If you would like a new avatar for the summer season and thereafter, please feel free to shoot me a cool photo of yourself to me. I am the "webmaster" at the domain "fatlaneonline dot com". (Hope the spambots don't figure out what I just typed...)
Let me know if you need an 80x80 or 100x100 avatar or both.
This is a free avatar. I might just use the pic I create in a future project, so don't be alarmed if I do.
Best pics are those where you're relaxed, comfortable, and either not looking at the camera or looking at the camera with a genuine expression.
View attachment hc176x200.jpg
Let me know if you need an 80x80 or 100x100 avatar or both.
This is a free avatar. I might just use the pic I create in a future project, so don't be alarmed if I do.
Best pics are those where you're relaxed, comfortable, and either not looking at the camera or looking at the camera with a genuine expression.
View attachment hc176x200.jpg