FA/FFA Forum Thread Index
Below by category is a list of threads started from other forums before the FA/FFA forum was established, and now migrated here. We expect that this list will be augmented in the future by additional migrated threads, plus inclusion of homegrown ones, so feel free to check in.
Its normal and OK, but how and when did your FA/FFA-ness happen?
How did you become an FA or FFA?
Childhood FA'ism when does it start
FA Crises
When you became an FA..
FAism and heritage.
Different stages of FA-dom
You know you are an Fa when.......?
Childhood FA'ism when does it start
FA Crises
When you became an FA..
FAism and heritage.
Different stages of FA-dom
You know you are an Fa when.......?
Orientation acknowledged, what do we do to be good at it?
FA code of conduct:
Do you consider yourself a good catch?
How much does size matter to FAs
Do FAs Understand Fatties?
Seeking support and guidance
Do you consider yourself a good catch?
How much does size matter to FAs
Do FAs Understand Fatties?
Seeking support and guidance
Health and Related Issues
A dose of reality is great preventative medicine
Theory is fine – but practice application is where it counts
Dealing effectively with the non SA-community