she's been gone
I would like to hear from all the fabulous women here about how they deal with stretch marks. I'm not looking for magic cures as I know that once you have them, stretch marks are there to stay, despite what all the people trying to sell you lotions say. What I mean is, how do you deal with them emotionally, do stretch marks affect your self esteem and your ability to show your body to a potential partner? I'm asking because I have a big issue with this, and I have refused to go out on dates before because of it. I didn't want to deal with the possibility of the date(s) going well and maybe leading to me having to undress. :blush:
I would also like to hear from the men here. Do you find stretch marks to be a big turn off or maybe they don't really matter if you like the person? Honesty is appreciated, thanks.
I would like to hear from all the fabulous women here about how they deal with stretch marks. I'm not looking for magic cures as I know that once you have them, stretch marks are there to stay, despite what all the people trying to sell you lotions say. What I mean is, how do you deal with them emotionally, do stretch marks affect your self esteem and your ability to show your body to a potential partner? I'm asking because I have a big issue with this, and I have refused to go out on dates before because of it. I didn't want to deal with the possibility of the date(s) going well and maybe leading to me having to undress. :blush:
I would also like to hear from the men here. Do you find stretch marks to be a big turn off or maybe they don't really matter if you like the person? Honesty is appreciated, thanks.