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Reflections on The Bash

Dimensions Magazine

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C Side BBW Lover

Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2006
, 100% all male
Vegas Bash Thoughts

I couldn't begin to describe a hundredth of all that I experienced at the BBW Bash this past week. I can say that I have been permanently transformed, all for the better; I can tell you that I have associated with about 1000 of the world's most beautiful women; and I can tell you that I have made numerous long-lasting and deep friendships. I was able to get a sense of some of the passion that was present, and that I was able to shamelessly flirt and compliment women so beautiful that my standards of judging beauty will never be the same.

But even if I do all that, I can't convey the excitement; the energy; the mutual strength that everyone there received from each other. There was so much support and encouragement, and genuine praise and goodwill and concern for others that I felt as if I had been elevated to some higher realm.

I saw no sign of cattiness or competition between the women. I saw women dressing more brazenly than they ever had before in their lives, and receive nothing but perfect praise and encouragement for their confidence to do so. I saw 400 lb. gals wearing revealing thongs--and look sexier than any 100 lb. runway model I've ever seen. I saw powerful looks of admiration in many men’s eyes for most of the women there; as I said, they were 1000 of the world's greatest beauties, no matter whose standards they are judged by. The looks of admiration were not just directed at the women's physical beauty; it was every bit as much directed at their confidence, and their inner beauty.

I met some women whose photos I have been admiring for years. They were all universally appreciative of compliments, and were amazingly deep in character and personality.--Miss Stacie, for example. I was so impressed with her depth of character and femininity, I kissed her hand, and felt honored to have done so. I was fortunate that I was able to photograph many of these women, and I even have some shots of me with the world famous Brie Brown. If I hadn't made the effort to take these photos, the entire week would eventually fade into some daydream--which it most certainly was not. The incomparable Buffie, Dawn (and her husband Neil) --all of them incredibly enervating to me.

I even made a couple of male friends, and it was good to bond in that way, too...although our attentions and allegiances were directed towards the women. I’m hoping Emery, from Minneapolis, felt my goodwill for him and his situation. (Emery was a clone! of Mike Brady, from the Brady Bunch. It was fun to kid around with him)

It was such an exciting, enervating time for me that I got by on less than 4 hours sleep each night, and 1 meal per day. I hardly had time for a drink, let alone any gambling. My attention was focused on making new friendships and experiencing the collective energy that was present. I felt driven to give as much as I was getting. It was a magical time.

I met Barb, a heavily-freckled psychiatric nurse from South Florida. 32, never married, but compassion a mile deep, and of course, extraordinarily intelligent. Tina, also from South Florida, and also a nurse, became my "buddy" and we encouraged each other as the week went by. Her hints and invitations for me to visit her in Florida were quite a compliment. I met Cassie, a 38 year old, extremely wealthy and independent businesswoman from California. I should have mentioned Katie before any of them; I dubbed Katie the Queen of the entire event before the event even started. She was a stunningly regal and flawlessly beautiful woman. Her demeanor indicated that she was entirely unassailable, but when I finally was able to meet her, she turned out to be completely humble, open, down-to-earth and very approachable. I made a special effort to take photos of Katie. We shared a really good discussion, and I hope to carry on that discussion with her through emails. Katie truly was a dichotomy: one of the world’s greatest beauties, by any standards, but as sweet and kind-hearted as some girl-from-next-door. I even made good friends with her best friend, Jean, just for good luck. It would thrill me to have any ongoing contact with her.

Most everything was in good fun. There was no malevolence or vindictiveness present anywhere that I saw. The joy and love; the good natured splashing in the pool; the hugs; the camaraderie; all seemed too good to be true, but I witnessed it everywhere I went, and with everyone I met.

I did get stalked, or pursued by a couple of attendees.; one was on the ‘wrong’ side of 50, and it was frightening, even though it was brief. Another lady was in her 50s, and she, too was surprisingly aggressive, despite her shy nature. I’m not sure if I should have been flattered or afraid of that intense attention.

