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Question on Dining Preferences

Dimensions Magazine

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Slow Dance Aficionado
Oct 20, 2005
I often wonder about Dining preferences of Dimmers. I'm not sure if this question was ever asked in an earlier thread and if it's a repeat - my apologies.

I enjoy eating out and have no problem requesting comfy accommodations either for my date or myself. I can enjoy a meal with good company as well as dining alone.

I admit that I don't care to much for fast food joint and will eat at them on a rare/on occassion basis. I'm talking more about going to a "non-fast food" type of place in your area.

Do some of you feel the same way? Is there a differences for BHM vs. BBWs?

Assuming you found the restaurant of your choosing that had all of the following (perfect food- great seating- wonderful atmosphere)...

1.Would you feel just as comfy eating there alone?

2.Would you prefer a company or group setting?

3.Would you order take out and just eat at home ?