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Nina - by The Id (~BBW (multiple), Competitive Eating, ~MWG)

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Oct 9, 2005
~BBW (multiple), Competitive Eating, ~MWG- two donut shop employees increase more than just sales volume.

By The Id

[Author’s Note: Though no one creates in a vacuum, the donut store in WG fiction is well established as a location and a miniature genre. Those who have preceded me have done so incredibly well, and I hope that this story is able to stand proudly with its forbearers. I don’t hesitate to say that this story in several respects strays a bit more from realism than my others. However, as they say, “never let the truth get in the way of a good story.” I hope you shall find this story good indeed.]

Man, it’s too early,” Nina Hampton thought groggily as she turned the ignition in her car. “Why did I ever take this job for Pete’s sake…”

The car clock read 5:09 AM. Nina banged her head against the steering wheel in frustration before throwing the car in reverse and backing out the driveway.

The honest truth was that she needed a job and this was the only one available that fit her schedule. She was in her last year of high school, which meant she was busily filling out college applications and would later be touring colleges after she’d been accepted.

Water polo season was beginning soon, which wiped out her afternoons for working because of how long practices went, not to mention games. Regular schoolwork prevented her from working nights. She preferred to try and keep her weekend evenings free, which meant that Saturday and Sunday mornings were when she had to work.

And Nina had to work. Between movies, music, clothing, dinners, gas, and the other assorted expenses of life, she needed money. As it was she was down to about fifty dollars in cash on hand and her parents had decided it was time that she stop being totally dependent on them and she enter the work force. Therefore, Nina had scoured the newspaper and surrounding businesses to find places that would hire someone for just a weekend job.

She wouldn’t make as much that way and it would be harder to find a job, but there was no way she was going to give up water polo after three years of hard work. She’d just become varsity captain and she’d earned it. She’d rather go without things than give that up.

In her desperation for a job, Nina had inquired at Alpine Donuts, a local donut store, if they had any openings. She was upfront about the fact she could only work weekends, something that she knew had doomed her at every other business she’d tried to get a job at. In a fortunate turn of events, the owner had been looking for someone to work Saturday and Sunday mornings. He warned that the hours would be early and that he couldn’t have her missing work. Nina in her enthusiasm had sworn she wouldn’t ever miss work and the deal had been signed.

Now that she was bleary eyed at 5:10 AM, this job didn’t seem like such a bright idea anymore.

You get what you ask for, Nina thought gloomily. Ten minutes later she’d pulled in behind Alpine Donuts. She’d been told that her coworker should be there to let her in. Considering that the air was downright chilly this early in the morning (it also wasn’t light out, something that Nina knew she was going to have trouble adjusting to), Nina certainly hoped that someone was going to be there to let her in.

Nina was a tall girl, six foot and one inch tall. She towered over just about every other girl at the high school, except some of the members of the girl’s basketball team. Even Morgan Jones, a tall girl herself, couldn’t measure up to Nina in stature. As a result, her 130 pound frame made her look exceptionally thin. But on the whole Nina was built larger than other girls by virtue of sheer proportion. Most notably she was a bit broad shouldered, and her thighs were larger than most girls’, but not by much. She also wore a size 8 because of her proportionally larger waist.

Occasionally it had been awkward for Nina to be built on such a different scale from other girls, but she’d settled down into her skin over time. Being good at water polo had helped as her height and somewhat larger build was an advantage. Nina was very tan, half from genetics and half from the beach where she was a frequent visitor. Though her features, brown hair, and light blue eyes were definitely Caucasian, her skin suggested she’d be more likely to be found on some tropical island. Nina’s work outfit consisted of sweatpants and a white t-shirt with the Alpine Donuts logo on it. She’d tied her hair back into a ponytail so it would be out of the way during the day.

Nina rapped on the door as she shivered in the cold. It was soon swung open by a rotund girl with fair complexion.

“Nina? Hi, I’m Laurel, how are you?” the fair skinned girl said.

“Freezing,” Nina said rushing into the store. The back room, which was dominated by ovens and the production area, was warm and comfy for Nina. She immediately settled in.

“Oh, sorry. Just a bit nippy out there. Nina Hampton,” Nina said extending her hand.

“Laurel Stone,” Laurel said as she shook Nina’s hand, “Welcome to the early bird shift.”

“Thanks very much. I suppose we’ve got to get to work,” Nina said.

“I’ve already got the first batch of donuts in the ovens,” Laurel said, leading Nina to one of the tables. As she did so, Nina sized up her coworker.

Calling Laurel rotund was a very apt use of the term. Laurel was quite fat indeed. Though the apron that she was wearing (and Nina too had now put on) obscured her frame, Laurel was so corpulent that Nina had no trouble making out her features. Around Laurel’s midsection was a large spare tire. It sagged over the waistband of Laurel’s sweatpants, and Nina could tell that behind the apron her belly stuck out a bit from underneath the bottom of the t-shirt. The short sleeves of the t-shirt left Laurel’s fat upper arms in plain view.

As Laurel instructed Nina in how to prepare the donuts, her arms swayed and jiggled as they moved. The seat of Laurel’s sweatpants was filled out by her immense butt, and through the strained cotton the outline of Laurel’s panties were clearly visible. Her fat thighs rubbed together as Laurel waddled through the room, showing Nina everything she’d need to crank out donuts. Most impressively, however, Laurel had the largest breasts Nina had ever seen. The roly-poly girl’s knockers were absolutely huge. Nina wondered at the strength of Laurel’s bra and back to be able to support such enormous boobs.

