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Queen of Contempt
Oct 4, 2005
I've been working 60 hour weeks since..February and it is starting to take its toll. My friend saw me coming in from the parking lot and said it looked like I was having difficulty walking. Apparently I am staggering or something.

I have placed 2 cats and am intaking 6, including a litter of 4 kittens. That will bring me to a total of 21. I do have one on hold scheduled to go home 4/22. It is now Wednesday. There were 54 cats dumped at a no kill shelter in Kyle Monday and 30 dumped at a kill shelter in Austin Tuesday and I can't take a single one. People complain about the high adoption fees, but we can't really adopt out for less - I am still spending more than the adoption fee (sometimes much more) on each cat. It is all tax deductible, so I will get a whopping deduction at the end of the year, but financially and emotionally I can't take on more than I am already doing, and it isn't even a DROP IN THE BUCKET. It drives me MAD.

Oh yeah, then there is school. I'm managing to keep up with one class but I am going to have to drop the other. There is just no way.

Just wanted to vent a little. I've been mainlining sugar and caffeine again today to stay awake, and it is only Wednesday. At least I have the next 2 days off.

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