Dimensions' loiterer
In another thread, Estrata wrote:
OK, you really can't say things like that without being willing to back it up, so.......come on folks, time to cough up some nerd credentials, those of you who claim to be nerds!
Of course, not everyone has the same definition of what it means to be a nerd--in particular I think younger folk use it differently somewhat than people of my age, and we probably differently than those somewhat older. But still, to your own meaning of being a nerd, what about you qualifies as being a nerd?
As for me, I'm mostly a gaming and science-fiction nerd. Started playing role-playing games in 1979, and played steadily through middle school, high school, and university. In University I took part in a few D&D tournaments. In the many years since university I've not had much chance to play--although I still have one box of precious gaming books that I've hauled around all of these years--but I am taking part in some play-by-yahoo-group HeroQuest, and I have contributor credits in a few HeroQuest books. I also got hooked on the collectible card game Magic: The Gathering about a decade ago, and continued to play with a few friends (with very rare expeditions to local tournaments) through last year, but I haven't played since moving cities last summer.
Before even starting role-playing games I'd stumbled across Narnia, MIddle-Earth, and Greek and Norse myth, and that has continued to influence a lot of my reading. I might take David Brin's "The Uplift War" to my grave with me, I re-read Roger Zelazeny's "A Night in the Lonesome October" at least annually, and I'll genearly buy new David Duncan, Elizabeth Moon, and Barbara Hambly without hesitation.
Of course, I take part in on-line forums and chat rooms, but I don't think that even counts for nerd credentials anymore. Although I did participate a little bit in an all text 'MUD' (furryMUC if I recall the name correctly) back in pre-web days.
Finally I'm an electrical engineer who works in quality systems, whose favorite subject was calculas, and who took part in math competitions (I think I managed national ranking in Canada every year through high school on them).
So there, that is why I say that I'm a nerd What's your excuse?
But still, I could so out nerd everyone else on these boards. Yo.
OK, you really can't say things like that without being willing to back it up, so.......come on folks, time to cough up some nerd credentials, those of you who claim to be nerds!
Of course, not everyone has the same definition of what it means to be a nerd--in particular I think younger folk use it differently somewhat than people of my age, and we probably differently than those somewhat older. But still, to your own meaning of being a nerd, what about you qualifies as being a nerd?
As for me, I'm mostly a gaming and science-fiction nerd. Started playing role-playing games in 1979, and played steadily through middle school, high school, and university. In University I took part in a few D&D tournaments. In the many years since university I've not had much chance to play--although I still have one box of precious gaming books that I've hauled around all of these years--but I am taking part in some play-by-yahoo-group HeroQuest, and I have contributor credits in a few HeroQuest books. I also got hooked on the collectible card game Magic: The Gathering about a decade ago, and continued to play with a few friends (with very rare expeditions to local tournaments) through last year, but I haven't played since moving cities last summer.
Before even starting role-playing games I'd stumbled across Narnia, MIddle-Earth, and Greek and Norse myth, and that has continued to influence a lot of my reading. I might take David Brin's "The Uplift War" to my grave with me, I re-read Roger Zelazeny's "A Night in the Lonesome October" at least annually, and I'll genearly buy new David Duncan, Elizabeth Moon, and Barbara Hambly without hesitation.
Of course, I take part in on-line forums and chat rooms, but I don't think that even counts for nerd credentials anymore. Although I did participate a little bit in an all text 'MUD' (furryMUC if I recall the name correctly) back in pre-web days.
Finally I'm an electrical engineer who works in quality systems, whose favorite subject was calculas, and who took part in math competitions (I think I managed national ranking in Canada every year through high school on them).
So there, that is why I say that I'm a nerd What's your excuse?