At one of the dances, I had been watching a redheaded gal clad in leather as she walked back and forth across the room several times. I was talking to my Emery and was watching her as she was in line for liquor. Suddenly she turned and winked at me; the most powerfully provocative flirt I had ever received in my life. Whether she meant it or not was irrelevant. At that moment, it was a huge compliment to me. I was flattered beyond my ability to respond. Surprisingly, that is as far as things ever went. I didn’t see her again until I was leaving for the airport the next day. Lisa is from South Carolina. Since I was trying to avoid my stalkers, I never did get a chance to find out any more about her.

It was an ego boost more powerful than anything I've ever received before in my life, to have been complimented and respected and listened to by these women. They loved the gray hair; they loved the outgoing personality, they liked the face, they liked the humor...they liked me for who I am...or who they saw me to be. I've never felt richer in my life!

The confidence of the women, as they walked and lounged around the pool, wearing their swimsuits was astounding. They looked good; they knew they looked good, and no-one ever walked very far without someone telling them how good they looked. If there was one axiom, it was that the more elegant or classy the swimsuit, the greater the adulation; from both sexes. My mind has been indelibly seared with images of beautiful women in thongs, bikinis, and low slung halters.

The sun shone consistently hot; the pool was exclusively set aside for the event; the hotel was well-equipped for everyone’s needs....even to the point of having 'porta-scoot' scooters available for rent. It is a shame that the Stardust will be torn down this fall.

There were a number of women who needed the scooters to get around. The wonderful part is that the chair-ridden women were as accepted and lionized as any of the other ones...some of them even moreso. I have a photo of a gal (Sherrie) in one of those chairs, and she looks stunning in an incredible lavender gown, despite that status.. If I could have met her, I would have enjoyed a dance with her, and rememberd it for life. No one drank to excess, any out-of-the-box behavior was discreet. I cannot get over how everyone was so much on the same page, emotionally. Everyone was there for essentially the same reasons; to socialize and get a hypodermic needleful of positive self-esteem, and there was nothing sordid or garish about any of it. We all danced, I didn't see any signs of jealousy. If there was drama, I didn't see it, and none of it was serious. no catfighting or eye-scratching.

Although it isn’t my place to say so, I did become aware of some extremely boorish and rude behavior on the part of some of the men. Many of the men, in fact. It appears that many came, thinking that the Bash was a ‘meat market‘, and that it would be “easy-pickings.” I heard a number of attempted pickup lines that should have earned the speaker a slap in the face; and in fact, I hope some of them did. I felt ashamed to be a man when I heard about some of those comments, and the attitude it belied. “What’s your room number,?“ for example. Or, “I would love to f*** the s*** out of you.“ I think I might have been moved to violence if I had heard any woman being insulted and assaulted like that.

There was also an entire class of men who clearly came to the event for the express purpose of getting laid, and even though a number of women recognized their presence for what it was; there was a surprising number of women who responded positively to their presence, and probably went upstairs with them. That was the only part of the Bash that angered me. Every single woman I saw at the Bash was a beautiful woman; on the inside as well as on the outside, and was deserving of respect and courtesy---as they always are. For them to have come to a place where they expected acceptance and respect, only to have been disrespected by a handful of predators disgusts me. I intend to take an even greater fraternal role next year, protecting whoever I can, however I can, from any verbal assaults on them.

I missed out on the Saturday Formal Ball. In a way, that was good. It would have been an emotionally difficult time to have said goodbye to everyone when they looked so good, and emotions were so deep. But by all accounts, I missed the dance and meal of a lifetime.

In all, it was a powerful, exciting experience---not just for me, but for most everyone who attended. I will go again, just to be able to experience the powerful emotional high that was so obviously present. Everyone contributed; everyone benefited. That is what the BBW community is all about.

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