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Proving them wrong...

Dimensions Magazine

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Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2007
As a fat and size accepting community, I'm sure we've all heard people say 'fat people can't do that..' or 'no one loves fat people...'

Can't. Won't. Will never. Shouldn't.

I hate those words. When people say them, I tend to do everything in my power to prove them wrong. That's how I am.

So, I was talking to a friend a while ago and was talking about how I'd love to do some gymnastic stuff, since I loved it so much as a child. He proceeded to tell me I could never do it. His reason? I was too fat. I wouldn't be able to bend, move, pull myself up onto anything...Those were his words in a can.

So, in spite, I took a picture after the conversation was over and also showed him one from a month or so ago. Needless to say my friend hasn't said what I can or can not do because of my fat.

Here's the pic taken after that convo (today. Warning, panties!): http://atlantisak.deviantart.com/art/Flexible-2-TEST-115087888
There is also another one in my gallery with me doing a split.

So, fat people aren't flexible? Can't bend and move?

Does anyone else try to prove others wrong about their judgements about us?

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