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Obama Rejects Rush Limbaugh Golf Match: Rush 'Can Play With Himself'

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Aug 27, 2009
Obama Rejects Rush Limbaugh Golf Match: Rush 'Can Play With Himself'

A new book claims that President Obama refused to play golf with conservative talk radio star Rush Limbaugh.

In "Rush Limbaugh: An Army of One," which is due out later this month, author Zev Chafets reports that the President rebuffed a suggestion to meet his nemesis on the links. From the New York Post's Page Six:

When President Obama was asked if he would play a round of golf with his talk-radio nemesis Rush Limbaugh, the response, relayed by a top Democrat, was: "Limbaugh can play with himself."
Page Six reports that Chafets offered to ask the White House if Obama would play golf with Limbaugh, and Limbaugh said to "go ahead," predicting "nothing will come of it." Chafets then got in touch with "a very senior Democratic activist" who supposedly conveyed the request to the White House and returned with the message: "Limbaugh can play with himself."

Last month, Obama called Limbaugh and fellow conservative media star Glenn Beck "troublesome."

Maybe with a little help from a magnifying glass and tweezers

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