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Personal Celebration

Dimensions Magazine

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Dec 26, 2006
today was a day of personal celebration for me, so i thought i'd share the best day of my new year with all of you in my first post thingy.
the reason for celebration today is because, i do believe that my girlfriend has finally been able to let herself enjoy being fat.
let me fill you in on the back ground story. my GF and i have been together for 2&1/2 years. when we first got together she weighed 190lbs. during the first 6 months she lost 30 of it. then one day when i decided that i couldn't stand it any more i let her know that i was an FA. i expected that she would be put off by this, but to my surprise the only thing she said was that she was happy, because big girls need love too. over the next two years she's been steadily gaining it back. she's also been terribly upset about it. every five pounds she would pout and get angry and so on. at some point i asked her why she got so upset about it. she likes to eat whatever whenever she wants, i enjoy it, she likes to lounge around and relax. so why did she get so upset? she said simply that she didn't want to get big. i replied, 'but you are big.' i suggested that if the scale made her so upset, then why not get rid of it? she ignored that idea until about two months ago, when she anounced that she was sick of living life by the scale and decided to get rid of it. she probably gained at least ten pounds since then putting her up to about 250, but hasn't said much about it. we've recently moved and something about being destracted with that, must've done something, because her whole attitude seems to have changed. while she used to complain about how big she was getting now she complains about how small her clothes are. she gives me suggestive looks while eating sweets that she's never given me before. today though, was AMAZING. she suggested that we go out to lunch at a local seafood place, called "McGrath's", because she had a coupon for a free dessert. i happily agreed. she was really looking forward to the fish and chips. when we got to the restraunt we sat in a booth by a window near the back. when she sat down she complained about how they need to make the booths bigger. the waitress brought a basket of bread and butter along with the menus. she then anounced the specials, one of which was a crab plate. my girlfriend loves crab, and became torn between the fish and chips and the crab. i, half jokingly suggested taht she gets both and that we can just take the leftovers home. now, i've said things like that before, but usually she gives me a look od dissatisfaction, but this time she said 'You think so?' i said why not? and she agreed that it was a good plan. we split a bowl of clam cowder while waiting for out food. we got two refills on the bread before the food showed up. then it came, i could hear my GF MOAN while she ate the chunks of crab dripping with butter. i have to admit that i was staring. when she was done with the crab she asked me what i wanted for dessert. she started nibbling on the fish and chips as she flipped through the dessert menu. about half way through her F & C she decided on bread pudding. she continued to nosh on fries until the plate with the huge pile of bread pudding and ice cream arrived. we both started eating and i was too stuffed before we even finished the first quarter of it, but she kept going. about three quarters into it, she says 'I'm getting kinda full.' i tell her to try and eat just a few more bites. i've said things like this before also, but normally she stops eating when i say this. this time she said 'Okay.' and continued to eat. she had about two more bites and i told her that she was almost done and how great she was doing, and she finished the WHOLE THING! as we were leaving i expected her to start complaining about how her stomach hurt and pouting about how she shouldn't have eaten so much, but instead all she said was 'I think i over did it in there. I need a nap to let my tummy settle." those were her exact words!! i was floating, i had never been so close to ecstacy. we mad passionate love later that evening after she felt like she wouldn't burst. so that's why i'm celerating, sorry the post was so long, i just wanted to share. thanx!!

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