So this is something I’m about which I’m curious (and I apologize in advance for the rambling nature of this post: the vodka & tonic is hitting): threads about BHMs in entertainment invariably seem to skew towards comedians. This is interesting to me, since my own taste in deliciously large men runs to the more serious actors: Orson Welles, Raymond Burr, Laird Cregar, and more recent guys like Brian Dennehy and Robbie Coltrane (I know, initially a comedian but I first saw him in Cracker, a serious role). Even when they’re playing complete psychos, there’s something about the girth and power of BHMs in serious roles that melts me in a way BHM comedians just don’t. So my “fellow” FFAs who prefer the funny guys, what is it that does it for you? (BHMs…your opinions welcome too