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More NJ mini bash commemorative shirts will be available

Dimensions Magazine

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Active Member
Feb 25, 2008
For all attendees,

Because of the fast turnaround time on delivery (and because people are still asking me about them), I can accommodate more orders for these shirts.


Please keep in mind that I am only ordering enough of these to provide for whoever actually notifies me beforehand; there will not be any extras sitting on a table at the Bash. The list will remain open until 3/21. If you don't get your name on the list, then you're going to miss out!

These black shirts, with the image above printed in white, sell at $20 and are personally silk-screened by the artist. It's cash on delivery, I'll have a vendor table on Saturday afternoon. I can get these made in sizes M-5X, and if you want one, I need you to PM me with your...

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