*Very Proud Aussie!!*
It'd be interesting to hear from you guys, what *moment in time*, you will never forget?
Mine, most definately was when, Princess Di was killed. I was visiting a friend of mine and her daughter, when the report came over the tv. We all stood up, looked at each other and as soon as it was clear that she had died, we all started crying. It was as if a family member had passed away. To this day, I'm still not sure exactly why, her passing affected so many people world wide, in such an enormous way?
Mine, most definately was when, Princess Di was killed. I was visiting a friend of mine and her daughter, when the report came over the tv. We all stood up, looked at each other and as soon as it was clear that she had died, we all started crying. It was as if a family member had passed away. To this day, I'm still not sure exactly why, her passing affected so many people world wide, in such an enormous way?