Laurel had long black hair that went all the way to her waist. Her milky white skin brought out her blue eyes. Nina had heard the expression used before to describe girls with fair skin, but Laurel was the first person she’d ever thought it really fit. Laurel could have been named Snow White and Nina would have wholeheartedly agreed. Of course, this Snow White probably wore about 12 dress sizes larger and was about 90 pounds heavier than the one from the fairy tales, and that was being conservative in Nina’s opinion.

Nina thought that Laurel was actually rather pretty in her own plump way, but she was more a living embodiment of Nina’s fear that she might wind up snacking more than she aught to working at a store that sold donuts. She didn’t want to become that stupid roly-poly loser who worked at the donut store and stuffed her face with free donuts. Nina made a very strong mental note to make sure that she kept herself tightly under control.

“We don’t have a huge clientele like some of the other places do,” Laurel explained, “So even on the weekends we don’t have to crank as many donuts out as you might think. We’d just wind up wasting them. If business ever did pick up, we’d have to hire more people to work here. Right now though, we’re just a small operation. But thank goodness you’re here. I could barely handle this myself when it was just me for the past couple weeks.”

The conversation was interrupted by a sharp ding.

“First batch of the morning,” Laurel said as she waddled over to one of the ovens, Nina following her ass as it undulated up and down.

Laurel pulled the rack of chocolate glazed donuts out of the oven and put them on one of the large wooden tables to cool. After a minute she gingerly picked one up and bit into it. Nina saw the steam rise from the donut and her mouth watered. It looked so good…but Nina checked herself. This was precisely how she was going to get herself into trouble.

“There’s nothing like donuts fresh from the oven,” Laurel said, “One of the great perks of working the early morning shift. Have one. The boss never notices. Then again, he probably has, but hasn’t raised a fuss yet. He’s a pretty loose guy on the whole and he tries to keep his employees happy and these donuts keep everybody I’ve ever met very happy.”

Laurel smiled.

“That’s all right,” Nina said tentatively, “I’m okay.”

“Oh come on Nina. Five bucks said you didn’t have breakfast this morning,” Laurel said before she took a great bite out of the donut.

“All right, you’re right, I didn’t,” Nina admitted.

“I don’t blame you. Who’s got time for breakfast at 5:00 in the morning? Besides, this is free. If I didn’t get my breakfast here, I don’t think I could pay my car insurance.”

Laurel did make sense. Money was tight, and it meant she’d be able to get out of bed a bit later, and Nina was all for anything that would allow her to sleep in. “All right, I’ll have just one.”

One was all it took. The moment that Nina bit into that warm, fluffy chocolate covered donut, it was as if it was decreed that Nina would be having breakfast at Alpine Donuts every morning she worked there, though she was unaware of the fact at that moment in time. Nina had never had a donut like this. It made regular donuts seem bland and uninspired by comparison.

Nina didn’t have to say a word. Everything she was feeling was written all over her face.

“Good, isn’t it?” Laurel said as she picked up the now cool tray and carried it to the front.

“This is pretty freaking amazing!” Nina exclaimed.

“Never gets old, trust me,” Laurel said as she came back and the next oven dinged, “By the way, you’ll find that once things start, they really get going. Lend a hand if you would and we’ll get these trays out there in no time at all.”

Nina and Laurel began the routine of making all the different sorts of donuts (Laurel was the one mainly doing that, while Nina observed so she could learn between pulling trays out of the oven and setting them out front) and getting the store ready for opening at 6:30 AM. There were the special orders to be made in addition to the regular stock for the front store.

Laurel gave Nina a quick run through on the cash register before they opened the doors, saying that it was better that she work that until she had the donut making down pat. Nina agreed and found that working the register and the front of the shop wasn’t too bad. Despite the early hour, people were generally pleasant, except for a few people who just needed their coffee.

One customer did throw her for a loop though.

“Glazed or vanilla crème?” the man asked Nina.

“Uh…well…” Nina said. She’d had neither and she wasn’t sure what to do.

“Vanilla crème,” Laurel said, popping her head out from the back, “Much better, trust me.”

“Thanks. Two vanilla crèmes please,” the man ordered.

Nina got them and rung him up. “Sorry, first day on the job. Haven’t had time to sample them all yet,” she apologized.

“Don’t worry about it. We all had a first day somewhere,” the man said, “Have a nice day.”

“You too sir,” Nina said as he left.

Once he was gone, Laurel waddled out. “People ask all the time about that sort of stuff. You really aught to make it a point to sample some stuff early on.”

With that Laurel deftly plucked an éclair from the shelf along with a jelly filled donut.

“After all, if someone asks for advice regarding an éclair against a jelly donut, they expect you to know these things and they won’t always be as nice as that guy.” Laurel held them out for Nina. The tall girl hesitated before she took them from her shorter and rounder companion. However, she did have to know the product. Nina took both and had a bite of one and then the other.

“Definitely the éclair,” Nina said, “but the jelly’s pretty good.”

“Good choice. You’ve got a knack for this already, I can see,” Laurel said.

The bell on the door jangled and the next customer came in. While she was getting this customer her selections, Nina didn’t even realize that she ate both the éclair and the jelly donut in the process.


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