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Not Just a River... - by Greinskyn (~BBW, ~~WG, Hypnotism)

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Active Member
May 6, 2007
~BBW, ~~WG, Hypnotism - A boyfriend at the end of his rope about his girlfriend's obsession over her weight decides to try his friend's hypnotic solution.

Not Just a River...
By Greinskyn

Maria looked on in shock at the huge number registering on the scale. 'Omigod'

“How could I have let myself go like this?!” she shrieked. Stepping off then back on again made no difference... the horrid reading was still the same; 117 lbs. “I'm such a pig!”

Terrence, her boyfriend haplessly ventured into the bedroom at just that instant. Too bad for him.

“You!” She shouted, pointing an accusing finger at him. “You're responsible for this!”

At first Terrence had no idea what she was talking about, but being a man was used to being the one at fault. He was prepared, however. After being married to Maria for three years now, he was certain she'd be quick to point out just what crime he'd so recently committed.

“What?” He asked innocently.

Maria's eyes widened. “What? What?” She ran her hands up and down her sides in an exaggerated manner. “Just look at me!”

Terrence had already been doing that. In actuality it would be hard not to. Maria was a stone cold fox. At 5' 8” the red-headed firecracker had slim curves, fair skin, and a pair of emerald eyes you could get lost in. Frankly she was out of his league.

Maria could only handle a few moments of silence on Terrence's part, (Hey, I told you you could get lost in those eyes) She once again went on the offensive. “I'm a pig! That's what!”

'Oh no not that again' he groaned internally, just now realizing the scale. 'Why'd she put it in our bedroom' He hated that damned monstrosity. The big enamel thing gave Terrence the creeps; always reminding him of visits to the doctor's office. It had been bad enough crammed into the bathroom. Now it was haunting their bedroom. 'Oh why can't we have a normal digital scale like everyone else'

Maria ran her fingers down along her sides searching for the mountains of flab she was sure was there. “I can't believe you talked me into eating those Buffalo Wings.”

Terrence finally pulled himself away from staring... for self preservation if anything else. “But, hun. You only had two.” he pointed out.

Maria just glared at him. “Oh don't go there! You know how fattening those things are.”

Wednesday, downtown...

“I don't know what to do Mitch. She's getting worse!”

Mitch Tannenbaum looked compassionately at his long time friend. Their weekly lunches at Applebees were increasingly taken over by the subject of Maria and her growing phobia over her weight. At first he'd thought this was just normal quarreling amongst husband and wife, but over the last couple of months Mitch began to recognize true mental deviation.

“I swear she had nothing for breakfast but water!” Terrence continued. “She didn't even put any lemon in it! LEMON!” He shook his head disbelievingly. “Cripes, how many calories can a friggin' slice of lemon have in it!”

Terrence's last outburst caused half the restaurant to stare at the two men.

“Hey, hey. Take it easy man. I think I have an idea...”

That Friday Maria and Terrence were invited over to Mitch's house. It wasn't an unheard of event, but ever since Mitch's wife had left him, the get-togethers tended to get awkward as the evening wore on. Tonight happily wasn't one of those occasions. Perhaps in part to the optimism both men had for their little plan was the reason. Then again, having no food present might have played a small role.

Currently the threesome sat around Mitch's central fireplace chatting and enjoying glasses of sparkling mineral water. The pleasant atmosphere was made more so by the soothing heat radiating from the fire. Now and again, silence would fall over the room as light from the dancing flames seduced the threesome. 'If only Lisa were here' Mitch mused.

The thought spurred him into action, and he left his guests under the guise of refilling his glass. Terrence, meanwhile set his glass on the coffee table and picked up one of Mitch's research papers.

“Hey Terrence! Can you give me a hand with this!” Came a shout from the kitchen.

Terrence made a move to stand up, accidentally knocking over his half-empty wine glass in the process. Mineral water spread out over the oiled wood surface of the coffee table, creating Rorschach patterns as it went.

“Damn!” Cursed Terrence. “Here hun, hold this!”

Terrence slapped the paper into his girlfriend's hands then went off in search of a towel. Maria for her part rolled her eyes at the display.

“I think someone needs to be cut off!” she chided, in a rare moment of playfulness.

While the men were gone, Maria glanced at the subject of the paper... then did a quick double-take. 'Could this really be true' she wondered. Flipping open the cover gave a more detailed description of Mitch's research. Maria quickly found herself consumed, for if the claims had merit it would be an answer to her dreams.

Ten minutes later when the men returned, (They'd been observing her fixation on the paper so didn't bother to hurry) Maria held it up and challenged its creator.

“Is this thing for real?”

Mitch, who was making a show of mopping up the spilled mineral water, glanced up.

“Which one is that? The Conscious/Subconscious one, or the Phenotypic Trait Sharing in Sibling Mice?”

“The Conscious/Unconscious one.” Maria replied, obviously on the edge of her seat.

Mitch finished wiping up then took his time sitting down again, knowing the wait would only heighten her suspense... and hopefully help reinforce her susceptibility as well.

“Oh that's real alright.” He replied with utter conviction. “That work there is going to be the new foundation for all neural programming.”

