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More than a vacation - by Dale 71395 (SSBBW, Tube Feeding, ~XWG)

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Nov 11, 2006
SSBBW, Tube Feeding, ~XWG - a prize winner gleans more than she ever expected

More than a Vacation
by Dale71395

I was walking around the state fair looking at all the booths that were selling merchandise. I loved to eat the food at the state fair is great. I had a cinnamon roll, banana on a stick, pizza, ice cream bar, and two corn dogs.

Needless to say I wasn’t hungry when I left. I’m 5’ 4” and 160 pounds; while I was eating I was thinking this would keep me in shape. As I was walking I would fill out entry forms to win cars trips and so on. I had a good time. I went home and back to my normal routine.

I recived a letter in the mail later that month saying I won a month vacation in Rome as a Queen. I thought "yah, sure" and threw the thing in the trash. A week later there was a message on my answering machine saying I have won the trip and a phone number to call. This time I decided to call and see what was up.

I got a man on the phone saying I have been chosen out of all the ladies that filled out an entry form nationwide. It was to be a trip to Rome as a Queen, everything included. I would have two weeks to get things in order or they would go to the next entry.

It seemed fishy so I went on the Internet and found their web site; everything seemed in order. I went to my boss at work and asked for a leave of absence for the trip. We talked about it for a few minutes making arrangements for some coworkers to cover my job responsiblites until I get back. I got my plane tickets; they wanted me to be there on April 30th. So I would be ready to become queen starting May 1st, which was a Monday. They were going to supply everything all I needed was my passport.

When the big day arrived I was nervous about going, I thought I needed a break so I went to the airport with my clothes on my back and my purse and got on the plane for Rome.

At Rome I got off the plane there was a man standing there with a sign that said "Cindy." I walked to him and said, “I’m Cindy.”

He bowed and said, “This way please.”

I was led to a Limo and was asked to get in the back. We drove to a large house in the city. I got out and was told, “This way please.”

The place was huge. I was led to a room where there was a lady sitting behind a desk. She got up when I walked into the room shook my hand.

She said, “You must be Cindy, my name is Helen. You were lucky to have won the trip as Queen of Rome, I envy you.”

She showed me to my room. It was bigger than my whole apartment.

She said, “Starting tomorrow you will be wearing these clothes.”

It looked like a belly dancer outfit. They were quite beautiful with all the bright colors.

She said, “You must be exhausted from your trip. Why don’t you rest here I will send somebody to get you at dinnertime. You could get lost easily walking around these corridors. I’m not saying you can’t though. There will be no watches, cell phones or the like allowed to be used during your stay. Give them to me now and I will put them in the safe.”

I lay on the bed and went to sleep. Next I remember there was a knock on the door. There was a man standing there he said "dinner is served" and motioned for me to follow him.

The walls were painted and there were hangings on them too. The ceilings were high Id say twenty feet. I thought with the high ceilings and large corridors it would be cold but it was just the right temp. As we were walking I could smell the food I did not realize how hungry I was until then.

I sat down to eat. There was a plate of food with eating utensils. I started eating there was a wineglass and water too. When I finished off the wine a waiter came from nowhere and filled it up again. When my plate was empty the waiter came with another, not as large of a serving. When I finished that I was very full. The waiter came back with some ice cream, which I ate.
Then I put my hand up for no more.

The same man motioned for me to follow him again. I went back to my room and closed the door. I had drunk three glasses of wine. I was not used to drinking and felt very tired. I decided to take another nap. I woke up and went to put my clothes on they were gone.

I started looking at the belly dancer outfits. I noticed that they were all the same color but came in different sizes. I tried on one of them it fit very well. I decided to try the door to see if it was open, it was.

The man from earlier was standing out side. He said, “You look very lovely in your dance suit. Helen has been waiting for you.”

I asked, “Would you please tell me what time is it?”

He said, “You know the rules. There is no time here.”

This time I tried to keep track of the turns so I could check it out later on my own. We entered into a room that was small compared to the rest of the house. There a raised platform ion the center with pillows of all shapes and sizes on it. The platform was shaped like a oblong dish. Standing against the wall there was six young men. I would guess them to have been in their early twenties. I heard the door close behind me; when I turned the man had gone.

I stood there for a few minutes when one of the young men motioned me to come over and lay on the couch (for lack of a better way to describe it). I went over and lay down on the couch. As soon as I lay down the six men went to work. Two of them started rearranging the pillows to suit me, then got some oil and started rubbing me down. It felt wonderful.

