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my stance on everything.

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womble/leprechaun hybrid!
Nov 22, 2007
ok, ok, probably not everything, but still, quite alot of points.

the reason why I am making this thread is because I'm tired of people lumping people with other groups, like lumping all conservatives with the tea party, or the lumping all atheists with stalin, I think a little clarity to explain where we stand socially, politically, religiously, morally and economically would probably be for the best.

Please note this is not a thread to nit-pick peoples beliefs and start discussion, this is strictly to demonstrate where you are coming from so people know you're position. Think of it as a reference sheet for future debates.

ok, I'll start.

Socially: I believe in general freedom of choice and speech, and even if you have something appalling to say, you still have the right to say it, and people will judge you for it. Thus, censorship or deprivation of any kind, be it of knowledge or rights, is something I frown upon.

politically: Last UK election I voted liberal democrat, though really, I'm a socialist democratic libertarian at heart. I believe that there should be government run institutions like health care (though only at the point of need and by a civil service), the government should be elected by proportional representation rather than by county/state, and that independent organisations (still funded by taxation) should be responsible for regulation broadcasting, holding a neutral position on issues. this is the main reason why I support the Beeb and the NHS, because they inform and help and awful lot of people.

religiously: Agnostic atheist. not a god denier, but more of a reflector. Basically, I'm open to ideas, but they need to have more evidence than a single book, and that evidence needs to be varifiable, that's my only condition. Apart from that, I get along as well with people of all religions, including christians, jews, muslims, hindu's, sikhs and buddhists. It's just a non-issue for me.

morally: I believe that most people have a fairly clued up moral compass, and that sheilding people from stuff doesn't prepare them at all. sex education, education about drugs, smoking and alcohol, should be factual and present it straight, giving the viewers a chance to make their own oppinion on it. This should be the same for education as well, teaching facts, rather than oppinion.

economically: a few more government regulations for me. I'm sorry, but I don't like the idea of huge conglomerates forming, and believe that the invisible hand of the market will all too quickly be shackled by the chains of the monopolies (that man's up to something!). a regulation like "a parent company cannot branch into more than a set number of industries" would be fine, and much tighter regulations on the process of entertainment and information, making sure independent investigators can actually have some legal power rather than just on the internet, to prevent bullshit from being spread as fact.

so yeah, I'm this liberal kind of guy.

again, this is strictly a reference, just so everyone knows that we are on the same page.

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