call from another friend who said that he wasn't coming back for the 2 weeks like he promised, but rather for 24 hours on the day that I leave for college. Thisde all of us upset because we never get to see him and were dissapointed because we were hoping to.
Meanwhile my parents are jittery about me going off to college mainly because the campus isn't as handicapped accessible and doesn't cater to individuals in wheelchairs as much as they think it should be. I was nervous myself, but then I sat back and realized "Wait a minute. What the hell do they expect them to do, give me a fucking hovercar to get around?" While they could be doing more than what they are currently, they can only do so much. It seems like I'm the only one who realizes this.
So to sum all of this up, I guess I'm feeling alot of diffrent emotions right now... I'm depressed because this coming weekend will be the last time I'll see friends that I've known since I was in kindergarden untill Thanksgiving at the earliest. I'm mad because havent seen another old friend since mid june because he's in Canada. I'm nervous at the idea of going to college and at the same time I'm anxious to leave because my family drives me fucking crazy. And I guess above all else, I'm happy to even get the oppertuninty to go to college in the first place. These feelings are normal right?
His family is from Canada and every year they go there for vacationing every summer. This summer he'd promised that he would come back for two weeks so we could all see each other before we go our sperate ways. Unfoutunately I'd gotten a call from another friend who said that he wasn't coming back for the 2 weeks like he promised, but rather for 24 hours on the day that I leave for college. Thisde all of us upset because we never get to see him and were dissapointed because we were hoping to.
Meanwhile my parents are jittery about me going off to college mainly because the campus isn't as handicapped accessible and doesn't cater to individuals in wheelchairs as much as they think it should be. I was nervous myself, but then I sat back and realized "Wait a minute. What the hell do they expect them to do, give me a fucking hovercar to get around?" While they could be doing more than what they are currently, they can only do so much. It seems like I'm the only one who realizes this.
So to sum all of this up, I guess I'm feeling alot of diffrent emotions right now... I'm depressed because this coming weekend will be the last time I'll see friends that I've known since I was in kindergarden untill Thanksgiving at the earliest. I'm mad because havent seen another old friend since mid june because he's in Canada. I'm nervous at the idea of going to college and at the same time I'm anxious to leave because my family drives me fucking crazy. And I guess above all else, I'm happy to even get the oppertuninty to go to college in the first place. These feelings are normal right?