At the same time two other men came forward with dishes of different kinds of things to eat, another one appeared with a bottle of wine and a glass. The sixth one walked around the couch taking pictures with a camera as everything was going on. I opened my mouth to say something and one on the men with the food started putting a grape in my mouth. I closed my mouth; he pulled his hand away. When I opened it again for him to put the grape in he did. I chewed and swallowed.

I opened my lips again and the second man with the plate put a part of a pastry in it which I chewed and swallowed. I kept it up for a few minutes and then when I opened it the man with the wine poured some in. I closed my eyes to enjoy the rub down and opened my mouth when I wanted to eat something. I have no idea how long I lay there.

After a while I got full and just didn’t open my mouth. Then I started up again. Open close chew and swallow, Open close chew and swallow, and after twelve times of that it was open drink some wine and swallow. At first I was going to fast and then slowed down. I thought I could lay there for hours and eat with out getting so full that I would have to take a rest.

On it went for hours until I had to get up to use the bathroom. Then I laid back down and started again. After awhile I went to sleep. When I woke up after who knows how long the young men were still standing their waiting. Open close chew and swallow, Open close chew and swallow, Open close chew and swallow. After some time I closed my eyes again. When I opened my mouth nothing happened. I opened my eyes and Helen was standing there.

She said, “It’s time you had a break. You need to take a shower and change your clothes.”

I didn’t realize how full I was until I stood up and felt a little tipsy from all the wine too. She opened the door for me to leave. I was showed back to my room took a shower and got dressed again. I didn’t feel tired so I opened the door and the man was standing there waiting.

He asked, “Are you ready to go back already?”

I shook my head yes. Off we went. He opened the door to the room. I walked over to the couch laid down and it started all over again. This time it seemed that to me they were larger bite size pieces. I learned my lesson from last time I was here, go slowly and enjoy everything it will last a lot longer. Open close chew and swallow, Open close chew and swallow. I went at many betters pace this time. I know I lay there for hours enjoying the rub down. I could tell my body was getting softer.

Helen came in a little later to see how I was doing. She watched as I keep eating in a timed manner.

She smiled and said, “I will be back in a little while to take you back to your room.”

I started picking up my eating pace a little when she said that. In a few minutes I was getting very full. I could feel the wine know too. I kept going open close chew and swallow as long as I could. Just when I stopped opening my mouth to quit Helen walked in and said that’s enough for now; its time to go get some rest. I tried to stand but lost my footing and almost fell. One of the young men saved me from falling. Helen opened the door I walked through it and Helen went by leading the way. I followed and could not walk a straight line. She opened my door I walked in saw my bed laid on it and went right to sleep.

When I woke up I had no idea how long I was asleep. The lights were always on. All I knew is I was very hungry. I took a shower I could feel that I was getting fatter. As I washed my tummy I could tell the rol on my belly was getting bigger. I wonder how long have I been here?

I got dressed and walked out the door. I was surprised that there was nobody waiting. I decided to go back in the room. In a little while I went out again and the same man was standing there.

He said, “This way miss.”

I followed him. I was starting to get used to the route. "Next time I will try on on my own if there is nobody waiting." I thought.

I arrived in the room again and laid down on the couch. Open close chew and swallow, open close chew and swallow. The portions were much bigger this time. The food had changed finally to some kind of cake and what tasted like peanut butter cookies. What ever it was it was delicious.

The two men that were rubbing me down were concentrating on the areas I could tell were getting fatter, my tummy and my hips. I continued for some time but never felt I was getting full so I increased my speed a little then a little more. I could feel I was getting full so I slowed down. I like the feeling of always being full. I new I could stay that way as long as I wanted. I lay there eating for hours again. I stopped eating and took a nap.

When I awoke I got up and walked around to loosen my legs up some. The six young men were waiting. After a few minutes I laid down again. I wasn’t full any more so I started a little fast then slowed down when I was getting full. I kept going, open close chew and swallow, and open close chew and swallow. I began getting tired again so I stopped and asked to go back to my room to go to sleep. I was led back to my room where I went right to sleep.

After I woke up I took a shower, I played with my tummy roll. I was getting really fat now. My arms were a lot thicker as were my legs. When I walked I could feel my legs rubbing together that was a new sensation. I had no clue how much weight I had gained but I know it was considerable. That didn’t matter to me though I was very hungry.

I got dressed, went out the door and the man said "are you ready miss." I shook my head yes then we started down the hallway.

When I arrived at the room the six men were waiting. Helen was there and asked, “how’s everything going.”

