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Racism - In The Plus Sized Community

Dimensions Magazine

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Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2005

We go through Racism in daily life sometimes. But how does this affect a community such as ours. Fat crosses all lines and we are hated in general. Are the statments true? Are certain acts racist or are they just preference? Is being fat easier for certain races? How can we leave race behind on the path to size acceptance? LOOKING FOR PEOPLE WHO WANT TO SPEAK ABOUT THIS TOUCHY SUBJECT!!!!

NEXT WEEKS SHOW! - Racism In The Fat Community!
Yes this is online radio which means anyone from anywhere in the world can listen live and CALL IN or ask questions in the CHAT ROOM!!!
Come on my Radio Show to talk about this topic from
6-8pm eastern, 3-5 pacific, 4-6 mountain, 5-7 central.
This is when the show is live, but don't worry if you happen to miss it the show is recorded and set up to listen to at any time! :)

Visit My archived Radio Show - www.blogtalkradio.com/LargeInChargeRadio

give me some thoughts and opinions here I would love to bring it up on the show. Looking forward to your thoughts :)


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