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Mrs. Obama and her childhood obesity initiative

Dimensions Magazine

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Aug 27, 2009
How do you feel about it?

One thing that irks me is her childhood obesity initiative. I am strongly against it. I hate this war on fat that is going on. Great, what we need is for more parents to tell their kids they are fat and belittle them. Great job, Michelle.

Childhood HUNGER is a very pressing issue which affects many children in this country as well. Neglect, abuse, etc is also a pressing issue.

There are so many other issues that are more important than nit- picking on how much someone does jumping jacks or eats Twinkies. It's plain nagging and people turn off to that. We should be focusing more on improving public education and getting Americans kids to compete in the world in which we are falling behind.

There has also been much research that shows more fat prolongs life, not shortens it!

Furthermore, I'm sure they base obesity off that inaccurate and stupid BMI chart in which EVERYONE IS OBESE. Stupid chart doesn't take into account muscle mass, fat deposition, and bone density.

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