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okay, should _this_ bother me?

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Ample Pie

Fattitude Problem
Aug 15, 2006
, Undiagnosed
I realize that in the relatively short time I've posted here, I've probably shown that I can get up on my high horse, but I also hope I've been as ready to say "I'm wrong." I know I can be reactive and that a little perspective is a good cure for that, so I'm asking for some here :).

This is part of a banner that runs on a site I visit. I've cropped out only the name of the site (don't want to advertise for them here) and haven't changed it in any other way:


When I saw it, I was kind of offended and then more astounded by the generalization. I wrote to the guy who runs the site (and who also made the banner) and I told him that it's insensitive and judgmental. He told me I was too sensitive and that he was blocking me from emailing him.

I guess I should just ignore such things; all people are entitled to their opinions. But I didn't even address it like I was trying to change his mind, just in a way to let him know that such generalizations aren't always fair. Did I jump the gun here?

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