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Pixar - Keeping the ladies down in "Up"?

Dimensions Magazine

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Veni, vidi, Lionel Richie
Jan 2, 2007
Minneapolis, MN
Salon and NPR articles from women discussing the lack of strong, female lead characters in Pixar films. The overall desire seems to be for spunky, tough, kick-ass leads instead of Princess-type stereotypes. SPOILERS AHEAD

Seems the big beef in Up is we get a really independent, likable character in Ellie, only to see her killed off in the first 20 minutes, even though she forms most of the underlying framework for the story.

I just went for the talking dogs, people. I didn't expect a film that covered the entire emotional spectrum of the human experience. I didn't even realize Russell was Asian-American! I for one was more surprised at the subtle insertion of a single-parent, absentee father household for the boy, and how he identified with the grandfatherly main character. I guess there is subtext in everything.

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