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On Obama, Health, and Fat People

Dimensions Magazine

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Socialist Cat Man
Sep 30, 2005
I just read this thread about the Politico article.

I hate to be a broken record, comrades, but to all who are concerned where health policy is going for the adipose, answer me a few things.

Have you kept abreast of the government's health policy sites?

Have you gone to any of the public meetings that have happened?

Have you gone to any meetings of your local federal or state legislators and said anything about it?

Are you going to the NAAFA/ASDAH conventions in DC this year and joining the day on the hill?

Have you called in on programs about health or "obesity" topics and raised the alternative?

I just posted in several of the NAAFA groups about Pacifica's elections. I might as well include that here. Pacifica Radio's five primary stations, in Berkeley, West Hollywood, D.C., Manhattan, and Houston are in the nomination periods for their local station boards, which are elected by a vote of the paying listeners and who elect from their own ranks to the foundation's national board. Check out Pacifica's web site, they write in big letters that they want community organizations to nominate members to run. This is the only media network in the entire country the local and national boards of which are democratically elected.

Yes, Obama and his wife are fitness nuts. Which is exactly why I think they have to hear early and often about Health At Every Size. They need to know there are options out there for many fat people other than the ones that have so obviously failed for so long, and who knows, if we push for it enough, HAES will be a part of whatever goes forward, even if it is socialized to some degree - after all, if the government is going to carry some of the population's health coverage, they're going to want to hear about anything that might work better than what has already been attempted!

It is easy to have a left attitude about this right now, because it is very apparent still that the majority of fat Americans have not heard of fat-acceptance or HAES other than in very sketchy terms provided by mainstream channels, and at best rebel in spontaneous ways which often correspond to abandoning the health discussion and leaving it in the hands of those who do intend to force reduction upon them. Like it or not, WE ARE THE VANGUARD, and if we are to have our views heard where it matters, we need to act like one.

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