Lions don't need to spank
Well folks, this summer is turning out to be one blazing hot record breaker. We have had almost no rain and weeks of high temps over 100 degrees F. Due to the parched vegetation (grass crunches when you walk on it), extreme heat, and even a hint of wind, and water tanks dropping most of our state is on a BURN BAN. Prior to July 4th almost the entire state had a ban on shooting fireworks, some towns even banned having fireworks, and most fireworks stands just closed. The dire situation about fires getting out of control has been the top news stories for weeks. And now, I give you my nominees for Darwin awards.
A group is Nominee #1
Two 20 yr old girls and one boy (also in his 20s) decided that the burn ban and the the fireworks ban couldn't possibly apply to them or spoil their 4th of July fun. So the 3 rode off on 4 wheelers to a nearby pasture and started shooting fireworks - having a jolly old time. In short order, the pasture caught on fire, the fire spread to three adjacent houses, and before the fire department could get the fire under control, it burned all the homes, structures and parked cars to the ground. In one of the homes a senior citizen was asleep - fortunately the neighbors were able to rescue her from the burning house before she was killed. The three 20 yr old cousins (all with the same last name) were caught by the sheriff and their mug shots were on the news. The little darlins' are now out on bail waiting for their trial. Now here's some kids who thought a few minutes of fireworks were worth a whole bunch of misery - including other's homes and almost an old lady's life.
Nominee #2 - Also in our fair state, two teenage boys decided the fireworks ban did not apply to them either. They decided to have fun with sparklers using a novel idea - one they cooked up themselves. The bright young men took 300 sparklers and tied them all together. Then they lit them. You can only imagine the inferno of 300 sparklers going off at once. One of the boys was killed and one is in the hospital with burns.
Nominee #3 - This intelligent soul was an adult in his 40s. He decided to build a homemade cannon. He welded pipe together of an appropriate strength and length and made a little stand for his cannon. He then packed it with gunpowder and loaded it with a cannonball. Then he lit it. The canon blew up right on its little stand, which the man was holding. He lost most of his fingers on one hand and may still lose the hand. He is still in the hospital. The authorities decided not to charge him because they figured he had suffered enough.
A group is Nominee #1
Two 20 yr old girls and one boy (also in his 20s) decided that the burn ban and the the fireworks ban couldn't possibly apply to them or spoil their 4th of July fun. So the 3 rode off on 4 wheelers to a nearby pasture and started shooting fireworks - having a jolly old time. In short order, the pasture caught on fire, the fire spread to three adjacent houses, and before the fire department could get the fire under control, it burned all the homes, structures and parked cars to the ground. In one of the homes a senior citizen was asleep - fortunately the neighbors were able to rescue her from the burning house before she was killed. The three 20 yr old cousins (all with the same last name) were caught by the sheriff and their mug shots were on the news. The little darlins' are now out on bail waiting for their trial. Now here's some kids who thought a few minutes of fireworks were worth a whole bunch of misery - including other's homes and almost an old lady's life.
Nominee #2 - Also in our fair state, two teenage boys decided the fireworks ban did not apply to them either. They decided to have fun with sparklers using a novel idea - one they cooked up themselves. The bright young men took 300 sparklers and tied them all together. Then they lit them. You can only imagine the inferno of 300 sparklers going off at once. One of the boys was killed and one is in the hospital with burns.
Nominee #3 - This intelligent soul was an adult in his 40s. He decided to build a homemade cannon. He welded pipe together of an appropriate strength and length and made a little stand for his cannon. He then packed it with gunpowder and loaded it with a cannonball. Then he lit it. The canon blew up right on its little stand, which the man was holding. He lost most of his fingers on one hand and may still lose the hand. He is still in the hospital. The authorities decided not to charge him because they figured he had suffered enough.