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What's new pussycat?
Jan 14, 2006
....send a little Christmas cheer my and my mom's way. I'm a pretty proud and stoic person, and I'm usually loathe to ask for anyone's help, but here goes:

This year has been especially difficult for me and my mom. As you may or may not know, she has terminal colon cancer and I am her primary caregiver (only child, father died when I was 13). She has been fighting this battle now for 3 years and this year she said enough is enough and has stopped treatment due to complications, and we now have hospice helping us out. In September, I had to put my best furry friend to sleep (The "rose" in Genarose), and then three weeks ago my mom's brother died from emphysema. This past Thanksgiving weekend, while we did get to see some family and friends, it was with heavy hearts and heavy expressions as people saw my mother and how sick she is.

I hope to make this as good of a Christmas as I can for my mom. I love the Christmas season, and that is directly in thanks to my mom. She is the most generous person I know and she always taught me that the joy in Christmas is in the giving and not in the getting, welcoming people in who have nobody, giving to those without, sharing whatever we can, emotionally, spiritually or monitarily, no matter how small to anybody who has less and to be grateful that we have it to give.

This year, my emotional/spiritual barrel is practically empty. I'm still giving what I can, doing more giving of money as time is my most precious comodity. But as hard as it is to say it, this is probably going to be our last Christmas together, and it's tearing me apart.

If you know what it's like from experience to either be the caregiver or the loved one who is sick, then you know that a lot of the time you live in a limbo state, holding on to good, trying to remain upbeat and positive, while the ever-present shadow of sickness still looms. Futures are uncertain, pain is a daily occurrence, and yet you still try to keep a smile on your face, living in the moment and trying to keep those moments as positive as possible.

So what I humbly ask is this...please send a little Christmas joy our way. A card or letter-writing campaign would be greatly appreciated by me and my mom. And if it's not to us, then send it to someone in your life that needs it right now. I know I'm not the only one on this board who has had losses this year or who is living with cancer, and whether or not we ask for it, we all need some extra Christmas spirit sent our way so that we can live in these moments with as much joy as possible.

Thanks for listening, Gena