Hi All wondering if anyone can help me
my blog is gone to an index, and I have no idea how to fix the problem as I am absolutely useless when it comes to the webprogramming type stuff give me a bear to make or something to scrapbook and I am your girl give me webprogramming and I end up with a migraine (part of the reason my webiste isnt happening at the moment and my blog was about all I was using it for at pressent till i found some help but that is neither here nor there)
Any help of the practical sort would be most gratefully appreciated as Id like to get this sorted ASAP
hugs and thanks
my blog is gone to an index, and I have no idea how to fix the problem as I am absolutely useless when it comes to the webprogramming type stuff give me a bear to make or something to scrapbook and I am your girl give me webprogramming and I end up with a migraine (part of the reason my webiste isnt happening at the moment and my blog was about all I was using it for at pressent till i found some help but that is neither here nor there)
Any help of the practical sort would be most gratefully appreciated as Id like to get this sorted ASAP
hugs and thanks