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Jun 14, 2006
Ahhh... I figured that would catch your attention :D

I wanted everyone to please take a second and read this post.

This Labor Day weekend, I was looking for a place to go party and have a good time. And I choose Heavenly Bodies www.superbbw.com

It was on of the best choices I have EVER made. I arrived Friday to find that the parking was VERY BBW friendly!! Tons of parking spaces in front of the building, no large parking garage attached. I go right in and the desk is right there. A very friendly woman helps me with my reservation. I go to the elevator less then 10 steps away and up to my room, my very clean, cool room I might add.

I went downstairs to the party and I walk in the door, to great you is Heather...I haven't seen Heather in over 14 years since our NY party days ( Yes everyone we have been representing for BBWs for a very long time!! and we still look 21....OK OK 24 geez )

She is so wonderful and warm its like I had just seen her last week. And guys shes beautiful in the photos but SUPER beautiful in person!! Next to her is Ann Marie I recognize her immediately because shes smiling and its the same radiant smile that brightens her photos!!

I turn to the right and im like WOW im only here 5 minutes and look at this incredibly handsome man, he looked so tall and strong, so I said Hello, and it was Johnny Heather's husband, so I said ( Wow not only is Heather beautiful shes lucky as heck, hes so handsome )

I walk in a little more and I get the biggest smile on my face of the night..... Its Ned Sonntag!!!!!!!! I recognized him immediately and I give him a big hug and he was the brightest star of my weekend, it was so wonderful to meet him after reading so many of his wonderful post. And his hair would make anyone jealous, its incredible!! And I saw him all night all over the place, hes the man on the dance floor!! Ned Sonntag has my vote for the Coolest dude for 07 hands down!!!

EVERYONE was so nice, and polite. And ladies the men are REAL BBW lovers, you could tell that they really appreciated and admired the Big beautiful women in the room. And guys the sexy ladies ran from 200, 300, 400, 500. 600 what ever your taste was they were there!!!

After the party was a pool party and you got to see all of those sexy BBW and SSBBWs in the pool!! Beautiful men and women everywhere!! While I was on the other side of the room eating delicious pasties with Heather! It was sooo good.
(mental note...Find that bakery!!)

And also if you have a friend who wants to come out with you and shes slim she will feel welcomed also! I saw a few slim women there also, having a wonderful time!! As big women asking the world to accept us as we are, we show no prejudice to anyone wanting to party with us.

I saw the beautiful Carla, and I meet her husband for the first time (wrestlingguy) Very handsome distinguished man!!! Carla and Heather have 2 winners let me tell you!!

Sunday there were events through out the day, including a buffet, a game room, Karaoke, and then another party Sunday night.

I frequent BBW parties often and im known for staying alone and pretty shy actually ( go figure......lol ) by myself in a little corner. I usually slide in a party and before the party ends I slide out.

At Heather's party??? I begged my coworker Al to sing a song with me at Karaoke. He agreed and I got up and sang and I loved it!!

I meet wonderful people all weekend long, Another one of my favorites was Kat when we talked I felt like I have known her for years!!! I meet a wonderful young lady lipmixgirl, shes so full of fire and spunk, she was singing and dancing all night, her energy was so contagious. a wonderful man Steve and his girlfriend Lisa! The very nice people at Libra Friends photography for taking my photo, they were also very nice!! And there were 4 young ladies that danced together all night, I didnt get their names but I will next time. Because I will be back!! Being single sucks, but there you dont feel alone at all, I met a man named Jay incredibly charming and so handsome ( I will keep you posted......... :)

I had a wonderful time!! and what I want to say to you all is. People stop and save up to go to Vegas for 5-7 days. Just to have the fun I had in a weekend. Im not knocking Vegas at all, what im saying is stop and save to make a trip to Mass.

Its more then worth it!! You can fly right into Boston and its a short drive over!!
You will be so glad you did!! Not only are there Heather's Sexy Big Cuties models all over the place, all of the women are beautiful!! And the men very handsome!!

I could go on for hours.

But I will end by saying I have been a big part of the BBW acceptance movement for 15 years, im not new to the BBW world by a long shot. And I have partied many many places, so please trust me when I say, I know a good BBW party. And Heavenly Bodies is an exceptional BBW party!!

Watch the superbbw website, and treat yourself to a trip . I live in Virginia and it was a 9 1/2 hour drive, I got someone to drive me down, I would do it again in a heart beat. And WILL be doing it again!!!

Thank you Heather and everyone for making me feel so comfortable!!

I am making myself an Honorary BigCutie :batting:

Thank you!!!


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