Maria looked incredulous.

“But it says here the results were obtained with only one session!”

Mitch nodded.

“That's right, and that's what's so great about it; the simplicity! So many of our problems stem from the inability of the conscious and unconscious minds to communicate properly. Once you work out a more efficient process then everything becomes much clearer. The possibilities are endless!”

Terrence watched his girlfriend's reactions. He could tell she was hooked.

Maria was hooked. All she could think of was her dilemma and how this could be the cure. Still she didn't want to sound too needy or desperate. 'Better to play it safe'

“What if someone were to try and use this process for... Oh, I don't know...” She paused, pretending to come up with an example. “Weight loss maybe? Or sticking to a health regimen?”

Mitch didn't hesitate for a second.

“Oh it'd be perfect for that. In fact my assistant Janice...” He paused to look at Terrence. “You know Janice right?”

Terrence pretended to struggle with a memory, before suddenly having a spark of recognition.

“Isn't she that tall skinny thing? The one with the pony-tail and glasses?”

Mitch nodded.

“The very one, only she didn't used to be skinny at all. In fact she was quite overweight.”

Maria's jaw practically hit the floor.

“She didn't!”

“She did. All it took was one ten minute session and the weight practically fell off her.”

Terrence felt he had to chime in, though it was obvious Maria was buying the whole spiel.

“One session and she went from heavy to healthy? Come on!”

Terrence went with the improvisation.

“Its true, but don't think of it as a magic pill. Janice's mind was simply able to properly identify with healthy choices and their beneficial consequences. Same with unhealthy choices. Once you remove the miscommunication, temptation to do bad things simply disappears.”

Terrence tried to mimic his girlfriend's enthusiasm.

“Do you think you could do a little demonstration?” He urged.

Mitch nodded.

“Sure why not?”

Terrence smiled.

“Good because I was wondering if you could...”

“DO ME!!” Maria interrupted.

Both men looked at the excited redhead. Neither had to fake their surprise.

“Alright, just stare into the fire...”

Maria followed Mitch's soothing instructions.

“Aren't the flames relaxing? Just let... ... ...”

And on the suggestions went, gently guiding Maria into a different degree of consciousness. For Mitch, a practiced Hypnotherapist, this was a piece of cake. In less than four minutes Maria was right where he wanted her.



“What is your ideal weight? The weight you long for and strive so hard to achieve?”

“114 pounds.”

Mitch nodded, scratching his almost non-existent goatee.

“And what was your weight this morning?”

Maria frowned slightly at the recollection.

“117 pounds.”

“That's not right." He corrected. "It was 113 pounds. Don't you remember? Can't you see it?"

Maria struggled for maybe another second or so before her facial features relaxed; a smile forming on those sexy lips of hers.

“Oh yes I remember now. You're right it was 113 pounds!”

“I bet you're proud of that, exceeding your goal by a whole pound.”

“Oh you got that right!” Maria answered exuberantly.

Her whole body radiated pride and confidence. Mitch pressed on.

“You know, since you've exceeded your goal, you could relax a bit today... maybe cut loose a little bit.”

“I guess so.”

“Oh, you know so. All that diligence deserves some reward. Tell you what. Whenever you exceed your goal by at least a pound you can relax and enjoy yourself. Am I right?”

Maria beamed. “You're right, I deserve a reward.”

Mitch let that sink in a second. “You want to know something else?”

Maria cocked her head in anticipation. “Yes.”

“Whenever you weigh yourself, you will have exceeded your goal by a pound. Every time you weigh yourself you will see that number you've worked so hard to obtain. Maria, you've earned it.”

Maria visualized this, recalling all the effort and planning she'd put into her workouts. All the skipped or slimmed down meals flashed across her mind as well. 'I really do deserve a little treat'

“Now Maria, we need to talk a bit about why you wanted to have this session.”


“It was good to hear about all the progress you've made eating healthy and keeping your weight down, but unless you deal with the real problems in your life, you'll never fully enjoy your achievement.

Fine lines of worry played across Maria's forehead. Seeing this, Mitch acted quickly.

“Oh, don't worry, its nothing serious. In fact, the solution is so simple and easy you'll be free from any worry in just a few minutes.”

Maria visibly relaxed, and stared blissfully into the fire. 'He's right, there's nothing to worry about' In fact try as she might, Maria couldn't even recall what had been bothering her.

At this point Terrence leaned over and whispered into Mitch's ear.

“Where're you going with this?”

Truth be told, Mitch didn't know. He hadn't planned this far. It'd only just occurred to him that Maria's distress and disjunction had been so deep that a little misdirection might be needed to divert attention from the initial problem. After all, a relapse now would be far more traumatic than doing nothing.



When I say the word “Pickle” again you won't hear anything either I or Terrence say until I say “Ontario”, understand?


“Ok then. Pickle.” Mitch winked at Terrence then turned back to his patient. “Maria, I have a raging hard-on, could we have a quickie before we continue?”

Maria acted as if he hadn't said a word and continued to stare into the fire. In fact the only reaction at all was a rather sharp punch to his shoulder from Terrence.


