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(Over-) Decorating for the Holidays

Dimensions Magazine

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Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2005
My dear hubby Art is in South Bend, Indiana for a few days for his job, so last evening I visited my parents for dinner. It is painfully obvious that my mother has a severe case of the dreaded Holiday Decoration Withdrawal.

You know the type. In October, Mom puts up cutesy Halloween decorations with adorable little vampires, bats, black cats, etc. Then in November, Mom switches over to cutesy Thanksgiving regalia: Pilgrims, turkeys, etc. December becomes a major logistical accomplishment, because I swear her house is stuffed solid with so many Christmas decorations that visitors can hardly move without knocking over something, and so many lights that her electric meter spins around like a slot machine. Now I can't stand those Christmas songs about the two front teeth or the stocking with the hole in the toe. Her Christmas decorations linger for a few days into the New Year, and then down they come and Valentine junk sprouts all over her house. Afterward, her house becomes a sanctuary for faux Easter bunnies and Easter eggs. Of course the redeeming factors are all those yummy holiday goodies (you can never have too many dark chocolate Easter bunnies :) ), but I have my limits (wayyyy too many white-chocolate-covered Christmas-tree-shaped pretzels :( ).

I don't know how Dad puts up with all of that. He's pretty easygoing, but every so often his inner wise guy comes out ("One year your mother had so much Christmas stuff, I tripped and was knocked unconscious, and nobody found me in the clutter for 3 days." "Very funny.")

Now Mom is all fidgety because for the first time in 6 months, she has no holiday decorations anywhere. Yesterday I hardly recognized her house because I could actually see the furniture! So I suggested patriotic stuff for Armed Forces Day or Memorial Day or Flag Day or even Independence Day, but she's not interested. Thank goodness the spring weather is warming up so Mom can tend to her flowers outside.