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One of the Fortunate Few

Dimensions Magazine

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Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2007
Our 17 month old daughter went to the doctor today for an ear infection (i.e. a routine childhood issue). Thanks to a decent union contract (thanks SEIU) our copay was only ten dollars and the Amoxicillin another ten -- my wife also got paid time off to take our unhappy child to the doctor.

Because of our good fortune (good fortune bought with years of effort by past an present union members) we didn't have decide if we could afford to take our baby to the doctor today, we didn't have to decide to pay the doctor and not the utilities, we didn't have to worry about loosing pay or getting fired, we didn't have to decide whether to buy our baby antibiotics or food.

Millions of people, and young families in particular, are not nearly so fortunate and do face these decisions. The fact that some many people are so insecure in such a rich country is a travesty.

The fact that the Tea People are going ballistic over very modest reforms designed to help our fellow citizens is beyond unconscionable.

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