Terrence glared at his friend, but in truth, wasn't upset at all... just a bit shocked.

“So? What's next?”

Mitch explained to him the need for a genuine issue to be supplanted for Maria's old one.

“So, is there something else bothering her?”

Terrence thought about it for a bit, then remembered Maria's comments about the gals at work.

“Well, there's some people at work that are jealous of her looks. They keep on bringing up hurtful things just to feel better about themselves.”

Mitch nodded. He knew the type. “Ok, that'll do. Ontario.”

Maria instantly shifted her gaze from the fire to Mitch's smiling face.

“Maria, from now on any hurtful comment from people around you will mean nothing to you. They're just petty and jealous and want to bring you down to make themselves feel better. Understand?”


“So, if a co-worker would tell you something that you were enjoying was stupid would it bother you?”


“And why wouldn't it bother you?”

“Because they are just being petty and jealous.”

“That's right.”

Maria smiled happily at the praise.

“So, since that was the issue you wanted to work through, and you've solved the problem we can end the session right?”


OK, I'm going to count back from three, and when I snap my fingers you will awake recalling only how we solved your issue with your jealous co-workers.”

“Jealous and petty.” Maria corrected.

Mitch smiled at that. Everything was going perfectly. He had no doubts that Terrence and Maria were past her weight phobia. “Ok Maria. Three... Two... One...”


At the sudden sound Maria jumped as if startled, then turned to the two men beaming.

“Mitch! I think it worked!”

He looked down at her, all calm and confident. “Of course it did. I told you it was a simple procedure. So, how do you feel?”

“Oh I feel great!”

“So, none of those hurtful comments are going to bother you anymore?”

Maria didn't hesitate a second. “Of course not. I don't know why I made such a big deal out of it.” Maria shook her head in disbelief at her prior behavior. “They're just petty and jealous.”

Mitch nodded, then repeated his earlier thought. “I know the type. And deep down you did too, that's why it doesn't bother you now. All we had to do was clear up that miscommunication between your conscious and unconscious minds.”

Maria still looked a bit overwhelmed with joy. “I just can't thank you enough. I feel like this huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders.”

“Hey, no big deal. What'd it take? Ten, twelve minutes? How could I not do something so simple to help a friend?”

Maria was serious. “No, I mean it. Thanks.”

“Not a problem, really. In fact is there anything else bothering you? We could wrap that up as well while we're here.”

Maria tried to think of something; scrunching her eyebrows as she did so in that manner that Terrence always thought sexy. “Nope.” She replied after a few moments recollection. “Nothing I can think of.”

Mitch appeared to ponder her response. “Are you sure?” He prodded. “Nothing else is giving you trouble... like say your weight for instance?”

Terrence winced at that; his whole body tensing up for her reaction.

Maria, however, hardly gave it a thought. In fact her response was one of incredulity. “Mitch Tannenbaum! You should know better than to ask a woman about her weight!” She chastised playfully. “Besides I'll have you know I weigh less than my goal weight.”

Mitch held up his hands protectively in mock defeat. “Ok! Ok! I'm sorry. Its just that so many women worry about their weight. In fact you'd be surprised how many thin women obsess about it. Its one of my biggest requests.”

Terrence was stunned. 'What is he thinking'

Maria, however was equally stunned. She couldn't believe a woman her size would worry about her weight, or that Mitch would think her so shallow as to be one of them. 'That's just ridiculous'

Mitch sighed, then clapped his hands together. “Good! If that's all, then how about we retire to the kitchen? I'm starved.”

Again Terrence tensed, though after the way Maria responded he held a stronger glimmer of hope. It was one thing to get her to deny a problem theoretically... but to actually confront her with food?

Maria nodded in agreement. “Sounds good to me. Terrence are you hungry for a bite?”

Was he ever! “Count me in.”

“Well, I had a wonderful time tonight.” Terrence remarked as they pulled into the drive.

Maria, who was cuddled up against him agreed. “Me too. We'll have to do that again sometime.”

“That's a deal. Except maybe we could have Mitch come over here instead?”

“That's a wonderful idea!” Maria responded.

With some trepidation she pulled away from Terrence and sat up, giving a sexy little stretch. It had felt so good snuggled up to him like that; feeling her husband's warmth and strength. For some reason she felt like ages had passed since they'd spent a relaxing evening together.

Unbuckling his seat belt, Terrence moved to open the car door, then sensing Maria's odd silence, looked over. He was met by her thoughtful expression; one of joy and sadness. Terrence returned a similar one back. “I love you,” he said.

Maria felt her heart melt. “I love you too.”

Their lips met in what had meant to be their usual brush of a kiss, but quickly turned into something much deeper. Pulling apart this time was much harder, though both felt their passion deserved a better setting. In an instant the car's doors flew open and they made their way to the house. Terrence, in his eagerness dropped the house keys twice trying to unlock their front door. Maria responded with a playful giggle... almost causing the keys to fall a third time.

What followed was a tangle of limbs and discarded clothes as the two lovers made their way to the bedroom. Terrence and Maria almost didn't make it, to succumb to their desire along the way. But by some miracle collapsed onto the bed as one.

Continued in post #3

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