I said, “very good thanks. I’ve never been this hungry.”

I lay on the couch and opened my mouth. This time the portions were double the original size when I got here. I noticed it was taking longer to get the full feeling I enjoyed. When I felt better I slowed down again. I could feel a very good buzz from the wine. The two young men rubbing me down were fantastic. I lay there again for hours. This is the best I have ever felt in my life.

The wondering about the weight gain had disappeared and replaced with contentment. Then I was being shaken; I realized I must of dozed off. I opened my mouth and we began again. I wondered how long I was asleep. I opened my eyes and looked at my tummy it was spread out with a bulge in the middle with a lot of cellulite. I kept eating.

I felt it was time to get up again. I had some trouble getting up out of the couch. A couple of the young men helped me. I asked to go back to my room. The same man showed me the way. When I got there I quickly took off my clothes and rubbed the lines where they had been digging into my fat. I must have outgrown these lying on the couch.

My tummy was starting to hang down some; it was getting very big. I stood there rubbing it and looking how big my thighs were. After awhile I took a shower and went to sleep. When I awoke the clothes I had worn were gone. I tried on some until I found some that were loose on me. I couldn’t believe how hungry I was. I felt I hadn’t eaten in a week.

I walked out the door the same man was there. I said, “Let’s go.”

When we got there I quickly lied down to start eating. I ate fast until I felt better then went into my routine. The portions were bigger still. I was watching my tummy slowly get larger with every bite. The two young men doing the rub down saw me looking at it they both starting working just on it. I relaxed closed my eyes, open close chew and swallow, and open close chew and swallow. Again I kept it up for hours.

I stopped and asked for help getting up. I went back to my room and took a shower and went to sleep.

I woke up and looked at how big my tummy had gotten. I slapped it and watched the waves go back and forth. I struggled to my feet got dressed and went out the door. The man wasn’t there so I walked my self and found the room with no problem. The young men were still waiting. I lied down and started again I ate for some time then took another nap. My tummy was sticking up and I was starting to feel very unconformable lying on my back. So I rolled over on my side. The young men quit feeding me. I lay there with my mouth open and no food came. I heard Helen come in.

She said, “If you decide to lay on your side you will have to be fed through a tube. There’s too much chance of choking.”

I thought about it for a few minutes then said, “Okay let me try it. I’ll see how much I like it.”

Helen said, “When you want some food raise your thump up like this. Lower it when you want to stop. When you need a break make a cutting sign with your hand like this.”

It was an interesting feeling my tummy would fill up like a balloon when I raised my thumb. I raised and lowered my thumb like opening my mouth. It took awhile to get used to it but I soon had it under control.

After an hour I made the cutting sign and everything stopped. The tube was taken out. I enjoyed it, I felt more comfortable on my side too. I decided this was the way to go; I got the tube reinserted and started eating again. That was a big mistake! I thought I was getting fat before, now things really sped up! But anyway I enjoyed it and kept it up for some time.

I needed a break. I made the cutting sign and they took the tube out. It took three of the young men to get me up this time. I waddled to my room. I had to stop to rest a couple of times. The sweat was running off me. I tried to get into the shower my huge tummy and butt would not fit through the door any more. I waddled to the door and opened it.

The man was standing there I told him about the shower problem. He asked me to follow him. He walked very slowly so I could keep up. I had so stop and rest and told him so. He waited patiently then we started again. He led me to a room that was across for the hallway from where I had been eating. It had a huge shower and very big bed. I took my shower and went to sleep.

I awoke. Somehow I managed to get up. I looked at myself. I was gigantic. I stamped my foot. The fat wave went from my foot all the way to my chins. My tummy was hanging down a foot below my waist and sticking out very far. I waddled across the hall.

The young men were waiting I laid down on the couch on my side they put the tube in. The two young men were rubbing me down. I was so huge know the one that was taking the pictures put his camera down and helped with the rub down. I raised my thumb and felt the food going in. It took quite awhile before I had to put my thumb down. I took a nap.

I knew it had to be past the month by now. I asked for Helen, she came in.

I asked, “How long have I been here?”

She said, “6 months.”

I was stunned she then said, “After you started eating and we saw your capacity. We decided you should remain here.”

I asked, “How about my friends and family? Do they now I am here?”

She said, “No, and they never will. You could get up and tell them. Some how I don’t think that’s going to happen. Just relax and enjoy yourself.”

I laid their thinking of my options. There weren’t many. So I put my thumb up and kept it there.

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