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Obama involved in dirty Massachusetts governor's race?

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Dec 29, 2005
I'm going to tell you a story, its all conjecture based on what's come out in the Massachusetts governor's race in the past few days, but I think its very possible and even likely:

Deval Patrick, friend of Barack Obama's, campaigns in a bid to become the first African American governor of Massachusetts. Many consider his campaign with the slogan "Together we can" the prototype for Obama's presidential "Yes we can" campaign.

Patrick succeeds but years later his poll numbers showed him in danger of not winning re-election. Desperate, Patrick comes up with a scheme to have his treasurer Tim Cahill run as a right-leaning independent to act as a spoiler to drain votes from his Republican challenger to ensure his re-election. Patrick doesn't have the juice to buy the popular Cahill off with. Its not like he could appoint him to a job any better than state treasurer right? So he calls his good buddy Barack Obama, Obama could make the guy Postmaster General or something.

Cahill isn't getting good enough poll numbers so he takes advantage of his position of treasurer to appear in ads for the state lottery giving himself free television exposure. This doesn't sit right with pesky ethics laws and he starts getting investigated. Cahill's running mate who wasn't in on the scam starts getting suspicious and becomes convinced this race isn't for real and jumps ship taking some Washington DC Republican strategists that Cahill hired with him. Cahill files lawsuits to shut Loscocco and company up but Loscocco ends up talking anyway claiming that Cahill strategized with Patrick's campaign to coordinate attack ads against Republican gubernatorial challenger Charlie Baker.

Patrick's re-election chances seem to be sinking with the news flurry but Obama will probably come out squeaky clean.

There's no evidence for any link to Obama, that's just wild speculation based on his relationship with Patrick as well as Cahill's friendship with David Axelrod.

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