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Of interest to the video gamers here. Hillary is at it again.

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Jack Skellington

Grim Grinning Ghosts
Sep 29, 2005
Hillary Clinton is introducing the Family Entertainment Protection Act .


The "Family Entertainment Protection Act" is equally ominous and vague at the same time. Things like unspecified fines, legal action against publishers and retailers, random investigations of retailers, and private citizens filling complaints if they feel a game rating wasn't sufficient.

But this is not censorship? What? No retailer will want the hassle of carrying an M rated game when the possibility of lawsuits, investigations and legal action against the retailer and even possibly the salesperson selling the game looms over their heads.

All under the guise of protecting Children. Yeah, right.

Hillary of course is ignoring the stuff on TV that is beamed into people's households everyday. But she wouldn't want to go after her friends in Hollywood when she wants to run for president. Much easier and to go after the old scapegoat of video games. No Doom 3 for you! Go home and watch some wholesome Hollywood productions like Sopranos, Desperate Housewives and Reality TV.

Big Brother, er Big Sister is watching the games you play.